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There is ONE zone protected with installation of one set of equipment.


1. 保护区的有关参数:见附表. Design data: per schedule attached.

2. 采用一套分配系统进行保护. One set of equipment is to be provided.

3. 保护区为独立封闭区间. Protected area is totally enclosed.4. 保护区平时环境温度与自然环境温度相同. Environmental condition of the protected area is same as surrounding area.5. 保护区均设置通风设备. Ventilation system is provided in protected area.

6. HFC-227ea灭火系统瓶站设置在保护区内. FM200 container is located within protected area.

7. 瓶组间的楼板应能承载储瓶组的重量. Floor structural design shall be capable to withstand the weight of the FM200 container equipment.三. 设计 DESIGN:


1) To comply to GB50307-2005《气体灭火系统设计规范》Regulation for fire fighting gas system design; 2) To comply to GB50263-97《气体灭火系统施工及验收规范》Regulation for fire fighting gas system installation and inspection/acceptance;

2. 灭火方式FIRE EXTINGUISHING METHOD: 本设计采用全淹没式灭火系统,在规定的时间内,喷射一定浓度的七氟丙烷灭火剂,并使其均匀地充满整个保护区,此时能将在其区域里任一部位发生的火灾扑灭. Fire extinguishing is by total flooding method. Within specified time limit, FM200 gas shall be discharged to the concentration as designed for total flooding and able to

extinguish the fire in any location within the protected area.3. 灭火系统的控制方式为自动、电气手动、机械手动三种.在有人工作或值班时,采用电气手动控制;在无人的情况下,采用自动方式. 自

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动、手动控制方式的转换,在灭火控制盘上实现(在保护区的门外设置手动控制盒, 手动控制盒内设有紧急停止与紧急启动按钮.) The fire extinguishing system shall be able for automatic control, electric control and mechanic control. Manual

electric control shall be adopted with attendant; automatic control shall be adopted when without attendant; changeover of automatic and manual electric control could be set on the control panel installed at outside of the protected area. Emergency stop button shall be provided on the manual control panel.

4. 保护区的要求Requirement inside protected area: 1)保护区为独立区域 Protected area shall be isolated.

2)保护区的耐火极限>0.5h,耐压强度>1200Pa - Fire rating of the protected area shall be >0.5 hour, mechanical strength shall be >1200Pa.

3)保护区的通风系统在喷放七氟丙烷灭火剂前应关闭,并设置防火阀门. All ventilation system shall be stopped with damper closed before FM200 gas is discharged.


Door of protected area shall be self-closing and fire rated and able to be opened to outside at any condition.5)在保护区外设置声光报警及释放信号标志.

Sound and light alarm and gas discharge signal shall be installed at door outside of protected area.

6)为保证人员的安全撤离,在释放灭火剂前,应发出火灾报警,火灾报警至释放灭火剂 的延时时间为30秒.

Fire audio and visual alarm shall be raised 30 second before gas emission to ensure people inside could evacuate safely.7)为保证灭火的可靠性,在灭火系统释放灭火剂之前,应保证必要的联动操作. 即灭火系统在发出灭火指令时,由控制系统发出联动指令,切断电源、关闭或停止一 切影响灭火效果的设备.

To ensure the reliability of the system, before gas emission, all interconnecting operation shall be closed and stop the equipment which would affect the gas extinguishing.

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Gas extraction equipment shall be provided. Before people entering the protected area after release of the FM200 gas, manual operation shall be able to extract all foul air inside.9)灭火系统的使用环境温度为0°C~50°C.

Operation condition of the gas extinguishing system shall be 0oC to 50oC.

10) 设计计算结果:见附表 Design calculation is as attached.四. 安装 INSTALLATION

1. 安装分为(HFC-227ea)灭火系统瓶组和喷嘴管路系统,根据设计图及现场情况进行.

Installation include (HFC-227ea)gas container and emission nozzle and pipe work as depicted on design drawing and site condition.

2. 灭火系统瓶组设置框架,保证设计尺寸,固定牢固,操作观察方便,外形美观.

Gas container frame dimensions and appearance shall be easy for operation and checking and securely fixed.

3. 管材采用无缝钢管,法兰连接,应符合GB8163《输送流体用无缝钢管》的规定.

All pipe work shall be seamless type, flanged joint to GB8163 (regulation for fluid delivery tube, seamless type). 4. 分布管系的水平定向敷设坡度,取顺向1~3/1000. Pipe work installation gradient shall be 1^3/1000.

5. 未说明之处需严格按照GB50263-97《气体灭火系统施工及验收规范》进行施工.

Unspecified work shall comply to GB50263-97

6. 施工中,管网的走向不得擅自改动,如必须改动,请与设计部门联系. Pipe work installation shall strictly follow the design, any change required shall be reported to the designer.

五. 标志在保护区附近,应设置警告牌,警告牌上包括以下的内容:\在报警时或释放七氟丙烷 灭火剂时,应立即撤离该地区\在彻底通风前,请

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In protected area, sign board shall be installed to state “when alarm for emission of FM200 gas is raised, people shall evacuate from the area immediately”六. 使用事项 OPERATION CONDITION

1. 本工程的灭火系统启动操作方式分为自动、手动、机械应急三种. Gas extinguishing system operation include automatic, manual and mechanical for emergency.



Automatic: By automatic detection of fire, release of fire alarm, extinguish the fire automatically.


系统执行灭火, 上述自动工况的电气手动工况的转换在灭火控制盘上实现,不论灭火控制按钮处于哪一种 工况,当人为发出火警时,都可以使用该火警区的手动控制盒,电气手动启动灭火系统进 行灭火,手动控制盒的另一项功能是它可以在灭火系统动作前,撤消灭火控制盘发出的本 区域的指令,以防止不需由灭火系统进行灭火时启动灭火系统.

Manual: By automatic detection of fire, manual operate the gas release mechanism for fire fighting. Under such condition, irrespective to the mode of the push button, the gas release control could be manually operated.

Another function of the Manual operation is to abort the control instruction locally before release of gas to prohibit unnecessary fire fighting operation.3)机械应急 Mechanical emergency operation

a. 一只探测报警,发出火警信号,但电气控制部分出现故障,不能执行灭火指令的情况下; When fire alarm is detected by one detector, fire alarm is raised, but the control is mal-functioned;

b. 发现火警,由于电源发生故障或者自动探测报警系统失灵,不能执行灭火指令的情况下; When fire occurs, power supply of the detection system is inoperative or the detection is mal-functioned:

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c. 机械手动应急启动可以在钢瓶间或在区外进行,首先拔去所需灭火区域的启动装置电磁阀上的保险,按下应急手柄,使灭火系统工作,执行灭火功能,这务必在提前关闭影响灭火效果的设备,通知并确认人员已经撤离后方可实施. Mechanical manual operation could be executed at the local control panel of the container or at outside of the protected area. Firstly, remove the protected cover of the release valve and press down the control handle for gas emission. Any equipment affecting the fire fighting process shall be stopped and notify people inside protected area to evacuate before press down for gas release.

2. 无论什么情况下达指令,自指令下达后延时30秒左右启动灭火系统,以保证人员在规定的 时间内从灭火区域撤离,自动灭火系统释放七氟丙烷灭火剂时包括释放后相当长的时间内,绝对不允许有人停留在灭火区域内.

Under any condition, instruction for release of gas shall be delayed by 30 seconds to ensure people inside protected area are evacuated before gas releases. After release of gas for a certain time, people are strictly prohibited to stay inside protected area.

3. 灭火系统动作释放七氟丙烷灭火剂后,经检验确认火灾已经扑灭的情况下,打开通风系统,向灭火作用区送入新鲜的空气,废气排除干净后,才允许人员进入.

When FM200 gas is released and fire inside protected area is extinguished, gas extraction system shall be switched on and ensure foul air is removed before allowing people to enter the room.

4. 灭火系统应有专人负责,经常进行检查和维护、保养,保持良好的工作状况.检查方法与要求可根据供货商提供的使用说明书进行.

Gas extinguishing system shall be periodically examined and maintained to operational condition, detail of service and maintenance shall be as recommended by vendor.

5. 灭火系统的七氟丙烷灭火剂储瓶和启动装置充装介质不允许发生泄漏,当七氟丙烷灭火剂重量下降5%启动装置的压力指示下降10%时,应及时充装和更新,恢复正常工作状况.

Leakage of gas container and release mechanism is not allowed.

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