【期刊名称】《中国非金属矿工业导刊》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)001
【摘要】The Ca-bentonite from Hubei Ezhou is taken as the research object, analysis quality of bentonite in this area and study experimentally on the high expansibility Na-bentonite. The results show that: Ezhou bentonite production finished in the best Naactivation condition, after synergist added and the expansion property of bentonite is greatly improved, it provide evidence for production high expansion property Ezhou bentonite.%本文以湖北鄂州钙基膨润土为研究对象,对该地区膨润土进行品质分析,并对其制备高膨胀性钠基膨润土进行了试验研究.结果表明:鄂州膨润土在最佳钠化条件下,在改性成品中加入增效剂后,膨润土的膨胀性能明显提高,为鄂州生产高膨胀性膨润土提供了依据. 【总页数】2页(18-19)
【关键词】膨润土;高膨胀性;增效剂 【作者】王鸽
【作者单位】湖北中非膨润土有限公司,湖北鄂州436061 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】P619.255;TQ316.6 【相关文献】
1.低品位钙基膨润土提纯、钠化及高黏度有机膨润土的制备 [J], 孙自军; 韩敏