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1. Do you have a United States R. N. license? 你有美国注册护士执照吗?

2. Could you tell me about your professional education? 你能说一下你的职业教育背景吗?

3. What do you think are the qualities a nurse should have?


4. What is your official designation? 你的正式职称是什么?

5. I graduated from the nursing school of Beijing Medical University.


6. The school offered such courses as nursing science, nursing psychology, nursing ethics, internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and so on.


7. Nurses should have the professional quality of responsibility, skill,patience,quietness, and so on. 责任心、技术、耐心、安静等都是护士应有的职业素质。

8. To maintain a high standard of nursing, we should take experience and education into consideration while considering a nurse’s level of expertise in caring for various patients. 要保持护理的高标准,就要在考虑护士护理不同病人的专业水平时,将教育和经验都重视起来。

9. I have worked in the surgical ward. 我在外科病房工作过。

10. I was responsible for taking histories, keeping

charts, giving injections, administering medication, testing temperature and blood pressure, and so on.

我负责记载病例、保管给病人拍的片子、打针、给病人服药、测量体温和血压等等。 Dialogue 1 welcome

A: Do you have a United States R. N. license (i. e. Registered Nurse license) ? A: 你有美国注册护土执照吗?

B: No, 1 haven't had a chance to take the exam as I have just arrived here.

B: 没有,我初来乍到,还没机会考。

A: Could you tell me about your professional education? A: 你能说—下你的职业教育背景吗?

B:All right. I graduated from the nursing school of Beijing Medical University. The nursing school offered such

courscs as nursing science, nursing psychology, nursing ethics, internal medicine, surgery. pediatrics, and so on. B: 好的。我毕业于北京医科大学护理学院。学校开设了以下课

程:护理学、护理心理学、护 理伦理学、内科学、外科学、儿科学等。 Dialogue 2 welcome

A: What do you think are the qualities a nurse should have?

A: 你认为护士应该具备哪件素质?

B: They are responsibility, skill,patience, quietness, and so on.

B:责任心、技术、耐心、安静等素质是护士应有的。 A: What kind of medicines does the doctor usually prescribe to children who get high fever? A: 医生一般给发高烧的孩子开什么药? B: Aspirin. B: 阿司匹林。



