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上海牛津英语 3B M3U3 seasons teaching plan 教案 公开课

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Oxford English 3B Module 3 Things around us

Unit 3 Seasons




I. 分课时教学目标 教学目标 第一课时 第二课时 My favourite season The four seasons 话 题 单词 ski, ice-skate, plant a tree, have a go to the beach, make sandcastles. picnic. What season is it? In ____, it is____. It is …(season) 语言 We can ____. It is …(weather) 知识 We can ____. 句型 We can … It’s ____. So…/ How… What is your favourite season? It is… 1.能初步认读和拼读表示四季1. 能熟练运用表示四季活动的词汇活动的词汇和短语:plant 和短语:plant trees, have a picnic, trees, have a picnic, ice-skate, ice-skate, ski, ride a bicycle, fly a kite.ski, go to the beach, make 以及make sandcastles, go to the sandcastles. beach, swim in the sea. 2. 能初步运用warm, rainy, 2. 能熟练运用warm, rainy, cool, cool, cold, windy等形容词对四cold, windy等形容词对四季的天气季的天气进行初步描述。 进行初步描述。 3.能较熟练运用What season is 3.能熟练运用What season is it? It it? It is …的提问与回答。 语 is …以及What is your favourite 言 3.能较熟练的运用 season? It is…的提问与回答。 It is …(season) 技 5.能熟练的运用It is …(season) It is …(weather) 能 It is …(weather) We can … We can … 与 So…/ How…句型围绕四季运 So…/ How…句型围绕四季进行描进行描述。 用 述。 通过read a story: The four seasons 通过四季变换,认识四季,练来对四季进行更加深入的理解。 In ____, it is____. 习句型 We can ____. It is …(season) It is …(weather) It’s ____. We can … 等句型进行表达,培养学生的小语So…/ How… 段表达能力。 通过对四季的描述,激发学生通过对四季的更深入了解,激发学情感态度 对四季和自然的兴趣和观察。 生对自然的热爱。


II. 再构单元整体文本

My favourite season (Period1) 再构主体文本

It is spring. It is rainy and warm. The plants grow and grow. We can plant a tree. We can have a picnic. How nice!

It is summer. It is sunny and hot. The sun shines and shines. We can go to the beach. We can swim in the sea. We can make sandcastles. We can eat ice-creams. So hot! It is autumn. It is windy and cool. The leaves fall and fall. We can fly a kite. We can ride a bicycle. How happy!

It is winter. It is snowy and cold. The wind blows and blows. We can ski. We can ice-skate. So fun!

预设输出文本(第一课时) It is …(season) It is …(weather) We can … We can … So…/ How…

II. 教学过程

Procedures Contents Methods Purpose Pre-task 1. Warming 1. Play the video about the four seasons. Then 通过视频引出主preparation up ask them to share. 题,激发学生兴趣。 2. Elicit the 1. Questions about the new topic: How many 由旧知进入新授环new topic seasons are there in a year? What are they? 节。 2. How do you feel in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter? [Warm/ Hot/ Cool/ Cold]. 3. Say a chant While-task 1.Spring 1.Look at the picture of spring and listen to the 通过图片和思考,procedure teacher, then guess what season it is. 引出春天以及春天2. Brainstorm: What can you do in spring? 可以做的活动,并Show the pictures to learn the new 以对话形式进行新phrases.[plant a tree/have a picnic] 3.Look at the pictures and talk about spring. 知练习。 4.Look at the blackboard and talk about spring. 2.Summer 1. Listen to the teacher while looking at the 通过猜谜形式引出pictures. Then guess what season it is. 夏天,让学生联系2. New words: 实际思考夏天可以(1)Learn: go to the beach/ make sandcastles. 做什么来引出新(2)Ask and answer. 知,并通过填空形3. (1) Listen and circle. 2

(2) Put the right words in the blanks and make 式进行巩固练习。a complete writing. Read together. 最后say a rhyme.4. Say the rhyme. 对春夏的兴趣。 3.Autumn 1. Listen and guess. Listen to Alice and guess 通过听Alice的陈what season it is. 述来猜出季节,从2. (1)Listen again and answer the questions. 而引出秋天,以及(2) Autumn in Alice’s eyes: Put the answers 秋天里的活动。最together and make it a passage: It is autumn. It is cool and windy. The leaves are yellow and 后写一写秋天。 red. We can ride a bicycle and fly a kite. How happy! 4.Winter 1. Show them the pictures of spring, summer 通过前三个季节的and autumn. Then have them guess what is in 总结,来自然引出the fourth picture. 第四个季节---冬2. How is winter?[snowy and cold] 天。 3. Learn ‘ski’ and ‘ice-skate’ . 4. Write about winter by themselves. Post-task 1.Say a 1. Say the rhyme of spring and summer again. 通过猜一猜的游activity rhyme 2. Make a new rhyme of autumn and winter. 戏,复习和巩固it 3. Read the rhyme together. is …. we can… 2.Guessing 1. Listen to the teacher and have a guess. 用编谜语和猜谜的game: 2. Make three riddles according to the 形式激发学生对四What season previous one and have a guess. 季的热爱。 is it? 3. My My favourite season 写一写我最喜爱的favourite I’m __.(name) 季节,对重点句型season It is__.(season) 进行练习。 It is__ and ___.(weather) We can ___ and ___. How/So____. I like ____.(season) Assignment 1. Copy the new words and phrases on Page 35. 2. Read and recite the dialogue on Page 34. 3. Talk about your favourite season.


上海牛津英语 3B M3U3 seasons teaching plan 教案 公开课


