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幼儿园小班主题教学活动网络图 (1)

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l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,幼儿园中班主题教学活动网络图

第一周 2014年9月3日至9月7日 大主题 主题名称 小主题 主 题 背 景 分 析 我学会了 中班幼儿各方面得到发展,心理和身理的“反抗期”更加明显。对自我的探索也更加强烈,理智感等高级情感发展,为了让幼儿正确认识自己,促进幼儿个性和社会性发展。 1、了解宝宝出生的秘密。 2、学习新的生活技能,增强独立意识。 3、通过游戏活动,培养幼儿责任心和同情心。 妈妈辛苦了社会) 我长大了 主 题 目 标 我爱爸爸 照顾小妹妹妈妈(绘 (社会) 画) 爱别人 我学会了 · 其他 回家的路自己的事情自 (体育) 己做(社会) 我来自哪里(科学) 爱自己 亲亲我自己(语言) 其快乐宝贝(手工) 我的好妈妈(音乐) 教育教学活动一览表

l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40,活 动 名 称 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 我来自哪里 妈妈辛苦了 我的好妈妈 我爱爸爸妈妈 照顾小妹妹 亲亲我自己 我自己的事情自己做 回家的路 领 域 科学 社会 艺术(音乐) 艺术(绘画) 社会 语言 社会 健康(体育) 活动内容来源 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 幼儿园中班主题教学活动网络图

第一周 2014年9月10日至9月15日

主题名称 主 题 背 景 分 析 主 题 目 标 1、认识小朋友,乐意与同伴交往和亲近。 2、喜欢与同伴一起游戏,体验共同游戏的快乐。 3、在玩玩具和游戏中学习对待、轮流和分享。 大主题 小主题 我长大了 我勇敢 进一步加强对幼儿高级情感的训练,使幼儿能够更好控制自己的情绪,有意识的培养幼儿对自我的正确认识。 l29, the company responsible for a variety of procedures for reimbursement document, invoice review, approval of work; 30, regularly convened general meeting of shareholders, preparation work for the meeting; 31, the company responsible for payroll management jobs, including around salary survey, employee salary, salary accounting methods developed, payroll accounting, payment of wages, bonuses; 32, the company responsible for delivery of financial procedures; 33, according to the company's strategic development plan, the preparation and management of funds to meet day-to-day operating funding requirements to ensure the company's safety, liquidity and profitability of the funds; 34, responsible for the environmental protection building materials Corporation issued by the Corporation Annual, monthly economic indicators in the assessment of the economic responsibility system of proposed amendments; 35, the company responsible for all types of contracts and tracking, implementation, implementation of the agreement, abnormality was detected in time to take appropriate measures and feedback to the leadership; 36, regular inspection, analysis, budget implementation of the business and financial performance, and to propose measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure; 37, responsible for organizing the company's contracting business tenders; 38, responsible for preparing the annual budget and final accounts, distribution of profits, loss compensation plan; 39, responsible for the violations of financial discipline, or damage the company's interests (corruption and bribery) review of the Act; 40, 小熊的生日自己做奖我准备好 宴会(社会) 杯(手工) 了(数学) 勇敢的小猪 我可以 (语言) 我勇敢 我知道 · 我不怕 寻宝(体育) 找不同(绘 画) 再见(音 机智的小松乐) 鼠(语言) 教育活动一览表

活 动 名 称 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 找不同 寻宝 勇敢的小猪 我准备好了 自己做奖杯 小熊的生日宴会 机智的小松鼠 再见 领 域 社会 健康(体育) 语言 科学(数学) 艺术(手工) 社会 语言 艺术(音乐) 活动内容来源 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计 教育活动设计

幼儿园小班主题教学活动网络图 (1)


