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老友记第一季学习笔记结局回顾 - 图文 

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First choice for Rachel was TéaLeoni. 扮演Rachel的第一人选曾是TéaLeoni。 David Duchovny(大卫·杜楚尼)之妻,主要作品有\(《新抢钱夫妻》,Jim Carrey主演)、\(《西班牙女佣》,Adam Sandler主演)、\(《天地大冲撞》)等。

Elizabeth Berkley auditioned for the role of Rachel. Elizabeth Berkley曾为Rachel这个角色试镜。


Monica Courteney Cox was originally asked to play Rachel, but she asked to play Monica

instead after reading the parts.

Courteney Cox原定扮演Rachel,但是在看过剧本后决定出演Monica。

The role of Monica was originally offered to JaneaneGarofalo, but she turned it down.

JaneaneGarofalo曾被邀请出演Monica这个角色,但是她拒绝了。 在\第七季中出现了21集。

Jami Gertz also turned down the role of Monica. Jami Gertz也拒绝了出演Monica的邀请。

\(《龙卷风》)里Helen Hunt扮演的角色的前夫的新欢。

Maggie Wheeler originally auditioned for the role of Monica. Janice的扮演者Maggie Wheeler曾为Monica这一角色试镜。

When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car.

当演员们拿到工资后,Courteney Cox干的第一件事就是去买了辆新车。

Phoebe Lisa married Michel Stern, an advertising executive, on May 27, 1995. 在第一季最后一集播出的几天后与Michel Stern结婚。

Joey When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

当Matt LeBlanc试镜的时候,他身上只剩11美元。拿到工资后,他吃了一顿美餐。

Matt LeBlanc showed up on the day of the audition with a large ugly cut on his nose resulting from a tumble and a land on the edge of a sharp toilet seat. Matt LeBlanc试镜当天鼻子上有个很大的伤口,因为他摔倒磕在了马桶的边缘上。


Jon Cryer was originally offered the role of Chandler Bing. 原定由Jon Cryer扮演Chandler。

\(《好汉两个半》)中扮演Charlie Sheen的哥哥,2009年获得第61届艾美奖喜剧类最佳男配角。下图左一

On the set, Matt LeBlanc was known as \Matthew Perry was known as \to avoid confusion.

剧组里大家都把Matt LeBlanc叫作LeBlanc,而把Matthew Perry叫做Matthew或者Matt,以免两人的名字混淆。

Ross David Schwimmer was referred to as \剧组里大家都把David Schwimmer叫作Schwim。

Courteney Cox is actually older than David Schwimmer, though he plays her older brother on this show.

虽然剧中Ross是Monica的哥哥,但实际上David Schwimmer比Courteney Cox小2岁多。


Jennifer Aniston


Courteney Cox


Lisa Kudrow 在网络剧\中扮演Dr. Fiona Wallace并担任编剧(其中Courteney Cox在第二季中客串出演3集,扮演一名灵媒)。 在线观看


老友记第一季学习笔记结局回顾 - 图文 


