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摘 要
Hazardous waste reverse logistics is a very complex and large system. At present, hazardous waste recycling industry is still in the initial stage in our country , reverse logistics rarely involve the hazardous waste, whether in law, or from the size of the enterprise and the recovery in the recovery process, compared with the developed countries still has very big disparity. So if we want to make some achievements in the hazardous waste recycling and reuse, our country must pay attention to various laws and regulations of the hazardous waste and the unique of hazardous waste.
The definition and type of hazardous waste, the existing problems and recycling and reuse system and reverse logistics network system are analyzed in this paper, and analyzed the current hazardous waste reverse logistics and the disadvantages of the corresponding three models in detail, namely enterprise joint recovery mode, enterprise independent recovery mode. Owing to the unique of third party reverse logistics system analysis, this paper analyzed this mode in detail, and constructed the model concerning how to plan the network according to the characteristics of this pattern, and the feasibility of the model and the accuracy of the models was analyzed and verify combined with 31 main cities, and carried out the simulation of Witness combined with the process of the international unobstructed type of drinks beer packing material recovery and reuse.
Key words: hazardous waste, reverse logistics, the network planning, artificial immune genetic algorithm, the simulation of the Witness