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一. 分值:小作文 (100字)10分

二. 小作文类型:感谢信(thanks),祝贺信(congratulation),道歉信(apology),邀请

信(invitation) 倡导信(建议信)(suggestion); 投诉信(complaint),询问信(inquiry)请求信(require)婉拒信(decline),求职信(application),推荐信(recommendation),公告(notice)备忘(memo),

三. 小作文格式:二三原则1.二个逗号;2.三个段落; 1. 二逗号:称呼后,署名后

2. 三段式:首段说明写信意愿和目的+第二段展开内容+末端呼应首段,再一次强调写信用意,并表达祝愿。 四. 小作文格式注意事项:

1. 称呼的格式:Dear Sir, Dear Madam Helen, Dear John, Dear Professor Smith, 男士:Mr. 女士:Mrs./ Ms./Miss 教授、博士:Prof./Dr. 市长,法官,议员,其他高官:Hon.(Honorable,尊敬的) 编辑:Editor

不清楚对方姓名:Dear Sir/Sirs, Dear Madam/Madams, Dear Sir or Madam, To

Whom It May Concern,

3. 署名的格式:右下角,Yours sincerely, Sincerely yours, Sincerely, 4.正文开头空四格


A letter of Congratulations

Dear Jack,

I am so delighted to hear that you have just been admitted into the prestigious Peking University. Please accept my heartiest congratulations to you!

This is a special moment for you and all the friends as well as relatives, and I do want to share the happiness with you. After years of hard and creative work and study, you have finally got what you really deserve. I’m convinced that this will be a new beginning, a chance for you to embrace a broader future.

I wish you good luck and keep pursuing a brighter future.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

五. 小作文内容注意事项:

1. 娓娓道来+洗耳恭听 2. 晓之以理+声泪俱下 3. 画龙点睛+无路可退

例: Dear Teacher Zhang,

I’m one of your millions of students, I came to attend your English class last week, in which I acquired much information about writing skills. In the meantime, I learned another more important thing by accident. I may be shot by a magic arrow.

I can’t help recalling the beautiful moment at which you came into my sight. You were wearing a gracious dress, which brought me the feeling of elegance immediately;


the attempting smile on your charming face attracted me deeply. Walking in the sun, you seemed to me like an angle from the paradise. It was more of your inner beauty that drew my attention irresistibly, the humorous way you taught English as well as the broad knowledge of English you accumulated inspired my zeal for English right away.

I would really like to invite you to have a meaningful date with me, I’m convinced that spending a day with you would surly exceed the meaning of reading books for a whole week for me. Please do give me this chance to get close to English. I would appreciate it with my whole heart.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


1. 感谢信(表达感谢并说明原因---说明自己曾受到对方的帮助---再次感谢并表达回报愿望)tip:信的末尾尽量表达希望回报对方。

I’m writing to extend my gratitude to you for your charming hospitality.我写信来表达我对你的盛情款待的感激之情。

I take this opportunity to express to you my deep appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.我借此机会对您给予我的帮助表示深深地感谢。

It is my great honor/pleasure to show my hearty thanks to you for…很荣幸能借此机会向你表达我衷心的感谢。

In this letter I would like to convey my heartiest thanks to you for your kindness and hospitality. 我想通过这封信表达感谢,感谢您对我的热情招待。

Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed


my first XX trip into a beautiful memory. 你们的慷慨和对我的关心使我此行非常愉快,而我的第一次XX也因此变成了美好的回忆。 I feel obliged to thank you. 非常感谢你们。

Thank you again for your kindness and I hope that I will have the opportunity to return your charming hospitality. 再次感谢您的友好,希望有机会回报您的款待。

2.祝贺信(说明事由并表达衷心的祝贺---评论实践,赞扬收信人----再次表达良好愿望)tip:第二段赞扬对方的优秀能力和取得成功的原因,并展望他将来美好的发展前景) I am much delighted to learn that… 我很高兴听说…

This is a special and happy moment for you and I am proud of your achievement.这是一个特殊的时刻,一个高兴地时刻,我为你的成就感到自豪。

XX will not only pose a great challenge to you, but also fundamentally enhance your ability comprehensively. XX不仅给了你一个很大的挑战,同时也将综合地提高你的能力。

I believe this position will be a new beginning, and a chance for you to embrace a fuller life and pave the way for a brilliant future career. 我相信这是一个新的开始,这个机会将使你拥有一个更加充实的生活,并为你灿烂的将来打下基础。 Please accept my most sincere congratulations! 请接受我最诚挚的祝福。 My excitement is beyond any word.兴奋之情无以言喻 It’s so great to be informed of the news that…很高兴得知… Congratulations to you on your latest prize.祝贺你最近取得的奖

You are always the greatest pride of we Chinese.你一直是我们中国人的骄傲。 Edison once said: “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.”爱迪生曾说过:天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水


3.道歉信 (表达歉意---说明具体原因,提出补救办法---再次道歉,希望得到原谅)tips:犯错理由必须合理;解释完理由后尽量提供一个合适的补救办法。

I sincerely apologize for my careless mistake, as well as for any inconvenience thus caused to you.我真诚的为我的失误和因此给你带来的不便向你道歉。 The pity is that I can’t do sth…很遗憾我不能做.

I feel terribly sorry for missing the chance of… 错过…我很遗憾

Please do accept my deep apology to you.请一定要接受我对你深深地抱歉。 Much to my regret that I am unable to attend your party.很遗憾我不能去.

I’m sorry to inform you that I can’t do… due to X.我很遗憾地告知您,因为…我不能… I really hope that you can understand that I didn’t mean it.我真的和你希望你能理解我并不是有意要做这件事情的。

I would be very much obliged if you could grant me another chance. 要是你能再给我一次机会我会不胜感激。

I really hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.我真的希望你能理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。

I assure you that such matter will never happen again.我保证这样的事以后不会再发生了。

Is it possible for me to make up my fault to you? 我可以弥补我的过错吗? Will you kindly excuse me for not being able to do sth. 你能原谅我不能做某事吗? Please do allow me to say sorry again. 请允许我再次道歉。

4.邀请信 (说明邀请目的----说明活动安排----期待尽早回复)tips: 要说明活动的详细信息,包括时间,地点,内容,有哪些人参加。语气要诚挚。 I have the honor to invite you to… 邀请您参加…,我感到很荣幸。

We would be particularly honored by your distinguished presence. 如果您能出席,我们



