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2013年6月广东成人学士学位英语考试 答案(肖版)

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40. Fast food doesn’t seem like a good idea, for it is ______. A. nutritious C. balanced

41. It may not ______ high income, but it can make them feel proud. A. take C. cause

42. Many illegal organizations try to cheat people for money ______ the bank. A. on behalf of

43. Her passionate voice was always influential and ______. A. dull

44. People in this area are in ______ over the heavily polluted air. A. doubt C. trouble

45. I owed my success to the constant ______ of knowledge. A. search C. pursuit

46. I always ______ my childhood as the happiest time of my life. A. look out for

47. The two leaders ______ on the issues of the Middle East. A. discussed

48. Only those who have tasted bitterness will ______ among others. A. lift up C. burst out

B. go up D. stand out

B. caught D. differed

C. supported

B. look back on D. look around for

C. look forward to

B. chase D. inquiry

B. danger D. suspense

B. decisive D. hesitant

C. formal

B. in the name of D. for the sake of

C. with regard to

B. afford D. bring

B. unhealthy D. tasty

11 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第11页 共15页

49. To save energy, people have to ______ their electricity consumption. A. cut out C. cut off

50. The company has ______ heavy financial losses over the last two years. A. endured C. struck

51. The clouds had spread and nearly ______ the entire sky. A. separated C. blocked

52. The Vice Chairman of the conference is ______ inviting the VIPs. A. in view of

53. I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving ______. A. in mind

B. in person

C. by nature 天性仁爱的贤妻 D. on purpose

54. She decided to have a physical checkup as soon as she finished ______. A. what she did

55. I ______ the instant coffee if it’s all you’ve got.

A. don’t object to having B. don’t object to have C. am not objecting to have D. am not objected to having

56. I like staying alone at home more than ______ with her to the shopping mall. A. to go C. go

57. I certainly didn’t appreciate ______ when I made mistakes. A. to be accused

B. having accused

C. to have been accused D. being accused

B. going D. being gone

B. what she had done D. what she was doing


C. what she would do

B. in charge of D. in place of

C. in terms of

B. hidden D. covered

B. born D. met

B. cut away D.cut back

12 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第12页 共15页

58. You ______ have said that, now Grandma’s really angry. A. shouldn’t

59. The hotel couldn’t offer ______ for all four of you. a room large enough最好 A. a large enough room B. a large room enough C. an enough large room D. a room enough large

60. No sooner had I locked the door ______ the telephone rang. A. when C. than

61. Rumor spread ______ the president of the company was involved in the crime. A. how C. what

62. You’re ______ understand the real meaning of love. A. too young to

63. What ______ would happen if he told mom and dad what we had done. A. do you suppose B. will you suppose C. you suppose

64. Come on, be realistic; life is not ______ it was in your time. A. what

65. Ever since we moved to South Florida two years ago, we ______ fresh clean air. A. had been enjoying C. are enjoying

66. I’m fully ______ of the consequences of what I’ve said. A. doubtful C. worried

B. aware D. concerned B. have been enjoying D. Enjoyed

B. which D.that


D. may you suppose B. so young as to

C. young enough to D. as young as to

B. that D. which

B. after D. as

B. couldn’t D. needn’t

C. wouldn’t

13 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第13页 共15页

67. Some people seem to let their kids do______ they like. A. whatever C. whichever

68. Bill had drunk ______ as he did but without any obvious ill effect. A. as twice much

69. It is important that the boy ______ an adult to take care of him. 题目出错。 A. have C. has

70. was interested in school work; otherwise I ______ mad. 缺主语 不知道啥意思 A. should go C. had gone

71. The park was ______ easy walking distance of our hotel. A. within C. about

72. Some expensive drugs can be economical ______. A. at long last

73. As population increases, ______ .

A. industrial output also does B. as industrial output does C. industrial output does to

74. Speaking two languages______ one has obvious practical benefits. A. other than C. rather than

75. It is her beautiful eyes _____ attract most of the fans. A. that

B. which D. who

C. what

B. better than D. less than

D. so does industrial output

B. in the long way D. at long length

C. in the long run

B. inside D. from

B. would have gone D. would go

B. had D. having

B. much as twice

C. as much twice D. twice as much

B. however D. wherever

14 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第14页 共15页

Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Mystery novels sell thousands of copies each year.And many ___76___ count Agatha Christie among their favorite authors.

Christie was born in September ___77___ 1890 in England.When she was ___78___ up,her mother often told her stories.Christie loved these ___79___ that took her into a world of fantasy.Christie’s mother also encouraged her to write from a ___80___ age.

At 16,Christie went to a school in Paris to study piano and singing.She learned to play the piano very well.But she ___81___ made music a career because of stage fright.

At 22,she feel in love with Archie Christie.They ___82___ married in 1914 at the beginning of World War I. During the war,Christie wrote her first detective story:The Mysterious Affair at Styles. She chose the crime,and then ___83___ a detective named Hercule Poirot to solve it. She sent the book to a publisher, ___84___ it was rejected.

After the war ended,Christie sent her book to more publishers and finally in 1920,one ___85___ it.She earned just $25 for it.Over the next few years,Christie wrote books and short stories,gaining experience as a writer.

76. A. books B. readers C. lovers 77. A. of

B. at

C. around

D. writers D. by

78. A. raising B. reaching C. growing D. keeping 79. A. days B. stories C. places D. things 80. A. young B. little C. right D. good 81. A. seldom B. always C. often D. never 82. A. had B. went C. got D. remained 83. A. wrote B. brought C. invented D. drew 84. A. but B. though C. so D. if 85. A. praised B. recognized C. approved D. published

15 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第15页 共15页

2013年6月广东成人学士学位英语考试 答案(肖版)


