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Coleridge柯勒律治 in 1798. Coleridge’s chief contribution was his masterpiece The rime of the ancient mariner古舟子咏

1. Historical Background

French Revolution,American Revolution,The Industrial Revolution 2. Intellectual Background

Rousseau卢梭 (1712—1778) the French philosopher, is generally regarded as the father of romanticism.

English Romanticism: a kind of emotional outlook, an attitude towards life. Individual is the center of all life and experience, cast its eye on human being, individual, the intense强烈的 subjectivity主观性, concerned with nature, express s strong like for nature. Interest in supernatural; take an interest in the past—ancient civilization represented by Greece and Rome. 1832 was the year the Romantic writer Scott dies

1836 was the year when Queen Victoria inherited the throne, the start of Victorian Age.

The older generation: Wordsworth, Coleridge

The younger generation: Byron拜伦, Shirley雪莱, and Keats济慈 Characteristic features of the romantic movement( more can be added) (1) Subjectivism主观主义: imagination.

(2) Spontaneity自发性: A work of art must be original. The role of instinct

本能, intuition直觉, and the feeling of ― the heart‖ is stressed. (3) Singularity奇怪: Romantic poets have a strong love for the remote, the

unusual, the strange, the supernatural, the mysterious, the splendid壮丽的, the picturesque生动的, and the illogical. (4) Worship of nature:

(5) Simplicity: Romantic poets take to using everyday language spoken by

the rustic乡村的 people. A reviva复活 of folk literature, a sense of universal brotherhood, a growing sympathy for the suffering of the people.

(6) There is a dominating note of melancholy忧郁的 in the poems of the romantic poets.

(7) The use of free verse form

The characteristics of Gothic novels( search from the Google) Authors

William Wordsworth (1770—1850)威廉。华兹华斯 1. his life

His love for nature is boundless. To him nature means more than rivers, trees,

rocks, mountains and lakes. Nature has a moral value and has its philosophical significance. Nature is for him the embodiment体现 of the Divine神圣的 Spirit. He believes the God and universe are identical同一的

2,his work:大部分主题是关于nature and country life.主要有:lines composed a few miles above tintern abbey丁登寺,the prelude序曲,the excursion漫游,miscellaneous十四行诗 课文节选:

Tintern Abbey丁登寺 It is a meditation思考 on his mental精神的 grownup成年人 Selected挑选出的 reading:

She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Way她住在人际罕见的路边:悼亡露西 I travelled among unknown men我在陌生人中孤独旅行

I wondered lonely as a cloud我好似一朵孤独的流云:it’s about the beauty of nature.there is vivid picture of the daffodils here, mixed with the poet’s philosophical and somewhat mystical thoughts. The Solitary Reaper孤独的割麦女:在抒情中表达了华兹华斯的自然观,具有林秀之气和音韵之美。

Soonet composed upon Westminster bridge在西敏寺桥上 Soonet :London 1802 George Gordon Byron乔治。戈登。拜伦

His major contribution of romantic literature is the creation of Byronic hero冷笑而浪漫的主角, a mixture of good and evil.

Byron is hard to describe, moody喜怒无常, unstable, sensitive, melancholy忧郁, sad, he deliberately故意地 exile流放himself to a foreign, dared to die. The early death of the Romantic poets-image: the poet will never grow old. Poets die young. They have reached their peak.


Works: Childe Harold’s pilgrimage恰尔德。哈罗尔德游记, Cain该隐,Done juan唐璜 课文节选:

1. She Walks in Beauty 她走在美的光彩中

This perfect beauty serves as the ideal for the poet, peace. Harmony. 和睦 2,Childe Harold’s pilgrimage恰尔德。哈罗尔德游记 3, when we two parted想从前我们两分手 4. The Isles of Greece颂希腊

It is taken from ― Don Juan唐璜‖. It is among Byron’s most effective

poetical utterance on national freedom. All the 16 stanzas节 that constituted the song are supported to have been sung by a Greek singer at the wedding feast宴会 of Don Juan and Haidee on an isle of Greece. The past glory of the Greek people

The present state of enslavement奴役 by the Turkey土耳其

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)珀西。比西。雪莱

He was rebellious反抗的 from a very young age. He was a person of extreme personality. He wrote about the universe, lark宇宙 sky. 主要作品:pamphlet:the nescessity of atheism无神论的重要性 ,Queen mab

麦布女王,adonais阿多尼斯,ode to the west wind西风颂,to a sky lark致云雀



He was a pharaoh of Egypt. He had several statues雕像 of himself built after he died.这首诗借埃及历史上的拉美西斯二世嘲讽封建专制,表达了对专制帝王的厌恶和蔑视。同时表明,尽管专制帝王曾经不可一世,但也不过是过往烟云,专制政权可以延续几百年,但在历史长河中不过是一瞬之间。 Antique古董的 land: Egypt, earliest civilization.文明 A song: man of england给英国兰人的歌

Ode to the West Wind: Ode: it is used to express the poet’s feelings and emotion. 在此诗中,使人抒发了对大自然的热爱,歌颂了西风摧毁旧事物,孕育新事物的精神。诗歌以“如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗”结尾。 The cloud云:反映的是一个争取独立和追求幸福的人物形象。

To a sky-lark致云雀:运用云雀美妙的歌声,反映诗人向往美好未来的欢乐心情,表达他渴望自己也能用同样空灵的曲调宣扬革命理想,获得世人的倾听。是诗人追求理想主义的光辉诗篇。

John Keats约翰。济慈(1795—1821)

― A thing of beauty is a joy for ever‖.他一生崇尚美,追求美。

He was born in a lower class family. He abandoned medicine for poetry simply for its beauty. He is physically small. His father died when he was eight. His childhood was quite miserable. His tomb are carved:― Here lies a one whose name is written with water.‖ 此地长眠者,声明水上书

课文节选:On first looking into chapman’s homer初读查普曼译荷马诗有感。 Ode to a nightingale夜莺颂 ode on a Grecian urn希腊古翁颂,to autumn秋颂,bright star灿烂的星 Walter scott华特。司各特:欧洲历史小说之父

这个时代的不同时期:the Crusades,the rise of absolute monarchy, the

bourgeois revolution in England, the attempts to restore feudalism in the 18th century.十字军时期,君主专制制度的兴起,英格兰资产阶级革命,18四级欲恢复封建主义的尝试

His historical novel paved the path for the development of the realistic novel of the 19th century.他的历史小说为19世纪现实主义小说的发展铺平了道路。

主要作品介绍:Waverley威弗利:establish its author as a novelist奠定了作者的小说家帝王 , St. Ronan's well圣罗南之泉 :is the only contemporary novel among the works of scott Count robert巴黎的罗伯特伯爵: the last

of scott's novels

课文节选:ivanhoe艾凡赫主要地点:cedric's ball大厅,ashby de la zouche

阿什贝.德.拉.左克,isaac of york约克城,knights templar吞不拉司陀圣殿骑士院

重点词汇: pilgrim朝圣者

Rob roy罗布罗伊 重点句子: in the first selection francis’meeting with robroy is described. The second selection vividly depicts a skirmish战斗 between the highlanders高地居民 and the english

Jane Austin

Literature:乡村生活是她小说的主要题材。全部作品:northanger abbey诺桑觉寺,persuasion劝导,sense and sensibility理智与情感,pride and prejudice傲慢与偏见,mansfield park曼斯菲尔德花园and emma艾玛 课文节选 :Pride and Prejudice

This book mainly tells of the love story between a rich, proud young man Darcy and the beautiful and intelligent Elizabeth Bennet. Mr. Bennet, a clergyman牧师 who has married young and rashly轻率地, is skeptical怀疑的 of conventional常规的 marriage and has no good words for his beautiful daughters except Elizabeth. Mrs. Bennet is a beautiful but empty-headed, snobbish粗俗的 and vulgar庸俗的 woman whose only goal in life is to marry her five daughters to rich, handsome young men.

Charles lamb查尔斯。兰姆:最大成就在散文,其随笔与蒙田名声并列 课文节选:Dream-children, a reverie梦中的孩子们,poor relations穷亲戚 Part VIII The Victorian Age维多利亚时期 Critical Realism in England英国的批判主义

1. Historical Background

Industrial Revolution, railways, novels provide a means to kill the time. The rising of middle class. Reading novels is becoming a sign of statues and a way of living.

A typical Victorian novel is usually 400-5oo pages, lengthy长的, thick厚的.

The values of Victorian Age

The middle class, the core of the values: to be a gentleman, the pursuit of wealth achieved by self-reliance倚靠自己 through hard work.

The Victorian Age (1832-1901) 1. Historical background

The Queen came to the throne in 1837

The two Queens that the English people were proud of: Queen Elizabeth (1533-1603)

Queen Victoria. The similarities between the two queens:

First, both queens were on the throne for a long period of time, Queen Elizabeth being on the throne for over forty years and Queen Victoria more than sixty years.

Secondly, during their long reigns England developed rapidly both politically and economically. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, capitalism first took its shape, and the small island country defeated the strong naval power Spain in 1588. During the long reign统治 of Queen Victoria., England grew from an agricultural country into an industrialized one and became the workshop工场 of the world as well as its financial and political center.

Thirdly, during their reign, literature flourished. 繁荣In the age of Queen Elizabeth drama flourished and with it there was the greatest dramatist William Shakespeare whereas但是 in the age of Queen Victoria., novel flourished and with it a galaxy一群 of brilliant novelists appeared in the literary scene. The Victorian age can be roughly divided into three periods: the early period 1832-1848, a time of social unrest;( child labor, women workers, long working hours, miserable working conditions) the middle period 1848-1870, a period of economic prosperity and religious controversy论战;( social reforms , in 1851 a gigantic greenhouse of glass and iron铁 was built in Hyde Park. It was called the Crystal Palace where the Great exhibition was held. It was a display of the nation’s advanced technology and industry, as well as its prosperity.) The last period 1870, a period of decay of Victorian values .England continued to grow in strength in this period. ―the empire帝国 on which the sun never sets‖. To many Victorians this was a period of serenity安详 and security, the age of house parties and long weekends in the country.

Rival竞争对手s: Germany, the United States, Japan and Russia

The Charitist Movement宪章运动 appeared in the thirties of the 19th century.导致其的主要矛盾是工人阶级与此本家的矛盾。此运动最后以工人在议会中取得相应席位而告终。



