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2013年6月广东成人学士学位英语考试 答案(肖版)

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Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points) Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points) Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points) Part IV Cloze (10 points) 考生须知

1. 本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部分。试卷一满分为85分,考试时间为90分钟;试卷二满分为15分,考试时间为30分钟。

2. 本试卷一为A型试卷,请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在A型试卷一答题卡上,答在试卷上或其他类型答题卡上无效。答题前,请核对试卷一答题卡是否为A型卡,若不是,请要求监考人员予以更换。

3. 在答题卡上正确的填涂方法为:在代表答案的字母上划线,如[A] [-B-] [C] [D]。 试卷二 考试须知

1. 试卷二满分为15分,考试时间为30分钟。

2. 试卷二的答案一律用蓝色或黑色墨水笔写在试卷二答题卡指定区域内,未写在答题卡指定区域或写在试卷上的无效。

3. 宣布考试结束后,考生一律停笔,将试卷和答题卡反扣在自己的桌上,坐在原位,等待监考人员收试卷和答题卡。待监考人员全部收齐点清无误,宣布可以离场后,方可离开考场。

Part V Writing (15 points)

Directions: You are to write in 100-120words on the topic of “High-speed railway in China.” You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below.

1. 中国高速铁路的发展举世瞩目。

2. 你对我国高铁发展有何看法?请给出理由和例证。 3. 结论。

1 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第1页 共15页

Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)

Directions: There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Abby: Do you like living in the city? Bob: ________ It’s too noisy. A. That’s for sure. C. It all depends.

2. Clair: Are you coming with us?

Douglas: ________ I’ve got to prepare for the test. A. Maybe some other time. B. Well, if you insist C. Who cares? D. I’d be glad to.

3. Allen: How’s your headache?

Jenny: ______. The medicine worked wonders. A. Still the same. C. It’s all gone.

B. Hate to tell you. D. It’s getting worse.

B. Not really. D. Who knows?

4. Kevin: Is the restaurant any good?

Tommy: ______, but you have to try it for yourself. A. I think it’s great C. It’s a joke

5. John: Why not give me a call tonight? Margret: ______ Your number again? A. Too late.

6. Blair: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Smith?

Steve: ______ Would you like to leave a message? A. He’s not in right now. B. I’ll get him for you.

C. Hold the line please. D. Mr. What?

B. Does it really matter? D. I’ll do that.

C. I’ll be crazy busy.

B. Don’t worry about it. D. I’ve never been there

2 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第2页 共15页

7. Mike: it’s a great movie. I’ll go with you.

Grice: Great. But we must leave now if you don’t want to miss the beginning. Mike: ______

A. I’d be glad to. C. I’ll be ready.

8. Teacher: All right. ______?

Student: It sure did. Thank you so much, professor.

A. Can I see you in the next class B. Is it what you want to ask C. Have I understood you correctly D. Did that answer your question

9. Jay: How are things going with your mom? Lee: She’s doing great. In every way. ______ A. How do you know? C. Is that right?

10. Cashier: Okay, that’ll be $8.55. Customer: ______. Cashier: Thanks .... Next! A. Here you go C. You are right

11. Kathy: I hope they have all that staff at the supermarket. Ben: ______ We can also look online for the things we like. A. It beats me.

12. Lucas: Sorry sweetie, I didn’t hear you. ______?

Mary: Look here, this dress has matching belt and shoes. What do you think? A. Where are you

13. Mark: Let’s go and sit down for a while. I need to rest and have a drink. Linn: ______. I’m tired too. A. You are right C. Let’s do that

B. That’s amazing D. We’ll give it a try

B. How you doing D. Why are you here

C. What did you say

B. How I can know?

D. It doesn’t matter if they don’t.

C. What’s the point?

B. Take this way D. It’s very nice of you

B. Thank you for asking. D. You know better.

B. How time flies! D. What a great idea!

3 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第3页 共15页

14. Boss: Congratulations to your promotion, Jack.

Employee: ______, Mr. Anderson. I’ll do my best in the new role. A. Same here

15. Carlo: How much is it for a person for a day? Ben: With lunch, it’s only 60 Euros. Carlo: OK, ______.

A. it’s too expensive C. forget it

Part II Reading Comprehension (40points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.

Passage One

The comfort zone is our living, work, and social environments that we have grown accustomed to. It determines the type of friends we make or people we associate with. It determines a life style we accept or reject.

Young people are very adaptable; they can adjust to changing comfort zones with ease. They can socialize with homeless people in the morning and be equally at ease at a formal banquet in the evening. As we age, the ability to adapt to wide-ranging comfort zones becomes more difficult. Social prejudice narrows the comfort zone range. The comfort zone can be a decision making tool.

Comfort zones are directly related to our dreams or goals, which is associated with self-fulfilling prophecy(预言). In order to grow and change, we must first be discontent with our current comfort zone. We must realize that all meaningful and lasting changes occur first in daydreaming and then they work their way into reality. The more clearly and vividly we fantasize our dream, the stronger and more real the pictures on the subconscious level will become. Once our subconscious accepts this image and its expectation, it will go to work, searching for a way to bring it into reality. If we feel that these things are too good for us, we will find ways to fail. If, however, we intentionally imagine the change we want, build an expectation of the change mentally and emotionally, and we will find ways to acquire dream and, when mentally ready, it will arrive faster than we ever thought possible.

B. it’s a deal D. Goodbye

B. Thank you for your trust D. I’d appreciate it

C. The honor is mine

4 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第4页 共15页

For some people, problems, suffering, poverty, bad breaks are their comfort zone. They find comfort in finding fault and complaining about their misfortune. The same is true for businesses. Management and workers have grown used to seeing things go wrong and expect them too. Management finds comfort in finding fault with workers and workers and vice versa.

Note: If the comfort zone we are seeking is beyond our current income, then, we need to develop a service that has greater value than our current one. Money, power and influence are not goals; they are rewards ONLY for personal achievement.

16. As one grows older, ______.

A. one’s comfort zone becomes narrower B. one finds comfort zone more easily C. one becomes more sympathetic D. one behaves better in social gathering

17. What does “be discontent with our current comfort zone” (Para.3) mean? A. Be prepared to realize our dreams. B. Keep dreaming of unrealistic goals. C. Picture our dreams clearly and vividly. D. Be dissatisfied with our present life.

18. According to the author, daydreaming ______. A. requires a clear goal in mind

B. does little good to the pursuit of happiness C. prepares us for meaningful changes in life D. wastes our time and energy

19. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that ______. A. comfort zone may lead to conflicts B. comfort zone is not necessarily positive C. people tend to find fault with themselves D. survival is hard in business circle

20. By seeking a better comfort zone, people aim to ______. A. make greater achieving B. make more money C. be more influential D. gain greater power

5 201306(广东)成人学士学位英语试卷一A 第5页 共15页

2013年6月广东成人学士学位英语考试 答案(肖版)


