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第一节 语法和词汇知识(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

1. — How about taking _____short walk? — But I’d like to have _____coffee instead. A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the

D. a; a

2. As it went on, I ______ that the job was going to take longer than I thought. A. requested B. suggested C. deserved 3. The drugs work well at first but ______ lose their effectiveness. A. gradually B. actually C. especially

D. frequently D. realized

4. Qufu in Shandong is a place with many cultural relics, _____are well looked after. A. where B. which C. that

D. what

5. She is the youngest in the family. She always ___________ the biggest apple. A. has got B. gets C. got

D. was getting

6. — How long do you think it will be _________the project is finished? — Perhaps two or three days.

A. when B. until C. that 7. I'd ________it if you let me get on with my job.

A. appreciate B. doubt C. explore

D. perform D. before

8. My father has to go to work by taxi because his car ________at the garage. A. is repaired

B. will be repaired

C. is being repaired D. has been repaired

9. — What are you up to there? — I’m planning my _____for the coming holiday.

A. attitude B. opinion C. schedule 10. A number of questions ____at the meeting, but none was answered. A. cared about B. came up C. took out D. set up 11. —Going to the cinema tonight?—No, I'm tired. I _____ an early night.

A. am having B. had C. will have had D. have 12. Mom called me yesterday, asking me ______I was getting along with the exam.

A. when B. how C. whether D. why

13. In British universities, no subjects are compulsory. Students can study _____they want. A. wherever B. whatever C. however D. whoever 14. —What's the matter with Rod?— I think he's _______ that we forgot his birthday. A. strange B. stubborn C. reliable D. upset

D. invitation

15. Have you realized the part the Internet has _____in our daily life?

A. made B. given C. caused D. played 16. Elias was educated at a local primary school, ______he got a job in a factory. A. from which B. after that C. after which D. from this 17. I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to phone my family _____the past couple of weeks. A. beyond

B. with C. among D. over

18. Elkeson hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he _____another goal during the 2013 AFC Champions League final. A. had scored would have scored

19. The students in the city find ____is no pleasure learning Geography in class. A. it

B. that

C. this

D. how

B. scored C. would score D.

20. —How about having a swim this afternoon? —_________, but I have math lessons then.

A. I agree B. Good idea C. Thanks a lot D. Go ahead 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

\carry on, one day something 21 will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that previous 22 . Mother was 23 , as I discovered after graduating from college. I had decided to try for a 24 in radio, then 25 my way up to sports announcer. I went to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station---and got 26 every time.

In one studio, a kind lady told me that 27 stations couldn't risk hiring 28 person. \in the sticks(边缘地区) and find a small station that'll give you a 29 ,\Dixon, Illinois.

While there was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its 30 department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I 31 . The job sounded just 32 for me.

But I wasn't hired. My disappointment must have 33 \ 34 me. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, Peter MacArthur, said they had already hired an 35 . As I left his office, my annoyance boiled over. I asked 36 , \announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?\ I was waiting for the elevator 37 I heard MacArthur calling, \ about sports? Do you know anything about football?\Then he stood me 38 a microphone and asked me to 39 an imaginary game.

On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother's words. I often 40 what direction my life might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.

21. A. strange B. good C. useless

D. peaceful

22. A. disappointment B. amazement C. concern D. doubt 23. A. stubborn 24. A. plan 25. A. carry 26. A. put off

B. wrong C. right B. job C.trip B. give C. take B. broken away C. turned down

D. mean D. research D. work D. fed up

27. A. local B. famous C. big D. small 28. A. inexperienced B. independent C. selfish D. confident 29. A. tip

B. reward

C. chance

D. challenge

30. A. food B. sports 31. A. calmed

B. hesitated

C. clothes D. radio C. refused C. boring C. shown

D. applied D. funny D. hidden

32. A. suitable B. true 33. A. burst

B. died

34. A. warned B. reminded C. recognized D. commanded

35. A. announcer B. athlete C. actor D. artist 36. A. equally B. secretly C. silently D. aloud 37. A. when 38. A. within 39. A. predict 40. A. scold

B. while C. where B. beyond

C. before

D. after D. beneath

B. broadcast C. present D. perform B. dream

C. learn D. wonder

第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)


Although she died more than twenty-five years ago, many Americans still argue about Ayn Rand. People also continue to talk about her ideas and her interesting life.

As a young child, Alisa loved books. She began to write her own stories when she was only seven. She took classes in politics, history, law and writing. In 1926, she traveled to the United States and decided she would never leave. She also decided to change her name to \Hollywood, California to work in the movie business. Throughout the 1930s, she published two books, but did not earn much critical or popular recognition.

Then, in 1943, Rand's famous book \The Fountainhead\to write the novel. Twelve publishers rejected the book. However, a man named Archibald Ogden loved the story and convinced theBobbs-Merrill company to publish it. \The Fountainhead\became a huge success around the world. It has sold more than six million copies. It continuesto sell about one hundred thousand copies each year.

\The Fountainhead\wants to build interesting, modern-looking buildings. However, most people only want to see traditional designs. Roark loves designing and building more than anything in the world. But he refuses to compromise and make buildings he hates. Several people work against Roark and his goals. But in the end, Roark succeeds.

\The Fountainhead\longer than most books people read for entertainment. More importantly, it also includes discussions of philosophy, which are not usually found in popular books. Most critics did not like \The Fountainhead.\,it was made into a popular movie.

She lived quietly in New York City until she died in 1982. She is still one of the most loved, and hated, American thinkers and writers.

41. When did Alisa decide to change her name to Ayn Rand?

A. When she began to write her own stories. B. When she took classes in politics and writing. C. When she decided to settle in the US. D. When she moved to Hollywood, California.

42. Which of the following is true of Rand's famous book The Fountainhead?

A. It cost the author eight years to complete. B. It was loved by all the twelve publishers. C. It was finally published by Archibald Ogden. D. It was a great success around the world. 43. What can we learn about Howard Roark?

A. He wants to build interesting, traditional buildings. B. He loves designing and building anything in the world. C. He has to give in and make buildings he hates. D. He achieves his goals and eventually gains success.

44. \

A. it is far longer than most books for entertainment

B. it also includes discussions of philosophy

C. it was well-received by most critics and readers D. it was made into a popular TV play in 1949 45. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The life and writing of Ayn Rand. B. The interesting life of Ayn Rand.

C. Rand's famous book \ D. Different attitudes towards Rand’s book.


Can you imagine what 680,000 tons of food look like? That’s the amount of food wasted in Britain each year, and at the top of the list of wasted food is bread. In the British diet, bread appears in every meal. It is eaten for breakfast, used for sandwiches for lunch and put in soups at dinner. Almost everyone in Britain buys bread — from people of rich families to common people who don’t have much money.

Bread is so important to the British that they sometimes use the word “bread” to mean “money” and the word “loaf” to mean “head”. So let’s use our “loaves” to understand why so much “bread” is wasted!

Even though bread is still sold in such a popular way and in such a large amount, that doesn’t mean it is made full use of. We often say that half a loaf is still better than none, but it seems people are simply buying much more than they need, so they throw away the bread that they don’t need.

Baker Chris Young explains that the British aren’t valuing their bread because bread is no longer respected. “None of the bread that is thrown away is ‘real’ bread—homemade or carefully-made bread, but is bought from the bread shop,” he said.

Another baker Mark Boyle agrees. “If you make something by yourself, you don’t want to waste it because you know how much energy you’ve put into it. But although home baking is a nice idea, for many it’s out of their ability because they have to work such long hours every day that they don’t have time to make bread by themselves at home. So they simply buy bread and just bring it home to eat,” he said.

Perhaps the British should try to bake bread by themselves, which can probably make their dustbins lighter.

46. The first paragraph shows us that _____.

A. bread is the cheapest food in Britain

B. bread will become less popular in Britain

C. different British people like different bread



