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课程名称 新生代英语基础教程1 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 《新生代英语基础教程1》


教学计划 教 学 Unit 2 “It’s raining hard.” 单 元 单 元 ? Weather 主 题 ? Show Time “It’s raining hard.” ? Reading 教 学 内 容 Fun facts on British Weather ? Chat Time Do you mind if I borrow your umbrella? ? Writing A weather forecast ? Grammar Present continuous tense ? My Story The weather 课 时8 安 排

教学目标 Warm-up 教学活动建议 To get students to talk ? Have students look at the picture and ask about the main topic 2 them to tell you as much as they can about it. Then, go through the questions

of this unit in a comfortable relaxed manner Vocabulary Builder A and B To teach students new vocabulary related to weather and weather clothing and and complete each answer. ? Read the paragraph together and check their answers. ? Have the students listen and repeat the words. Ask the students which words they know and which they aren’t sure about. The most difficult words on this list are probably poncho and canceled. If you have a real poncho, it may be good to bring it to class. For canceled, you can give an example of when school was canceled recently, perhaps due to a public holiday or poor weather. Try to relate the vocabulary to students’ lives as much as possible. ? Talk about weather conditions with students. Ask questions like “Do you like a rainy day?” Students should answer in a complete sentence beginning with “I like/don’t like a … day.” ? Finish the exercise and check their answers. C and D To improve students’ listening and ? For Exercise C, tell the students that they will hear a weather forecast. Explain that a forecast is when people try to predict (or guess) what the weather will be. Review the words describing weather with students like sunny, rainy and stormy. ? Show some examples to prime the students for the listening. Now, listen to the forecast. Have students fill in the 3

comprehension skills



