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I. Find out the synonyms of the given words from the box below. (0.5x50=25%)

acquire _________ _________ evaluate _________ aid _________ forbid _________ _____ ____ adapt _________ inspire _________ amaze _________ insist _________ ______ ___ ancient _________ _____ ____ overlook _________ appropriate ________ ordinary _________ _______ __ amazement ________ _________ occupation ________ appreciate ________ origin _________ ____ _ __ benefit _________ _______ __ organize _________ ______ ___ behavior _________ _____ ____ possessions _________ cure _________ predict _________ ______ ___ concentrate ________ recommend _________ ____ _____ considerate ________ stress _________ depend _________ scared _________ declare _________ suspect _________ differ _________ talented _________ eager _________ tendency _________ eventually _________ variety ________ entry _________ worth _________ adjust announce advise astonish admire average antique action advantage value astonishment ban belongings common conduct doubt diversity entrance estimate establish enthusiastic encourage finally focus frightened trend thoughtful treat vary forecast form gain gifted help immemorial neglect obtain pressure profit prohibit proper persevere prophesy persist profession rely root shock suggest source

II. Choose the best answer. (1x40=40%)

1. The girl ____________ her mother for comfort when her good friend misunderstood her. A. turned back to B. turned out to C. turned to D. turned into 2. Let’s __________ the arguments again before we come to a conclusion. A. go through B. go on C. go round D. go ahead 3. The crazy man shot dead three people and ____________ several others. A. damaged B. injured C. wounded D. hurt 4. He had completely __________ her remark, preferring his own theory. A. paid too much attention to B. ignored C. refused D. declined

5. Load the paper, select the number of copies, and __________ press 'Print'. A .eventually B. at an end C. lastly D. at last

6. I won't waste any more of your ___________ time.

A .valued B. valuable C. valueless D. worthy 7. This species of dolphin is widely ____________ throughout the world.

A. presented B. distributed C. allocated D. passed on

8. Trains from Guangzhou to Shenzhen will run at __________ intervals from 7am to 11pm. A. ordinary B. common C. regular D. average 9. My __________ ambition is to be admitted into my dream university next year. A. hit B. heated C. firing D. burning 10. She __________ in tears when she heard the news.

A. broke down B. broke up C. broke away D. broke off 11. We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7:30, but he failed to _______.

A. turn down B. turn over C. turn around D. turn up 12. Recent pressure at study may __________ for his behavior.

A. explain B. account C. clarify D. classify

13. Everyone will be invited to vote, he said, __________ that voting is likely to be via the web. A. declaring B. implying C. announcing D. adding

14. An increasing number of senior three students are _________ their teachers about the ways to cope with study stress.

A. consulting B. confirming C. convincing D. confusing

15. Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. ________ it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.

A. Thus B. For C. Now that D. However 16. I should warn you in __________ that I'm not a very good dancer.

A. ahead B. advancement C. advance D. earlier 17. Smoking is one of the __________ causes of cancer.

A. vast B. major C. large D. minor 18. He gave no ___________ for what he was doing that evening.

A. explanation B. indication C. instruction D. directions 19. The schools in remote villages are rather _________ for equipment. A. rich B. badly off C. better off D. lacking 20. The fence ___________ our view of the sea.

A. cuts out B. cuts down C. cuts up D. cuts off 21. I'm having some flowers ___________ for her birthday.

A. transported B. transferred C. delivered D. exchanged

22. Nowadays more and more young people were ____ to the great threat to hearing caused by leisure noise.

A. exposed B. exploited C. exploded D. explored 23. Chinese scientists ________ a new theory on the origins of life.

A. put off B. put down C. put aside D. put forward 24. They set up a monument ________ those who died in the great earthquake.

A. in search of B. in memory of C. in danger of D. in honour of

25. Get a broom and _______ up the bits of paper and broken glasses on the floor, will you? A. speed B. swear C. sweep D. swell

26. Works of quite a few historians reveal DNA technology has been widely ____ history research. A. adapted to B. appealed to C. attached to D. applied to 27. _______, my best friend and I ended up working at the same advertising firm. A. By fortune B. By accident C. By coincidence D. By mistake 28. The speaker talked about sports in general and about football _________.

A. in conclusion B. in brief C. in consequence D. in particular 29. —How did it _______ that you made so many mistakes in your homework? —I myself haven’t figured it out yet.

A. bring about B. come about C. come across D. occur to

30. Death control can be achieved autonomously. _______, the death rate can be cut without anything else changing.

A. In a word B. In other words C. In a few words D. In plain words

31. If you set up your goal and start your preparations as early as possible, you will achieve your _______ to become one of the most famous designers in the future.

A. amusement B. appointment C. ambition D. ambulance

32. Teachers must be ______ of the progress that students are making and adjust instruction to the changing abilities of students.

A. aware B. available C. anxious D. awkward

33. In order to know more about society, students voluntarily ______ in the store after school. A. point out B. help out C. work out D. put out 34. The lost car of the Smiths was found _______ in the woods off the highway. A. abolished B. abandoned C. rejected D. abused

35. Do not _______ your hands and wave your arms outside while the vehicle is in motion. A. stick to B. strict with C. stick out D. strike on

36. I know you are busy, but do you think if you could spare us a few hours? We are ______ your experience abroad.

A. dying from hearing B. dying for hearing C. dying of hearing D. dying to hear

37. I've been working twelve hours a day, but I am afraid I shall not be able to ______. A. keep it out B. keep it up C. keep it down D. keep it off

38. His efforts to raise money for his program were ______ because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.

A. in effect B. in place C. in vain D. in sight

39. Never before has this ancient town been ____ greater ______ modern public transport than it is today.

A. in; terms of B. in; search of C. in; case of D. in; need of 40. From a long-term point of view, it is time for us to ____ solving this problem. A. set out B. set forward C. set back D. set about

III. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words:


1. They've just had an ____________ to the family. (add) 2. Those are _______ blankets. (wool)

3. It is even _________ to think of the horrors of nuclear war. (frighten)

4. Most of the students are making good progress but Jeremy seems a ________ case. (hope) 5. Columbus discovered America but did not _______ the new continent. (exploratory) 6. We should respect the ________ activities of the local people. (religion) 7. ___________ enough, he had never seen the little girl. (curiosity)

8. It is __________ accepted that smoking is harmful to our health. (general) 9. __________ all your pencils before the test. (sharp)

10. We have arranged to play tennis on Saturday, weather _______. (permit)

11. Like America, Canada is a large country with __________ cultures. (diversity)

12. ________ with a choice between risking the lives of his crew or abandoning the ship, the

captain decided to order an emergency evacuation. (face)

13. Ladies and gentlemen, please remain _____ until the plane has come to a complete stop. (seat) 14. Eugen’s never willing to alter any of his opinions. It’s no use _______ with him. (argue)

15. Do you want to leave everything to your wife in your will, or would you like anyone else

_______________? (mention)

IV. Fill in the blanks to complete the paragraphs with the given first letters or Chinese. (1x20=20%)

( A )

80-year-old Foshan man bent on spreading English

An 80-year-old man from Nanhai d 1 of Foshan, Guangdong P 2 , has authored and published three booklets in the past four years to help people learn the English language.

Tang Zaixing moved to Foshan from Hong Kong when new China was f 3 in 1949. That’s when his dream of learning English started 4 away(消退).

But after he r 5 from service in 1991, Tang started learning the language again.

Four years ago, he 6 (付印)his first oral English booklet while he was 7 (住院). He 8 (分发)copies of the booklet to doctors and nurses at the hospital.

Tang’s library has a huge 9 (收藏)of English books. B 10 that, the walls of his house are covered with English words.

( B )

The regular use of certain drugs causes physical dependence. This condition is called addiction. An addict’s body needs a drug so b____11_____ that pain or s____12_____ results if he or she does not use the drug regularly. Addicts also t____13_____ to develop drug tolerance, a condition which means they need larger a___14______ of a drug to have the required effect. Drug addiction can destroy or seriously damage a / an ____15_____ (个人的)health and personal life. It’s easier to p____16_____ drug abuse than to cure an addict. Most people who abuse drugs begin doing so in their t___17____ or early twenties. Parents of ____18___ (十几岁的青少年)should establish guidelines of ____19_____ (行为)and seek help from a doctor or a professional organization that provides ____20_____(援助).


I. Find out the synonyms of the given words from the box. (0.5x50=25%)

acquire obtain gain aid help adapt adjust amaze astonish ancient antique immemorial appropriate proper amazement astonishment shock appreciate admire benefit profit advantage behavior conduct action cure treat concentrate focus considerate thoughtful depend rely declare announce differ vary eager enthusiastic eventually finally entry entrance

evaluate estimate forbid prohibit ban inspire encourage insist persist persevere overlook neglect ordinary average common occupation profession origin source root organize establish form possessions belongs predict forecast prophesy recommend suggest advise stress pressure scared frightened suspect doubt talented gifted tendency trend variety diversity worth value

II. Choose the best answer. (1x40=40%)

1—5 C A C B C 6—10 B B C D A 11—15 D B D A A 16—20 C B A B D 21—25 C A D B C 26—30 D C D B B 31—40 C A B B C 36—40 D B C D D

III. Complete the sentences with the proper forms of the given words:


1. addition 2. woolen 3. frightening 4. hopeless 5. explore 6. religious 7. Curiously 8. generally 9. Sharpen 10. permitting 11. diverse 12. Faced 13. seated 14. arguing 15. to be mentioned

IV. Fill in the blanks to complete the paragraphs with the given first letters or Chinese. (1x20=20%)


1. district 2. Province 3. founded 4. fading 5. retired 6. printed 7. hospitalized 8. distributed 9. collection 10. Besides


11. badly 12. sickness / suffering 13. tend 14. amounts 15. individual’s 16. prevent 17. tens 18. teenagers 19. behaviour 20. assistance



