GRAHAM TURNER: Is that you, John? 格雷厄姆·特纳:是你吗,约__________________________________________________ JOHN SMITH: Yes, speaking. 翰?
GRAHAM TURNER: Tell Mary we'll 约翰·史密斯:是我,请be late for dinner this evening. 讲。
JOHN SMITH: I'm afraid I don't 格雷厄姆·特纳:你告诉understand. 玛丽,今晚吃饭我们将晚到一 GRAHAM TURNER: Hasn't Mary 会儿。
told you? She invited Charlotte 约翰·史密斯:恐怕我还and me to dinner this evening. I 不明白您的意思。
said I would be at your house at 格雷厄姆·特纳:玛丽没有告six o'clock, but the boss wants me 诉你吗?她邀请我和夏洛特今晚to do some extra work. I'll have 去吃饭。我说过我6点到你to stay at the office. I don't 家,但老板要我加班。我不得know when I'll finish. Oh, and by 不留在办公室,不知道什么时the way, my wife wants to know if 候才能结束。喔,顺便问一Mary needs any help. 句,我妻子想知道玛丽是否需 JOHN SMITH: I don't know what 要帮忙。 you're talking about. 约翰·史密斯:我不知道 GRAHAM TURNER: That is John 您在说些什么。 Smith, isn't it? 格雷厄姆·特纳:你是约 JOHN SMITH: Yes, I'm John 翰·史密斯,对吗? Smith. 约翰·史密斯:是的,我 GRAHAM TURNER: You are John 是约翰·史密斯。 Smith, the engineer, aren't you? 格雷厄姆,特纳:你是工 JOHN SMITH: That's right. 程师约翰·史密斯,对吗? GRAHAM TURNER: You work for 约翰·史密斯:对。
the Overseas Engineering Company, 格雷厄姆·特纳:你在海don't you? 外工程公司上班,是吗?
JOHN SMITH: No, I don't. I'm 约翰·史密斯:不,不John Smith the telephone engineer 是。我是电话工程师约翰·史and I'm repairing your telephone 密斯,我正在修理您的电话line. 线。
【知识点讲解】 (一)单词扩展
1)extra adj. 多余的,额外的 短语:an extra charge 额外的费用 extra train 加班火车
We need hundreds of extras for this scene。 我们需要数百名临时演员拍这场戏。 2)overseas adj. 国外的,海外的