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these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate conomic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply de structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \o policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\n grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty酒店钥匙管理规定


1、机械门锁的安装由部门提出申请,保安部经理签字备案,工程部进行安装; 2、机械钥匙的发放和领用管理:
















these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply de structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \o policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\n grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty的主管给予口头警告处分,并需要专题书面报告总经理室事情经过和处理决定,送行政人事部备案。

第二部分:电子磁卡钥匙管理 1、允许制作的万能钥匙种类及数量:

? Master Key: 可打开所有房门的钥匙卡。整个酒店共计8把。由经授权许可


? Floor Key:客房部每个楼层的楼层卡,每个楼层配备A、B两套,由客房部


? Area Key:相邻楼层的区域卡:5~8层一组、9~12层一组、15~17层一组,



? 所有万能钥匙的使用期限为3个月,每个季度第三个月的25日,由电脑房


? 每次制作需要在专门的登记本上记录,内容为制作的日期和时间、各类钥匙


3、可持有Master Key的人员:

仅下列经授权许可的人员,可以在日常的运营工作中使用酒店的万能钥匙: ? 总经理 ? 营运总监

? 前厅部大堂经理(当值) ? 客房部经理 ? 客房部经理助理 ? 客房部中班主管 ? 客房部楼层主管、领班 ? 客房部楼层清扫员

these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply de structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \o policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\n grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, nd to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. PovertyJACKY SHANGHAI

? 客房部公共区域员工(如工作需要) ? 洗衣房


? 所有的万能钥匙的制作要求必须经过所在部门的负责人书面申请、营运


? 万能钥匙的制作由电脑房经理负责;登录万能钥匙制作权限的密码由电


? 制作万能钥匙时,由安保部验明,房务总监签字确认的《电脑房服务申


? 钥匙制作完毕后,安保部必须在保险箱使用记录填写相应记录,并有电



? 住客磁卡钥匙根据经营的需要,有前台和行政楼接待处负责制作和发放,


? 参观用房的钥匙,根据需要每日由前台制作,放于前台备用,中班下班


? 原则上,住店客人每登记一位,发放一把该登记房间的磁卡钥匙; ? 会议会务组如有需要,经该会议负责人签字认可,可以每个会务组用房


? 其他如有特殊需要,需征得营运总监的书面同意,方可以增发住客房间




these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply de structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \o policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\n grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty? 所有万能钥匙均不可以带出酒店区域范围,如有违反,将给予酒店口头


? 被允许可持有和使用万能钥匙部门的负责人同时负有保管各自管辖区内


? 客房部每日钥匙发放和交还要有详细记录,使用人领用和交还需要签字,


? 大堂经理每班次交接记录需要特别说明万能钥匙的交接情况; ? 其他临时使用万能钥匙,领用和归还必须做好详细记录,包括:

a. 用匙的日期和时间 b. 用匙的目的 c. 用匙的员工姓名

d. 发放钥匙的员工(或证人)的姓名 e. 万能钥匙交还的时间 f. 用匙人和证人的签名

? 每个班次的负责人都要审核一次万能钥匙交接的记录和钥匙的保管情


? 在任何情况下都不允许任何员工把万能钥匙带出酒店经营范围。 ? 任何级别的万能钥匙一旦损坏或者无法使用时必须销毁,销毁时,必须


? 任何员工在任何情况下不得将自己持有和使用的万能钥匙借给其他人,

如果在当班结束后没有交还万能钥匙,将受到严重警告的纪律处罚。 ? 如果万能钥匙遗失的应立即报告自己所在部门负责人,并通报酒店保安


? 酒店将根据过失责任的轻重,最高予以严重警告的纪律处罚,并处以弥


these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in major decisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply de structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \o policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\n grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, nd to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. PovertyJACKY SHANGHAI

? 前台员工给住客制作客房钥匙的原则数量为每登记一位住客,发放一把



? 电脑房经理负责生成和保管系统密码;

? 每次生成新密码后,要将密码封存在信封袋里,信封封面写有“编码器

密码,生成日期: 年 月 日”字样;

? 将信封封口后交由安全部经理,将该信封保存到大堂贵重物品保管室指


? 该指定保险箱每次开启都需要在专门的登记表上做记录,开启使需由保


? 电脑房经理需与酒店签订密码安全保管协议。(协议附后)




