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辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学九年级英语上册《Unit 1》文本试题

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9A Unit 1 Unit 1 Wise men in history 教材文本试题 Page 3 Reading

一、完型填空 阅读短文, 并从A,B,C, D四个选项中选出正确的答案

One day, in ancient Greece, King Hiero asked a crown maker to make him a golden crown. At first, he was very happy1______it.

“It’s a nice crown, isn’t it?”he asked his men. Later, 2______, he began to doubt that it was a 3______ golden crown. “Is it made completely of gold?” he 4_______. He sent it to Archimedes and asked him to 5_______the truth.

“This problem seems 6______to solve. What should I do?” thought Archimedes.

Archimedes was 7_______thinking about this problem as he filled his bath with water. When he got 8______ the bath, some water ran over.

“That’s 9_______!”shouted Archimedes. “I know how to solve the king’s 10_______!”

Archimedes went 11______to the palace to see the king. First, he weighed the crown and asked the king for some gold of the same weight.

Next, he put two pots into two big bowls and filled both pots with water. He put the gold into one pot, and some water ran into the bowl. Then he put the crown into 12______pot. This time, even more water ran into the bowl.

“Look at this,” said Archimedes 13______King Hiero.“A crown made completely of gold displaces less water than a crown made of gold and 14______metal. This crown displaced more water than gold of the same weight, so I’m certain that it’s not completely made of gold.”

“The crown maker tricked me, didn’t he? What a 15______ man he is!” shouted King Heiro. He then sent the crown maker to prison.

( ) 1. A. for B. with C. at D. in ( ) 2. A. however B. but C. finally D. luckily ( ) 3. A. true B. truly C. real D. really ( ) 4.A. asked B. answered C. shouted D. wondered ( ) 5.A.find B. find out C. look for D. discover ( ) 6.A. difficult B. easy C. good D. simple ( ) 7.A. just B. only C. still D. yet ( ) 8.A. in B. up C. onto D. into ( ) 9.A. that B. it C. right D.OK

( )10.A.thing B. question C. matter D. problem ( )11.A.straight B. straightly C. finally D. right ( )12.A.other B. others C. another D. the other ( )13.A.with B. to C. at D. about ( )14.A. other B. others C. another D. the other ( )15.A. good B. unlucky C. bad D. ugly

参考答案:1-5 BACDB 6-10 ACDBD 11-15 ADBCC Page 4 Vocabulary

综合阅读 阅读短文, 按要求回答问题.

One day, two women came to King Solomon with a baby boy.

Both women said the boy was their son. No one knew which woman was (A)讲真话.

King Solomon (B)________ a soldier to cut the boy in half, and divide the boy between the two women.

The first woman said,” Go ahead. That seems fair.” However, the second woman was( C)filled with

fear. She shouted. “Don’t kill him!” Let the other woman have him.”

King Solomon stopped the soldier. “Give the boy to the second woman.” he said. “I’m certain that she’s his real mother.”

The woman took the baby boy home happily. Everyone was amazed (D) _____how King Solomon solved this problem.

1. 请将A处翻译成英语__________________________

2. 在B和D处各填入适当的单词___________ ___________ 3. 将C处进行同义句转换 …the second woman was___ ____ fear. 答案: 1. telling the truth 2. ordered, at 3.full of

Page 10 Speaking Talk time

短文填空 阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词. like, reading, science, joking, from Sam: Hi, Lily. You’ve got something new, haven’t you? Lily: Yes, I have. It’s a gift_____1_____my uncle—a book about the ancient Greeks. It looks interesting, doesn’t it?

Sam: Yes, it does. I love _____2_____about people like Archimedes. I want to be a scientist ____3_____him in the future.

Lily: You’re _____4_____, aren’t you? You never liked _____5_____before. Sam: I’ve started to like it. You like science too, don’t you? Lily: Well, a little. Oh, I have to go to my club meeting. Bye. Sam: Bye.

答案: from, reading, like , joking , science Page 11 Speaking time Speak up 阅读短文然后回答问题

Helen at the Olympics

In ancient Greece, women were not allowed to watch the Olympics. However, Helen, a brave woman, wanted to watch her son, Rodus, run.

“I’m going to see you at the Olympics tomorrow.” said Helen. “But Mum, the king will be angry.” said Rodus. “Don’t worry. I’ll think of a way.” replied Helen.

The next day, Helen dressed as a soldier to attend the Olympics. She was soon caught. “Take her to prison.” said the king.

1. In ancient Greece, who were allowed to watch the Olympics? 2. What was Helen’s son’s name?

3. What did Helen want to do at the Olympics? 4. What was the way that Helen think of? 5. Where was Helen taken?

参考答案: 1. Men 2. Rodus 3. She wanted to watch her son run. 4. She dressed as a soldier. 5.Prison.

Page 13 More practice

Cao Chong weighs an elephant Cao Chong was the son of Cao Cao.

One day, Sun Quan sent Cao Cao a present. (A)It was a huge elephant. Cao Cao wanted to (B)_____the weight of the elephant.

(C)“What a huge animal it is! Can anyone tell me how to weigh it?” he asked the crowd around


“Can we get a large scale?” asked a soldier. However, on one could find (D)_______. “Can we (E) 把它切碎?” asked another soldier. “No, I don’t want to kill it,” said Cao Cao.

Just then, young Cao Chong had a wonderful idea. “I can weigh the elephant!” he said. “Let me have a try.”

Cao Chong asked some soldiers to (F)______ the elephant onto a boat. As the heavy animal walked onto it, the boat went(G)lower into the water . Cao Chong drew a line on the side of the boat to mark how low it went. The elephant was then taken off the boat and the boat was filled with rocks until it went down again and water (H) _____ the line on the boat.

Cao Chong then weighed the rocks. He (I)把重量加起来 of all the rocks and said, “This is the weight of the elephant. “

Cao Cao was very happy with his son . “My son is very clever, isnt’ he?” he said. Everyone agreed. 1. A处指代的是____________________________ 2. 在B, F, H 处填入恰当的词语 ____ ______ ______ 3. 写出C处的同义句_____ ______ ______ _____ is!

4. 将D,E, I 处翻译成英语_____________;_________________;_______________ 5. 写出G处的反义词_________ 答案

1. the present 2. find out , lead , reached 3.How huge the animal 4. a scale large enough, cut it up , added up the weight 5.higher

Page 15 Study skills

One of the most famous wise men in ancient Greece was Diogenes. Diogenes (A) lived a simple life. He only (B) owned three things: the clothes he wore, a lantern and a bowl to eat (C) _____. Diogenes used to walk (D) _______ the city with his lantern during the day. When people asked him why he was (E)_____ the lantern, he would hold (F) it up to their face, look them and say,” I’m looking for an honest man.”

1. 写出A, B处的同义词 ______ _______

2. 在C,D, E处填入适当的单词______ ____ ___ 3. 写出F所指代的词_____

答案:1.led, had 2. with, through, carrying 3.the lantern

辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学九年级英语上册《Unit 1》文本试题


