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Android开发 学习笔记

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Android开发 学习笔记

Android是Google于2007年11月05日宣布的基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统的名称,该平台由操作系统、中间件、用户界面和应用软件组成。它采用软件堆层(Software Stack,又名软件叠层)的架构,主要分为三部分。

底层以Linux内核工作为基础,由C语言开发,只提供基本功能; 中间层包括函数库Library和虚拟机Virtual Machine,由C++开发。



进行Android开发,首先要搭建开发环境。实验室为我们搭建的环境: JAVA JDK 1.5 (C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.5.0_11) MyEclipse 6.5

ADT 0.9.7 (C:\\android\\ADT-0.9.7)

Android SDK-windows 1.6 (C:\\android\\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1)

进行Android开发需要安装 Android SDK. (使用 Android SDK Manager 工具进行安装。实验室的电脑可以找到Manager的位置C:\\android\\android-sdk-windows-1.6_r1\\SDK Manager.exe)安装之后还应在IDE中进行一定的配置。(实验室MyEclipse6.5也帮我们都配置好了。可以打开MyEclipse->Windows->Android SDK and AVD Manager查看)

Android开发系统主要集中在两种环境中,分别是基于Android SDK的开发和基于Android源代码的开发。前者可以在Linux或者Windows两种环境中使用IDE完成,后者需要在Linux环境中进行开发。


Android开发 学习笔记

我们项目的开发主要还是机遇Android SDK 进行上层软件的开发,但蓝牙通信部分可能需要基于源代码的开发。所以对SDK及源码结构有个总体的了解是很有好处的。

Android SDK 的目录结构如下 androidContains the resource classes used by standard Android applications. android.accessibilityservice android.accounts android.appHigh-level classes encapsulating the overall Android application model. android.app.admin android.app.backupContains the backup and restore functionality available to applications. If a user wipes the data on their device or upgrades to a new Android-powered device, all applications that have enabled backup will restore the user's previous data. android.appwidgetAndroid allows applications to publish views to be embedded in other applications. These views are called widgets, and are published by \component that can contain widgets is called a \ For more information, see the AppWidgets documentation in the Dev Guide. android.bluetoothProvides classes that manage Bluetooth functionality, such as scanning for devices, connecting with devices, and managing data transfer between devices. android.contentContains classes for accessing and publishing data on the device. android.content.pmContains classes for accessing information about an application package, including information about its activities, permissions, services, signatures, and providers. android.content.resContains classes for accessing application resources, such as raw asset files, colors, drawables, media or other other files in the package, plus important device configuration details (orientation, input types, etc.) that affect how the application may behave. android.databaseContains classes to explore data returned through a content provider. Contains the SQLite database management classes that an application would use to manage its own private database. android.database.sqliteAndroid开发 学习笔记 android.gestureProvides classes to create, recognize, load and save gestures. Provides low level graphics tools such as canvases, color filters, points, and rectangles that let you handle drawing to the screen directly. android.graphicsandroid.graphics.drawableProvides classes to manage a variety of visual elements that are intended for display only, such as bitmaps and gradients. android.graphics.drawable.shapesandroid.hardwareContains classes for drawing geometric shapes. Provides support for hardware devices that may not be present on every Android device. android.inputmethodserviceandroid.locationBase classes for writing input methods. Classes defining Android location-based and related services. android.mediaandroid.netProvides classes that manage various media interfaces in audio and video. Classes that help with network access, beyond the normal java.net.* APIs. Provides classes to manage Wi-Fi functionality on the device. Provides OpenGL utilities. Provides basic operating system services, message passing, and inter-process communication on the device. android.net.httpandroid.net.wifiandroid.openglandroid.osandroid.preferenceProvides classes that manage application preferences and implement the preferences UI. android.providerandroid.saxProvides convenience classes to access the content providers supplied by Android. A framework that makes it easy to write efficient and robust SAX handlers. Provides APIs for monitoring the basic phone information, such as the network type and connection state, plus utilities for manipulating phone number strings. android.service.wallpaperandroid.speechandroid.speech.ttsandroid.telephonyandroid.telephony.cdmaandroid.telephony.gsmProvides APIs for utilizing CDMA-specific telephony features. Provides APIs for utilizing GSM-specific telephony features, such as text/data/PDU SMS messages. android.testA framework for writing Android test cases and suites. Android开发 学习笔记 android.test.mockUtility classes providing stubs or mocks of various Android framework building blocks. Utility classes supporting the test runner classes. android.test.suitebuilderandroid.textProvides classes used to render or track text and text spans on the screen. android.text.format android.text.methodProvides classes that monitor or modify keypad input. android.text.styleProvides classes used to view or change the style of a span of text in a View object. android.text.utilUtilities for converting identifiable text strings into clickable links and creating RFC 822-type message (SMTP) tokens. android.utilProvides common utility methods such as date/time manipulation, base64 encoders and decoders, string and number conversion methods, and XML utilities. android.viewProvides classes that expose basic user interface classes that handle screen layout and interaction with the user. android.view.accessibilityandroid.view.animation Provides classes that handle tweened animations. android.view.inputmethodFramework classes for interaction between views and input methods (such as soft keyboards). android.webkitProvides tools for browsing the web. The widget package contains (mostly visual) UI elements to use on your Application screen. android.widgetdalvik.bytecodeProvides classes surrounding the Dalvik bytecode. dalvik.systemProvides utility and system information classes specific to the Dalvik VM. java.awt.fontjava.beansjava.io Provides input and output facilities by means of streaming, file system access and serialization. java.langProvides core classes of the Android environment.



