Study on Plasmid and Damage Induced by Low-energy Neon Ion Irradiation
【期刊名称】《近代物理研究所和兰州重离子加速器实验室年报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2003(000)001
【摘要】DNA is considered to be the most important and sensitive target in biological systems. Beside base damage, DNA strand breaks are the major lesion in the genome due to exposure to ionizing radiation. Mutation can be introduced to DNA as a result of enzymatic processing of DNA lesions or post-irradiation replication. However, the mechanisms of radiation-induced mutations are not well clarified at the molecular level. A good way to approach the mechanism is to irradiate the plasmid DNA of heavy ion, then transfect the DNA to host cells to determine the mutation spectra. So to study the effect of heavy ions on the simple plasmid DNA is even predominant or more feasible. 【总页数】1页(83)
【关键词】质体伤害;低能氖离子;放射疗法;脱氧核糖核酸;基因链断裂 【
MaQiufeng;WangXiao;JinGenming;LiWenjian;DangBingrong;XieHongmei;ZhouLibin;MaoShuhong 【作者单位】无
【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】Q345.24 【相关文献】
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Study on Plasmid and Damage Induced by Low-energy Neon Ion Irradiation