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情况 C: 模具宽度=(2*镶块宽度 + 3.5);模具长度=(镶块长度+ 3);模具厚度=镶块厚度。 型腔的数目是一个,镶件的数目也是一个的情况和型腔数目是两个和四个的情况具有相同的模具尺寸,这三种情况可以归结为一个单一的规则: 如果 镶块的数目= 1,则模具宽度 =(镶块宽度 + 2)模具长度 =(镶块长度+ 2)模具厚度 = 镶块厚度 结束 为了方便和清楚起见,用一种标准的编程语言将这些规则模块化。每个模块生成一组输出,这个输出又将是对其他模块的输入。 2.6 测试应用 通过使用各种测试案例对智能模具设计中的应用程序进行了验证。对于每一个案件的零件信息,模具和机器的信息资料种类繁多,人类专家证实了把这些信息输入到应用程序的结果。表2显示了一个这样的试验,需要两个模腔,也没有镶件的存在。应用程序提供近似的模具尺寸,执行尺寸,浇口尺寸和亚军的模腔长度基于模腔图尺寸和其他信息。 表2-2 典型的测试案例显示程序的输入和输出 输入 镶块数量 镶块长度 镶块宽度 镶块厚度 模腔模样长度 模腔模样宽度 模腔深度模样 冷水道直径 零部件生产数量 时间 循环时间 废品率 每分钟注射量 0 0 0 0 2.02 3.28 0.5 0.25 1000 6 26 0.1 2.3 材料 输出 模腔数 模具长度 模具的宽度 模具厚度 浇道直径 浇道长度 最大浇口套直径 ABS 程序输出 2 10.06 4.02 1.125 0.109 1.5 0.218 通过使用各种测试案例对智能模具设计中的应用程序进行了验证。对于每一个案件的零件信息,模具和机器的信息资料种类繁多,人类专家证实了把这些信息输入到应用程序的结果。表2显示了一个这样的试验,需要两个模腔,也没有镶件的存在。应用程序提供近似的模具尺寸,执行尺寸,浇口尺寸和亚军的模腔长度基于模腔图尺寸和其他信息。 获得的模具尺寸非常接近人类专家的一个典型设计,但并没有明确地说明了一个模具标准件的用途,就像D-M-E模具目录中的一种特定的模具。模具尺寸是基于所用材料而定的,因此它被限制在一定的范围。 3总结 本文介绍了在发展智能模具设计应用中所采用的方法,这种应用是根据用户输入进行模架选择的。获取知识的过程首先是通过与业内专家密切协商设计一种模架,也通过从旧书和数据表中收集确定性信息。收集到的资料,表示了在不同的模块中规则的排列形式。这些资料可定性和定量地对模具进行选择。决策表是用来减少规则库的规模,使规则库中的问题域全面。在不同的模块中使用这些规则来开发应用程序,当谈到在给业内生产的塑件选择适当的模架时就为应用程序的有效性作测试。 参考文献 [1] 钱伯斯 T. 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This increases the cost of production and introduces inconsistencies in the design. This paper describes the development of an intelligent mold design tool. The tool captures knowledge about the mold design process and represents the knowledge in logical fashion. The knowledge acquired will be deterministic and non-deterministic information about the mold design process. Once developed the mold design tool will guide the user in selecting an appropriate mold for his plastic part based on various client specifications. Introduction The plastic injection molding process demands knowledge, expertise and, most important, experience for its successful implementation. Often it is the molding parameters that control the efficiency of the process. Effectively controlling and optimizing these parameters during the manufacturing process can achieve consistency, which takes the form of part quality and part cost. The level of experience of the manufacturer(s) determines how effectively the process parameters are controlled. This sometimes leads to inconsistency introduced by human error. There is also the case where there is inexperience, shortage of time, resources and little scope for innovation. Knowledge-based engineering provides a feasible solution to all these problems by creating what is called an “intelligent model” of the problem. 1 IKEM Intelligent Knowledge based Engineering modules for the plastic injection molding process (IKEM) is a software technology that is a step ahead of the concurrent engineering and CAD/CAM systems. It integrates current knowledge about the design and manufacturing processes and helps to reduce several man-hours by reducing engineering changes in the design phase of product development by giving users instruction about various design aspects. The system will be used for injection molding design, design iterations, and process integration. The current process consists of many manual computations, CAD graphical constructions, and experience attained from previous projects. Once the engineer completes the design, it will be evaluated for performance. The IKEM project has been divided into three major modules. 1. The cost estimation module 2. The mold design module 3. The Manufacturing module Input to the IKEM system is of two forms. Input in the form of a CAD model (Pro-E file) and input given at the User Interface form. Figure 1 illustrates the kind of input that goes into each module and the output given to the user. Figure 1. Organization of the IKEM Project 2 Intelligent Mold Design Tool The mold design tool in its basic form is a Visual Basic application taking input from a text file that contains information about the part and a User Input form. The text file contains information about the part geometry parsed from a Pro/E information file. The input is used to estimate the dimensions of mold and various other features. 2.1 Literature Review Design of molds is another stage of the injection molding process where the experience of an engineer largely helps automate the process and increase its efficiency. The issue that needs attention is the time that goes into designing the molds. Often, design engineers refer to tables and standard handbooks while designing a mold, which consumes lot of time. Also, a great deal of time goes into modeling components of the mold in standard CAD software. Different researchers have dealt with the issue of reducing the time it takes to design the mold in different ways. Koelsch and James have employed group technology techniques to reduce the mold design time. A unique coding system that groups a class of injection molded parts, and the tooling required ininjection molding is developed which is general and can be applied to other product lines. A software system to implement the coding system has also been developed. Attempts were also directed towards the automation of the mold design process by capturing experience and knowledge of engineers in the field. The development of a concurrent mold design system is one such approach that attempts to develop a systematic methodology for injection mold design processes in a concurrent engineering environment. The objective of their research was to develop a mold development process that facilitates concurrent engineering-based



