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The basement complexes in Italy, with special regards to those exposed in the Alps: a review

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The basement complexes in Italy, with special regards to those exposed in the Alps: a review


【期刊名称】《地质幕:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2003(026)003

【摘要】Most of the sedimentary rocks occurring in Italy are post-Carboniferous. All what lies below is considered basement, mostly metamorphic or igneous. Understand-ing the pre-Carboniferous evolution depends on the reconstruction of the sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous evolution of the basement. In general, the base-ment sedimentary protoliths were Lower to Middle Pale-ozoic siliciclastic rocks, while the igneous protolithsbelong to an Ordovician cycle. The prevailing metamor-phism,from very-low grade to granulite facies, is Variscan. It was followed by the formation of large amounts of granitic melts.


【关键词】意大利;沉积岩;阿尔卑斯山;火山碎屑沉积岩;地质特征 【作者】AttilioBoriani;FrancescoSassi;RaffaeleSassi 【



