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Unit One Section C

PDA Prizefight: Palm vs. Pocket PC

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. With DataViz’s Documents To Go, you can view and edit desktop documents on your PDA without converting them first to a PDA-specific ________. (format)

2. Both Palm OS and Windows Mobile PDAs can offer e-mail via ________ so that new messages received on your desktop system are transferred to the PDA for on-the-go reading. (synchronization)

3. The Windows Mobile keyboard, Block Recognizer, and Letter Recognizer are all ________ input areas, meaning they appear and disappear as needed. (virtual)

4. Generally speaking, Windows Mobile performs better in entering information and playing ________ files while Palm OS offers easier operation, more ________ programs, better desktop compatibility, and a stronger e-mail application. (multimedia; third-party)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. data field数据字段 2. learning curve学习曲线

3. third-party solution第三方解决方案

4. Windows Media Player Windows媒体播放器 5. 开始按钮Start button

6. 指定输入区designated input area

7. 手写体识别系统handwriting-recognition system 8. 字符集character set

Unit Three Section B

Longhorn:The Next Version of Windows

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. NGSCB, the new security architecture Microsoft is developing for Longhorn, splits the OS into two parts: a standard mode and a(n) ________ mode. (secure)

2. It is reported that Longhorn will provide different levels of operation that disable the more intensive Aero effects to boost ________ on less capable PCs. (performance)

3. With Longhorn’s new graphics and presentation engine, we can create and display Tiles on the desktop, which remind us of the old Active Desktop but are based on ________ instead of ________. (XML; HTML)

4. The most talked-about feature in Longhorn so far is its new storage system, WinFS, which

works like a(n) ________ database. (relational)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. search box搜索框

2. built-in firewall内置防火墙

3. standalone application独立应用程序 4. active desktop 活动桌面 5. mobile device移动设备

6. 专有软件proprietary software 7. 快速加载键quick-launch key 8. 图形加速器graphics accelerator 9. 虚拟文件夹virtual folder

10. 三维界面three-dimensional interface

Unit Four Section C Arrays

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. Given the array called object with 20 elements, if you see the term object10, you know the array is in ________ form; if you see the term object[10], you know the array is in ________ form. (subscript; index)

2. In most programming languages, an array is a static data structure. When you define an array, the size is ________. (fixed)

3. A(n) ________ is a pictorial representation of a frequency array. (histogram)

4. An array that consists of just rows and columns is probably a(n) ________ array. (two-dimensional)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. bar chart条形图

2. frequency array频率数组

3. graphical representation图形表示 4. multidimensional array多维数组 5. 用户视图user(’s) view 6. 下标形式subscript form

7. 一维数组one-dimensional array 8. 编程结构programming construct

Unit Five Section B

Microsoft .NET vs. J2EE

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. One of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on any platform with a Java Virtual ________ while C# only runs in Windows for the foreseeable future. (Machine)

2. With .NET, Microsoft is opening up a channel both to ________ in other programming languages and to non-.NET ________. (developers; components)

3. J2EE is a single-language platform; calls from/to objects in other languages are possible

through ________, but this kind of support is not a ubiquitous part of the platform. (CORBA)

4. One important element of the .NET platform is a common language ________, which runs bytecodes in an Internal Language format. (runtime)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:

1. messaging model消息收发模型

2. common language runtime通用语言运行时刻(环境) 3. hierarchical namespace分等级层次的名称空间 4. development community开发社区

5. CORBA公用对象请求代理(程序)体系结构 6. 基本组件base component 7. 元数据标记metadata tag 8. 虚拟机virtual machine

9. 集成开发环境IDE(integrated development environment) 10. 简单对象访问协议SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)

Unit Six Section A

Software Life Cycle

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and ________. (testing)

2. In the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the ________ phase. (analysis)

3. In the system development process, the code is written in the ________ phase. (implementation)

4. In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the ________ phase. (design)

5. The most commonly used tool in the design phase is the ________. (structure chart)

6. In the system development process, ________ and pseudocode are tools used by programmers in the implementation phase. (flowcharts)

7. Pseudocode is part English and part program ________. (logic)

8. While black box testing is done by the system test engineer and the ________, white box testing is done by the ________. (user; programmer)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. standard graphical symbol标准图形符号 2. logical flow of data标准图形符号 3. test case测试用例

4. program validation程序验证 5. white box testing白盒测试

6. student registration system学生注册系统

7. customized banking package定制的金融软件包 8. software life cycle软件生命周期

9. user working environment用户工作环境

10. implementation phase实现阶段 11. 测试数据test data 12. 结构图structure chart

13. 系统开发阶段system development phase 14. 软件工程software engineering 15. 系统分析员system(s) analyst 16. 测试工程师test engineer

17. 系统生命周期system life cycle 18. 设计阶段design phase 19. 黑盒测试black box testing

20. 会计软件包accounting package

III. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:

development; testing; programmer; chart; engineer; attend; interfaces system; software; small; user

develop; changes; quality; board; Uncontrolled

IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese: 软件工程是软件开发的一个领域;在这个领域中,计算机科学家和工程师研究有关的方法与工具,以使高效开发正确、可靠和健壮的计算机程序变得容易。计算机科学的这一分支的研究,考虑软件生命周期的所有阶段。软件生命周期从正式的问题详述开始,随后相继是解决方案设计、解决方案实现为程序、程序测试和程序维护。软件工程师开发软件工具以及被称为编程环境的工具集,用以改进开发过程。例如,软件工具可以帮助管理程序员小组正在编写的大型程序的诸多组件。

Software engineering is an area of software development in which computer scientists and engineers study methods and tools that facilitate(使变得容易)the efficient development of correct, reliable, and robust computer programs. Research in this branch of computer science considers all the phases of the software life cycle, which begins with a formal problem specification, and progresses to the design of a solution, its implementation as a program, testing of the program, and program maintenance. Software engineers develop software tools and collections of tools called programming environments to improve the development process. For example, tools can help to manage the many components of a large program that is being written by a team of programmers.

Unit Six Section B

Model Driven Development

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. Information engineering emphasizes a modeling tool called ________ relationship diagrams. (entity)

2. One of the disadvantages of model-driven development is the long ________ of projects. (duration)

3. Unlike structured analysis and design and information engineering, object-oriented analysis and design attempts to merge the ________ and ________ concerns into singular constructs called objects. (data; process或process; data)

4. Unlike logical models, physical models show not only what a system is or does, but also how the system is physically and technically ________. (implemented)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. check box复选框(或选择框) 2. structured design结构化设计

3. building block(信息系统的)构建模块 4. database schema数据库模式 5. radio button单选(按)钮

6. 系统建模技术system modeling technique 7. 模型驱动开发model-driven development 8. 数据流程图data flow diagram

9. 下拉式菜单drop-down (或pull-down) menu 10. 滚动条scroll bar

Unit Six Section C

What Is a Design Pattern?

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. A design pattern generally has four essential elements: the pattern name, ________, solution, and consequences. (problem)

2. Reusability is often a factor in object-oriented design, so the ________ of a pattern include its impact on a system’s flexibility, extensibility, or portability. (consequences)

3. The solution of a design pattern describes the elements that make up the ________, their relationships, responsibilities, and collaborations. (design)

4. With reusable object-oriented software, your design should be ________ to the problem at hand but also ________ enough to address future problems and requirements. (specific; general) II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. procedural language过程化语言

2. common design structure通用设计结构 3. class and object interaction类与对象交互 4. design constraint设计约束 5. 设计模式design pattern

6. 可复用软件reusable software

7. 面向对象的系统object-oriented system 8. 继承层次inheritance hierarchy

Unit Seven Section C

.NET Data Access Architecture

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. ADO.NET is the ________ model for .NET-based applications. (data access)

2. ADO.NET currently comes with two categories of providers: ________ and ________ providers. (bridge; native或native; bridge)

3. Database connection ________ allows an application to reuse an existing connection from a

pool instead of repeatedly establishing a new connection with the database. (pooling)

4. In handling data access exception conditions, you can place your data access code within a(n) ________ block and trap any exceptions generated by using ________ blocks with the appropriate filter. (try; catch)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. bridge provider桥接提供程序 2. data library数据(文件)库

3. connection pooling连接池化技术

4. database-specific functionality数据库特有的功能 5. 默认设置default setting

6. 异常处理程序exception handler 7. 数据源data source 8. 基本类base class

Unit Nine Section C

Network Connecting Devices

I. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:

1. A(n) ________ is a connecting device that only regenerates the signal. (repeater)

2. Whereas a repeater operates only in the physical layer of the OSI model, a bridge operates in both the physical layer and the ________ layer of the OSI model. (data-link)

3. A(n) ________ is usually a computer installed with the necessary software and allows two networks, each with a completely different set of protocols, to communicate. (gateway)

4. The distinction between the two terms gateway and ________ is disappearing. They are now used interchangeably. (router)

II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa: 1. protocol converter协议转换器

2. physical address物理地址(或实际地址) 3. four-interface bridge 四接口网桥

4. common bus公共总线(或公用总线) 5. 数据链路层data-link layer 6. 总线拓扑结构bus topology

7. 开放式系统互连OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) 8. 广域网WAN (wide area network)



