题 目: 超声波洗碗机的设计
专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师:
完成日期: 2014年5月28日 1
湘潭大学兴湘学院毕业论文 目 录
摘要???????????????????????????1 第一章 前言??????????????????????3 1.1 背景?????????????????????3
1.1.2国内外洗碗机发展与现状???????????3 1.2 国内市场上洗碗机的分析????????????4
1.2.1国内市场上洗碗机的特点与不足????????4 第二章 总体方案
???????????????????6 2.1 设计要求???????????????????6 2.2 整体方案设计????????????????? 6 2.3 本章小结???????????????????7 第三章 超声波清洗原理????????????????8 3.1 超声波清洗技术简介??????????????8 3.2 超声清洗机理?????????????????8
3.2.1 超声空化作用????????????????8 3.3 超声空化阀
?????????????????9 第四章 超声清洗参数选定??????????????? 10 4.1 影响超声波清洗效果的因素???????????10
4.1.1 声强??????????????????? 10
4.1.2 频率??????????????????? 10
4.1.3 清洗液?????????????????? 11 4.2 超声场的研究??????????????????11
4.2.1 空化强度的测量??????????????11 4.3 选取参数??????????????????? 11
4.3.1 超声清洗参数??????????????? 11 4.4 本章小结
???????????????????11 第五章 超声波洗碗机结构设计????????????? 13 5.1 整体方案设计?????????????????13
5.2 各重要部件设计????????????????13 5.2.1 清洗槽?????????????????? 13 5.2.2 进排水系统???????????????? 13 5.2.3 水位感应系统??????????????? 13 5.2.4 喷臂系统????????????????? 14 湘潭大学兴湘学院毕业论文
5.2.5 超声波发生器???????????????15 5.2.6 超声波换能器???????????????16
5.2.7 加热系统?????????????????17 5.3 本章小结?????????????????? 18 第六章 控制系统???????????????????19 6.1 控制逻辑???????????????????19 6.2 处理器选择??????????????????19 第七章 总 结????????????????????21 致 谢?????????????????????? 22 参考文献?????????????????????? 23 附录???????????????????????? 24
湘潭大学兴湘学院毕业论文 摘 要
关键词:超声波;洗碗机;结构设计;PLC 湘潭大学兴湘学院毕业论文 Abstract
With the improvement of people's living standards and the acceleration of modern
life speed, new household electrical equipment which are more adaptable to the modern family life are required to meet customers’ need. These appliances are more efficie
nt, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly. The household appliances industry in China has being developing rapidly. And there appear some international corporations
such as Haier, TCL etc. Furthermore, we have reached in top level in some technical fields. Among household appliances, the penetration rate of color TV and washing machine are relatively higher, the household dishwasher, however, is an undeveloped but great potential field. The reason is because the traditional dishwasher’s flush cleaning
system and spray arm structure are not applicable to the Chinese tableware such as deep bowls, deep pots etc. It was generally regarded as “bad cleaning effect, low efficien
cy and high energy consumption”, so it was not popular. Now, I try to takes advantage
of the cleaning feature of ultrasonic to solve these problems by designing a new efficient dishwasher. According to the characteristics of ultrasonic cleaning and dishwashing’s process, I have improved and redesigned the overall structure of the dishwasher, the cleaning process and control system. The structure: the cleaning tank is made of stainless steel. The dishwasher consists of reasonable layout of the ultrasound system, the
spray arm flush device and the plumbing system, so that the
structure is more compact and reasonable, to improve the cleaning effect. Cleaning process: according to the academic result of corrosion of the aluminum foil research, figuring out the distribution of ultrasonic
cavitations’ intensity and selecting appropriate parameters to determine the optimal cleaning process. Control system: selecting the appropriate SCM(Single Chip Microcomputer)and basing logical order on the running order of each part to makecleaning process automatic.
Key words: ultrasonic; dishwasher; structure design; SCM (Single Chip Microcomputer) 湘潭大学兴湘学院毕业论文 第一章 绪论 1.1 背景