The Kuroshio Transport East of Taiwan and the Sea Surface Height Anomaly from the Interior Ocean
The Kuroshio Transport East of Taiwan and the Sea Surface Height Anomaly from the Interior Ocean
LIU Wei;LIU Qinyu;JIA Yinglai
【期刊名称】《中国海洋大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2004(003)002
【摘要】The relationship between the Kuroshio transport to the east of Taiwan and the SSHA(Sea Surface Height Anomaly)field is studied based on the World Ocean Circulation Experiment(WOCE)PCM-1 moored current meter array observation, the satellite altimeter data from the MSLA(Map of Sea Level Anomaly)products merged with the ERS and TOPEX/POSEIDON(T/P)data sets, and the WOCE satellite-tracked drifting buoy data. It is confirmed that the Kuroshio transport across PCM-1 array highly correlates with the SSHA upstream(22°-24°, 121.75°-124°E). The SSHA is not locally generated by the developed Kuroshio meandering but is from the interior ocean and is propagating westward or northwestward. During the period from October 1992 to January 1998, two events of the northwestward propagating negative SSHA occurred, during which the SSHA merged into the Kuroshio and caused the remarkable low transport events in contrast to the normal westward propagating negative SSHA. It is also shown that the lower Kuroshio transport event would be generated in different ways. The negative anomaly in the upstream of PCM-1 array can reduce the Kuroshio
The Kuroshio Transport East of Taiwan and the Sea Surface Height Anomaly from the Interior Ocean