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一、中考英语完形填空汇编 1.完形填空

Are you shy? If you are, you are not alone. In fact, nearly 50% of people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point in their lives. Why are people 1 ?

It is found that family size might 2 people to be shy. Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy. Growing up 3 , they often play by themselves. They are not able to develop the same social skills as children from big 4 .

Another cause of shyness could be 5 . As more and more people use the Internet, they 6 less time outside, talking to people. As a result, they lose practice at conversation. 7 to new people face to face can make them feel nervous.

For shy people, it can be 8 to make friends, speak in class, and even get a good job. But scientists say you can 9 your shyness. They suggest trying 10 things and practicing conversation.

Anyway, don't be afraid of shyness—you are valued for what you are! 1. A. excited B. shy

C. happy

D. brave D. cause D. abroad D. families D. save D. surprising D. heavy D. heavy

2. A. remind B. teach C. guide 3. A. quickly B. happily C. alone 4. A. countries B. cities 5. A. duty 6. A. design

C. teams

B. safety C. technology D. education B. spend C. collect

C. harmful

7. A. Nodding B. Running C. Jumping D. Speaking 8. A. difficult B. safe 10. A. new

9. A. run into B. look for C. get over

B. private C. awful

【答案】 (1)B;(2)D;(3)C;(4)D;(5)C;(6)B;(7)D;(8)A;(9)C;(10)A;

【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文分析的是害羞的问题。 文章分析了害羞的原因和克服的办法。

(1)考查形容词。句意:人们为什么害羞? excited 激动的;shy 害羞的; happy 高兴的; brave勇敢的;根据上文In fact, nearly 50% of people are shy, and almost 80% feel shy at some point in their lives可知,事实上,接近50%的人害羞,几乎80%的人在生活中的某个点上害羞。 人们为什么害羞呢?故选B。

(2)考查动词。句意:人们发现家庭的规模会引起人们的害羞。 remind提醒; teach教; guide 引导;cause导致, 根据语境可知,人们发现,家庭的规模可能会导致人们害羞。 故选D。

(3)考查副词。句意:孤单的长的他们通常自己玩儿。quickly迅速地;happily 高兴地; alone 单独; abroad出国. 根据上文Children with no brothers and sisters may be shy可知,没有兄弟姐妹的孩子可能会害羞。 因为他们独自长大,常常一个人玩耍。 故选C。

(4)考查名词。 句意:他们不能够像在大家庭长大的孩子一样获得相同的社交能力。countries 国家; cities城市; teams队伍; families家庭. 根据上文Growing up, they often play by themselves.可知他们不能像大家庭长大的孩子一样有社交技能,可知此处指大家庭的孩子,故选D。

(5)考查名词。 句意:另一个害羞的起因可能是科技。duty 职责; safety 安全; technology 技术;education教育. 根据下文As more and more people use the Internet,they less time outside,talking to people可知,害羞的另一个原因可能是网络技术,故选C。 (6)考查动词。句意:随着越来越多的人使用网络,他们很少在外面花费时间,和人们交流。 design 设计;spend花费; collect 搜集;save节省. 根据 As more and more people use the Internet, 人们在网上可以做很多事情可知,他们在外面度过的时间很少,并很少和人交流,故选B。

(7)考查动名词。句意:结果他们失去了交流练习。面对面地和新人交流使他们感到紧张。根据 Nodding点头;Running 跑步;Jumping跳跃; Speaking说话. 根据 As a result, they lose practice at conversation. 可知,跟新面孔面对面说话可能使他们感到紧张。 故选D。 (8)考查形容词。句意对于害羞的人来说,交友、在班上发言,甚至获得一份好工作都很难。difficult困难的;safe 安全的; harmful 有害的;surprising令人吃惊的;根据 7 to new people face to face can make them feel nervous. 和新人交流紧张,可知他们在交流,发言,找工作等方面都很难,故选A。

(9)考查动词短语。句意:但是科学家说你可以克服你的害羞。 run into 闯进;look for 寻找;get over恢复(克服); heavy(形容词)沉重的;根据They suggest trying 10 things and practicing conversation. 可知科学家认为可以克服害羞心理。 故选C。

(10)考查形容词。句意:他们建议尝试新事物,并练习交流。 new 新的;private 私人的; awful 可怕的; heavy沉重的;根据常识可知要主动接触新事物,并练习交流。 故选A。

【点评】此题考查完形填空。 在做完形填空时,在通读全文,了解大意的基础上开始答题。答题时要根据短文的内容和要求,结合短文的主题思想,对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。要弄清空缺词句的确切含义,并对每一个空白的四个选项进行认真分析,反复推敲。空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,不可出现意义断层或说东道西的情况,还要综合运用学过的知识,从语法、词语固定搭配、词形变化及逻辑推理和生活常识等角度考虑,有把握的答案一锤定音,把握性不大的可以先初定答案,做好符号,以便于下一步检查和推敲。

2.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I lost my sight when I was four years old by falling off a boxcar in a freight yard in Atlantic City, and 1 on my head. Now, I am 32. I can vaguely remember the brightness of sunshine and what color red is. It would be wonderful to see again. But a disaster can do strange things to people.

At the time, I was bewildered and afraid, but I was lucky. My parents and my teachers saw

something in me, a potential, which I didn't see. And they made me want to fight it out with 2 .

The hardest 3 I had to learn was to believe in myself. That was basic. If I hadn't been able to do that, I would have collapsed and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life. When I say believe in myself I am not talking about 4 the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. That is 5 of it, but I mean something bigger than that: a confidence that I am a real, 6 person; that somewhere there is a special place 7 I can make myself fit.

It took me years to discover and strengthen this confidence. It had to 8 the most elementary things. I can still remember once, when a man gave me an indoor baseball. I thought he was laughing at me, and I was 9 \can't use this.\I said. \with you \encouraged me, \

The words 10 in my head: \11 where it went. This gave me an idea-how to achieve a goal I had thought 12 playing baseball.

At Philadelphia's over brook School for the Blind, I invented a successful variation of baseball. We called it groundball.

All my life, I have 13 ahead of me a series of goals, and then tried to reach them one at a time. I would 14 sometimes anyway, but on the average, I made progress.

I believe in life now. I don't mean that I would prefer to go without my eyes. I simply mean that the lass of them made me more 15 what I had left. 1. A. landing

B. knocking C. sitting

C. treasure C. all C. positive C. what

D. hurting D. sadness D. knowledge D. part D. negative D. that D. fight with D. appeared D. touch D. impossible D. planned D. fall D. believe

2. A. loneliness B. deafness C. blindness 3. A. experience B. lesson 4. A. nearly 5. A. none 7. A. where 9. A. upset 10. A. came 11. A. listen 13. A. kept 14. A. pass

B. mainly B. most B. which B. hurt B. flashed B. see B. made B. fail

C. interestingly D. simply

6. A. confident B. bright

8. A. start with B. end with C. deal with

C. stuck C. feel C. set C. succeed

C. disappointed D. frightened

12. A. difficult B. probable C. possible

15. A. consider B. appreciate C. realize

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)C;(5)D;(6)C;(7)A;(8)A;(9)B;(10)C;(11)A;(12)D;(13)C;(14)B;(15)B;

【解析】【分析】 本文讲述了灾难挫折是如何成就一个人的。作者在年幼时失明,在经历了多年的彷徨无助之后,终于在亲人朋友的帮助下,找回了自信,学会了如何面对困难,



