2021七年级下册的英语教案1 Can you play theguitar? 教学过程
1、第一次“先学后教”:(认读词汇、记汉语意思和校正发音。) (1)、出示学习指导
1) 能掌握以下单词:(能做到四会)
guitar, sing,swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club… (2)、先学。
1、学生根据自己掌握的语音知识,认读英语单词并记住汉语意思。 2、学生听单词录音,画出自己读错的或不会读的单词。 (3)、后教。
教师播放单词录音,学生跟读,校正自己的发音,对于难以记忆的单词,教师指导学生根据字母组合、发音要领寻找规律,进行记忆。有必要时教师写在黑板上让学生记住并积累字母组合的发音。 (4)、当堂训练
2)、Ss look at the picture in 1a.Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities with the people.Then Check the answers with the class together. 3)、Presentation
出示一些反映各种活动的图片、幻灯片或播放课件,引导学生谈论活动: He/Shecan dance/swim/sing/\习表达活动的动词短语。 4)、Game (What can I do?)
T: Tell yourpartners what you can do. For example: I can playthe guitar. I can sing and dance.
Ss work in groups. The let some Ss talk totheir classmates in front of the class.
2、第二次“先学后教”:(听录音,理解课文大意) (!)、出示自学指导。
1)、用最快的速度大概的看看听力题,对题的内容有一点了解。 2)、仔细听录音能听懂录音内容并独立完成填序号题和填空题。 (2)、先学。
1、根据学情,适当增加或减少录音播放次数。 2、学生听录音,并回答浅层次问题。 (3)、后教
1)、能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法和want todo sth.的用法。 2)、教师公布答案,学生同桌相互改,教师统计学生的自学结果。(分优、良、差)
4)、难度较大通过讨论仍解决不了的问题,教师通过启发诱导进行点拔解决,并板书于黑板。 Listening
1. T: Now let’s listen to the tape, findout the right conversation, and number them 1-3.
2. Check theanswers: (3, 2, 1 ) Pair work
1.Askthe Ss to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner. Then make their ownconversations.
(引导学生展开Pairwork活动,完成lc部分口语交际的教学任务,学会运用can询问和表达能力。) Listening 1. Work on 2a;
T: Now, look atthe pictures on P2, listen to the four conversations. Just listen.
(Play therecording for the first time, students only listen carefully.) Then, listen tothe recording again, and circle the clubs you hear. Check the answerswith the class. 2. Work on 2b;
Check the answers with the Ss. (4)当堂训练。
1. Look at 2b andtalk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.
老师可以和一名优秀的学生做一个对话的例子,让学生们明白如何去问答,例如: T: What clubdoes Lisa want to join? S1: She wants to join the chess club. T: Can sheplay chess? S1: No, shecan't.
2. Ss work inpairs to practice asking and answer about Lisa, Bob and Mary.
3. Ask some pairsto act out their conversations.