New bifurcations of basin boundaries involving Wada and a smooth Wada basin boundary
New bifurcations of basin boundaries involving Wada and a smooth Wada basin boundary
Zou Hai-Lin;Xu Jian-Xue;Jiang Jun
【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2008(017)001
【摘要】This paper demonstrates and analyses double heteroclinic tangency in a three-well potential model,which can produce three new types of bifurcations of basin boundaries including from smooth to Wada basin boundaries,from fractal to Wada basin boundaries in which no changes of accessible periodic orbits happen,and from Wada to Wada basin boundaries.In a model of mechanical oscillator,it shows that a Wada basin boundary can be smooth. 【总页数】8页(117-124)
【关键词】Wada basin boundary,heteroclinic tangency,smooth Wada basin boundary
【作者】Zou Hai-Lin;Xu Jian-Xue;Jiang Jun
【作者单位】Institute of Nonlinear Dynamics,MOE Key Laboratory for Strength
710049,China;Institute of Nonlinear Dynamics,MOE Key Laboratory for Strength
710049,China;Institute of Nonlinear Dynamics,MOE Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China
【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】O4 【相关文献】
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New bifurcations of basin boundaries involving Wada and a smooth Wada basin boundary