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高一英语必修三Unit2 Healthy eating阅读学习方案教学设计

兰州三中 高中英语 张春玲

Time:40 minutes Grade: Senior Grade One Teaching Material:

Unit2 Healthy eating (Using Language: listening, reading and discussing) Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge Objects:

(1) Learn and master the new words and expressions in this unit. Key words: debt, glare, spy, limit, benefit, breast, garlic, sigh, combine Common words: calmly, cooperation

Phrases: earn one’s living, in debt, spy on, cut down, before long, put on weight (2) Get students to read the story Come and Eat Here(2)

(3) Let the students learn more about problems with a balanced diet and unbalanced diet. 2. Ability Object:

(1) Develop the students’ listening and reading ability.

(2) Train the students’ ability of further understanding about the text. (3) Develop the students’ reading skills by extensive reading. 3. Moral Objects:

(1) Stimulate the students’ sense to form a healthy eating habit. (2) Develop the students’ sense of group cooperation and teamwork.

(3) Develop the students’ ability of dealing with the troubles met in their daily life. 4. Strategy Object:

Get the students to learn different reading strategies. Cultivate the students’ ability to skim and scan

the passage.

Teaching Important Points:

Train the students’ listening and reading ability. Teaching Difficult point:

How to improve the students’ listening and reading ability. Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.

2. Questions to help the students learn the detailed information about the text. 3. Pair work to make every student work in class. Discussion for cooperation study. Teaching Aids: 1. a projector 2. the blackboard Teaching Procedures: StepⅠ Greetings Greeet the whole class. StepⅡLead-in

Talk about the topic of the unit—healthy eating. StepⅢ Listening

1. Learn the new words about the diseases. 2. Listen to the tape to finish Ex.3 and Ex.4. 3. Find out the main idea of the dialogue. StcpⅣ Reading and Discussing

1. Review the first part of the story Come and Eat Here(2). 2. Skiming for general idea 2. Scanning for details StepⅤ Consolidation Fill in blanks StepⅥ Discussion

Why was their cooperation a success? What can we learn from the cooperation? StepⅦ Summary Homework

1. Write an advertisement for the new restaurant 2. Try to retell the whole story. Blackboard Design Unit 2 Healthy eating Come and Eat Here(2) angry——enjoy a meal——be willing to competitors—friends—lovers cooperation success couple


(1).Learn a knowledge of balanced diet and health. (2). Master the reading skills of guessing and skimming. (3). Use words and expressions of this unit in daily life. (4). Express some ideas about healthy eating in English.

第1-5分钟 热身导入 激活活动的目的性 请学生介绍自己一天饮食。 课本Warming-up部分 第6-10分钟

Guessing 了解任务 Reading strategies: Make a guess according to the title “ Come and eat here ”before reading.

1.Where are you invited to go ? 2.What foods are you offered there ? 课本pre-reading部分 第11-15分钟

Fasting reading 理解课文的语用目的 学习课文,引导学生阅读课文,回答问题: 1.Reading strategies : Read fast and answer questions (问题已经印在课中学习方案上,以节约写黑板时间.) 学案 第16-35分钟

Careful reading 深入任务:捕捉具体信息 完成活动(1),(2) 第二遍阅读,完成活动(1), 小组活动:分享各自的方法。

第三遍阅读,完成活动(2):建议学生在阅读中列出信息表,然后就很容易回答和选择了。 小组活动:相互检查表格填写是否正确,相互问答完成活动,相互检查活动答案是否正确。 全班活动:完成活动,老师询问,学生回答。 课文和学案

第36-45分钟 知识运用 进一步强化学生的语言运用能力 请不同层次的学生展示本任务的结果。


课中学习方案 1.Guessing

Reading strategies: Make a guess according to the title “ Come and eat here ”before reading. (1).Where are you invited to go ? (2).What foods are you offered there 2.Fasting reading

Read the text quickly and answer the two questions (1)Who were mentioned in the story? (2)What did they do ? 3. Careful reding

(1) Divide the whole passage into three parts, and give the general idea of each part. Part 1 ____________________________________________ Part 2 ____________________________________________ Part 3 ____________________________________________ (2)Fill the table menu strength weakness

WP’s restaurant YH’s restaurant



