1. Both their estimations/assessments of production costs were hopelessly inaccurate. 2. There are wide differences/variations in the way pensioners have benefited from the system.
3. What’s the probable/likely outcome of this whole business?
4. Previously/Formerly there were two houses but we made them into one.
5. The book discusses his illness and following/subsequent resignation from the government.
6. A great number of trees are cut down/felled to make new ground for cattle to graze on.
7. It used to be almost/virtually impossible to find vegetarian restaurants outside the major cities, but it’s much easier now.
8. We have discussed these plans on many/numerous occasions.
9. Their marriage was in danger of breaking up last year but it seems quite steady/stable now.
10. Rabbits are notoriously productive/fertile, producing vast numbers of offspring. 11. I wasn’t in the country much during the seventies. I spent those ten years/that decade travelling abroad on various assignments.
12. The Prime Minister is to meet his European equivalent/counterpart to discuss the war against drugs. 第九单元
1. The policemen had a struggle/tussle with the murderer to get the gun off him. 2. Rich black oil flowed/gushed from the well after the shaft was sunk.
3. Trembling/Quivering with rage, he slammed the door shut and walked back to his own room.
4. She was unwilling to leave/lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star and get his signature.
5. We failed in our try and effort/attempts to climb to the peak of the mountain. 6. The professor asked a tricky question which left him to search about/grope for an answer.
7. Jenny enjoys the delicate pleasant smell/fragrance of lavender.
8. She stuck to/persisted in the belief that she was being persecuted and no one could persuade her to give it up.
9. On hearing the good news, his parents were red in the face/flushed with excitement.
10. His thoughts are not clearly/vaguely expressed so that everyone looks puzzled. 11. I was confused/confounded and surprised to hear that the couple had divorced.
12. The time is coming near/approaching when we must think about buying a new house.
1.It’s a very complex/complicated issue to which there is no straightforward answer. 2.The situation has become so unbearable/intolerable that the peacemakers may be forced to withdraw from the area.
3.This is the respectable/honorable course open to him: he should resign immediately. 4.The papers have examined in detail all/minutely the events surrounding the royal scandal.
5.He cannot remember/recall how he got the car home, but he arrived late on Sunday night and went straight to bed.
6.I’d just like to stress/emphasize the importance of neatness and politeness in this job. 7.English, math and science are compulsory for all students, but art and music are selective/optional.
8.He was expecting an important letter including/containing further details of the contract.
9.I must praise you for/compliment on your handling of a very difficult situation. 10.At this school we aim to develop and improve/cultivate the minds of all the children we teach.
11.This decision will surely/inevitably result in more crimes and more victims.
12.He has written a book about the conceptions/concepts, values, and arguments used in political science.
1.Equipped with the latest equipment for manufacturing, sales and service, we have made significant improvement with regard to the time needed for producing and selling our products/turnaround time for.
2.The work is not profitable with regard to/in terms of cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.
3.The English language contains a great number/multitude of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation.
4.Rising costs put students under strain/place pressure on students.
5.In relation to/in terms of the evolution of life on Earth, human beings have just arrived.
6.The growing fetus can impose an oppressive condition of physical distress directly on /place pressure directly on the nerves of the lumbar area, causing direct pressure and pain.
7.Timely and thoughtful after-sale service makes this company different from/differentiates this company from others.
8.The processing time/turnaround time for a project varies depending upon the complexity of the text and the formatting involved.
9.We do not seem to realize that very little excellence is achieved by living a life that is in proper balance/leading a well-balanced life. Edison, Ford, Einstein, Freud all had single-minded devotion to work whereby they sacrificed many things, including family and friendship.
10.A new study has discovered a way to distinguish/differentiate a baffling disease called chronic fatigue syndrome from depression. 11.My arguments are based on/built upon facts.
12.The child felt there was no one he could turn to/look to for help with his problems.
1.We’ve just had a very strange casual meeting/encounter with a civil servant. 2.It is clear that tensions arise from disagreements/incongruities between cultural elements in a society.
3.There is a need for more communication/interaction between staff and children. 4.We suddenly noticed/spotted another boat about a mile away.
5.If you have self-respect/self-esteem, you feel that you are a good, worthwhile person, and for that reason you behave confidently.
6.They felt helpless, unsafe/insecure, incapable of handling the job.
7.Despite his imposing presence and all the grandeur surrounding him, I was not frightened/intimidated.
8.Man gradually achieved a greater control/mastery over his environment. 9.There is nothing like winning to improve/boost the morale of players. 10.His work aroused/created enormous interest in England. 11.Both sides regarded/labeled the agreement as a sellout.
12.I think this is just a government strategy/ploy to deceive the public.
1.He can speak Lain and Greek, not to mention/let alone English. 2.Mike is a tall man easy to recognize/spot in a crowd.
3.You should/are supposed to be here at eight every morning.
4.The people of Europe were shocked when some of the war crimes were brought to light/came to light.
5.The committee is investigating/looking into the cause of the accident.
6.It was suggested that Mr.Koroma should hand down/pass on results from his research to an MSc student.
7.We have substituted/replaced with a computer for the old adding machine. 8.I will ask/call on the people of this country to work hard for national unity. 9.The strange/odd thing was that the others began to be ill six months later.
10.He was upset by that horrible/appalling child murder case that was on the news last night.
11.The developers handed in/submitted building plans to the council for approval.
12.Because of the severe/acute post-war shortage of construction materials, private building was severely restricted.