Parallax correction device and method in blended optical system for use over a ramge of temperatures
Parallax correction device and method in blended optical system for use over a ramge of temperatures
申请(专利)号: GB20190006200
专利号: GB201906200D0 主分类号:
申请权利人: QIOPTIQ LTD. 公开国代码: GB 优先权国家: GB
摘 要:
A blended optical device includes a first objective with a first axis and a first image position adjustment means for adjusting the position of a first image. An electronic control circuitry is configured to control the first adjustment means to adjust a position of the first image. A second objective includes a second axis and a variable focus mechanism, and a blender configured to form a blended image from the first image and a second image. The electronic control circuitry is configured to receive data from the second objective regarding a range to a target of the second objective as a function of the
focus setting, and to adjust the position of the first image so that the blended image is corrected for parallax errors. 主权项:
申请日: 2015-06-18 公开公告日: 2019-06-19
分类号: 发明设计人: 申请国代码: GB
优先权: 20150618 GB
201906200; 20150618 GB 201510725
摘 要 附 图:
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Parallax correction device and method in blended optical system for use over a ramge of temperatures