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2014高考英语(江苏卷)部分题目源自名篇名句 34题


试卷基于语篇,突出语用,注重能力,联系实际,较好地兼顾了英语学科的人文性和工具性。情感体验和思维能力也是今年试题的两大基本特点。体现了近年来鼓励学生扩大以英语为载体的知识面的导向性特征,继续突显了对外语思维能力和交际能力的考察,具体题型也呈现出改革和创新的特点。试卷第23题和第33题涉及青奥会和端午节等时事和民族传统文化内容,体现出英语教学与考生实际生活之间的关联。 “英语知识运用”部分,有的题目是来自国外著名散文中的名句,体现出英语的原汁原味,更增加了试卷的文雅色彩。例如:

28题,选自玛丽·杰克斯(Mary Jaksch) 的What Is Happiness? 34题,选自简·霍华德(Jane·Howard)的Families.


She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful symbol in last year's election. 虽然两年前就已遭软禁,她在去年的选举中仍然是势力强大的代表人物。 本文为老师们提供原题的出处和背景,旨在帮助理解句子,为学生做好答案解析。 请看“英语知识运用”部分第34题,源自简·霍华德的Families,第3节第一句话: 34. Good families are much to all their members, but ________ to none.(2014江苏卷) A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing Families 家庭 By Jane·Howard 简·霍华德(英汉对照)

Each of us is born into one family not of our choosing. If we’re going to go around devising new ones, we might as well have the luxury of picking their members ourselves. Clever picking might result in new families whose benefits would surpass or at least equal those of the old. The new ones by definition cannot spawn us - as soon as they do that, they stop being new - but there is plenty they can do. I have seen them work wonders. As a member in reasonable standing of six or seven tribes in addition to the one I was born to, I have been trying to figure which earmarks are common to both kinds of families.




(1) Good families have a chief, or a heroine, or a founder - someone around whom others cluster, whose achievements as the Yiddish word has it, let them kvell, and whose example spurs them on to like feats. Some blood dynasties produce such figures regularly; others languish for as many as five generations between demigods, wondering with each new pregnancy whether this, at last, might be the messianic baby who will redeem us. Look, is there not something gubernatorial about her footstep, or musical about the way he bangs with his spoon on his cup? All clans, of all kinds, need such a figure now and then. Sometimes clans based on water rather than blood harbor several such personages at one time. The Bloomsbury Group in London six decades ago was not much hampered by its lack of a temporal history.


(2) Good families have a switchboard operator - someone like my mother who cannot help but keep track of what all the others are up to, who plays Houston Mission Control to everyone else’s Apollo. This role, like the foregoing one, is assumed rather than assigned. Someone always volunteers for it. That person often also has the instincts of an archivist, and feels driven to keep scrapbooks and photograph albums up to date, so that the clan can see proof of its own continuity. (2)优秀的家庭有一位交换台操作员--就像我的妈妈,虽然她帮不上忙但对所有人正在做什么了若指掌,充当休斯敦任务控制中心对于所有阿波罗飞船们的角色。这个职能,如前所述,主动承担总是比指定好些。有的人总是很愿意充担它。这样的人总是有着档案报关员的天赋,有制作最新的剪贴簿和照片集的欲望,如此家族就可以看到自己连续的不同时期的证明。

(3) Good families are much to all their members, but everything to none. Good families are fortresses with many windows and doors to the outer world. The blood clans I feel most drawn to


were founded by parents who are nearly as devoted to whatever it is they do outside as they are to each other and their children. Their curiosity and passion are contagious. Everybody, where they live, is busy. Paint is spattered on eyeglasses. Mud lurks under fingernails. Person-to-person calls come in the middle of the night from Tokyo and Brussels. Catchers’ mitts, ballet slippers, overdue library books and other signs of extra-familial concerns are everywhere.


(4) Good families are hospitable. Knowing that hosts need guests as much as guests need hosts, they are generous with honorary memberships for friends, whom they urge to come early and often and to stay late. Such clans exude a vivid sense of surrounding rings of relatives, neighbors, teachers, students and godparents, any of whom at any time might break or slide into the inner circle. Inside that circle a wholesome, tacit emotional feudalism develops: you give me protection, I’ll give you fealty. Such treaties begin with, but soon go far beyond, the jolly exchange of pie at Thanksgiving for cake on birthdays. It means you can ask me to supervise your children for the fortnight you will be in the hospital, and that however inconvenient this might be for me, I shall manage to. It means I can phone you on what for me is a dreary, wretched Sunday afternoon and for you is the eve of a deadline, knowing you will tell me to come right over, if only to watch you type. It means we need not dissemble. (\man’s essential cowardice, to resist it is his essential courage... one must at times pay dearly for life lived from the being, but it is never too dear.\





