学生姓名 x x x 学 号 .................. 学 院 水利与建筑工程学院 专 业 农业水利工程 班 级 ............... 指导教师 ...........
日 期 2013年5月20日
摘 要
关键词 塔里木河;生态环境;影响因素
This article from the degradation of water, soil salinization, desertification three aspects of ecological and environmental problems of the Tarim River Basin. Degradation of water: water quality there are significant differences in time and space; river annual runoff decreasing trend; the river dried serious; rivers upstream water consumption. Soil salinization in: salinization area continued to expand the area of land salinization account for a higher ratio of available surface area of arable land salinization account for a higher ratio of arable land, a reserve of arable land in the salt stains land area accounts for a significant proportion. The land desertification performance: the watershed land desertification serious in recent years, the speed of desertification in sustainable development. The impact of ecological and environmental problems of the Tarim River by many factors, mainly divided into human and natural factors, the natural environment for the emergence of the ecological problems created potential conditions, by irrational use for these problems to occur, development and accelerate development.
Key words tarim river; ecological environment; influence factors