1. 引注为引用及注释之统称。建议按目前大多数外语类刊物使用的夹注( in-text note)作为首选引注方式,因为夹注有诸多好处:既方便作者加注,也方便读者参阅、简单易行、少占用空间、与参考书目形成合理分工等等。其他引注方式:脚注(foot-note)和尾注(end-note),可作为备选方案。或者夹注和脚注同时使用,夹注负责注明出处(source),脚注(尾注)负责注明解析性信息。
2. 一个完整的注释包含三项内容:①作者、②出版年份、③页码。它们在文中出现的格式为:在引文后直接加括号,括号内按顺序罗列上述三项内容,并用适当的标点符合分隔各项内容,例如:
Indeed, writing “should not be viewed solely as an individually-oriented, inner-directed cognitive process, but as much as an acquired response to the discourse conventions . . . within particular communities” (Swales, 1990: 4). 说明:①作者名可单独用姓(last name),也可用全名,或given names用缩写再加last name。②上述三项内容并不一定总是同时出现在括号内,有时可能只出现二项或一项,这是因为,作者信息或出版年份信息已经在引文前出现或暗示,没有必要在括号中重复。例如:
We know that while there may be a role for formal grammar lessons in composition classes, Krashen's wry observation holds true:
If the student-writer is able to consciously learn all the rules of punctuation, spelling, grammar, and style that linguists have discovered and described, his reward should be a Ph.D. in linguistics. Unfortunately, this will not guarantee him writing competence, since so much of what good writers do routinely and subconsciously remains to be discovered (1984: 25).
In fact, Bereiter and Scardamalia criticize formal schooling that encourages the more passive kind of cognition by \what to do,\rather than encouraging them \follow their spontaneous interests and impulses . . . and assume responsibility for what becomes of their minds\(p. 361).
二、关于参考书目(或参考文献) 范例1:
Applebee, A. N. (1984). Conclusion. In Applebee, Arthur N. (ed.), Contexts for learning to write. (pp. 183-9). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation.
Arndt, V. (1987). Six writers in search of texts: A protocol-based study of L1 and L2 writing. ELT Journal 41(4), 257-267.
Cumming, A. H. (1988). Writing expertise and second language proficiency in ESL writing performance. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario.
Cumming, A. H. (1989). Writing expertise and second-language proficiency. Language Learning 39(1), 81-141.
Emig, J. (1971). The composing processes of twelfth graders. NCTE Research Report no. 13.X. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Horowitz, Daniel 1986. Process, not product: Less than meets the eye. TESOL Quarterly 20 (1), 141-144.
Murray, D.M. (1980). Writing as process: How writing finds its own meaning. In T.R. Donovan and B.W. McClelland (eds), Eight approaches to teaching composition (pp. 3-20). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
Piper, A. (1989). Writing instruction and the development of ESL writing skills: Is there a relationship? System 17(2), 211-222.
Purves, A. C. and W. C. Purves (1986). Viewpoints: Cultures, text models, and the activity of writing. Research in the Teaching of English 20(2), 174-197.
Rose, M. (1981). Sophisticated, ineffective books--the dismantling of process in composition texts. College Composition and Communication 32, 65-74.
White, R. and V. Arndt (1991). Process writing. London and New York: Longman.
Ahmad, A. Corbett, G. M. Togers, & R. Sussex. Computers, Language Learning and Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1985.
Atkins, M. and G. Blissett. “Learning activities and interactive videodisc: an exploratory study”. British Journal of Educational Technology, vol.20, no.1 (1989): pp.47-56.
Ausubel, David P. The Psychology of Meaningful Learning: An Introduction to School Learning. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1963.
Bationo, Bernadin D. “The effects of three feedback forms on learning through a computer-based tutorial”. CALICO Journal, vol. 10, no. 1 (Fall 1992): pp. 45-51.
Bhatia, Anil. “Kanji retrieval by recursive location of elements using hypercard”. CALICO Journal vol.9, no.2 (Winter 1991): pp.4-19.
Brockenbrough, Allen S. A theoretical framework for inter-activating linear video. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, vol.13, no.4 (1986): pp.107-112.
Bronckers, J. H. M. “Technology and language learning: the state of the art.: The CALICO '92 ?BRIDGES? International Symposium”. CALICO Journal, vol.10, no.1 (Fall 1992): pp.79-81.
Brown, Douglas H. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1987.
Chappell, Eric. “Teaching the reading and writing of Chinese and Japanese in Australia with IBM compatible computers”. Babel: Journal of the Australian Modern Language Teachers' Associations, vol.25, no.1 (Jul 1990): pp.11-14.
Chun, Dorothy M. “Teaching tone and intonation with microcomputers”. CALICO Journal, vol.7, no.1 (Sept1989): pp.21-46.
Cunningham, Paul A. “Computers in applied linguistics and language teaching: a CALL handbook”. Cross Currents: An Instructional Journal of Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication, vol.19, no.1 (spec iss 1992): pp.100-104.
Dhaif, Husain A. “Computer assisted language learning: a client's view”. CALICO Journal, vol.7, no.4 (June 1990): pp 67-81.
Dudley-Marling, C. and D. Searle. “Computers and language learning: misguided assumptions”. British Journal of Educational Technology, vol.20, no.1 (Jan. 1989): pp 41-6.
Farghaly, Ali. “A model for intelligent computer assisted language instruction”. Computers and the Humanities, vol.23, no.3 (June 1989): pp.235-50.
Freeman, Yvonne S. and David E. Freeman. Whole Language for Second Language Learners. Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., 1992.
1.参考文献为专著的,应包含五项内容:①作者、②书名、③出版地、④ 出版商、⑤出版年份。而上述顺序除了“出版年份”有两种选择外(见范例1和范例2)其余项目是固定不变的。
2.参考文献为期刊论文的,应包括:①作者、②文章题目、③刊物名称、④ 刊物期号(可包括卷号)、⑤文章所处页码。