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学 院 (系) 专 业 任课教师及职称 使用教材 课 题 (章节) 教 学 目 的 教学 重点 难点 教学 方法 教学 内容 及过 程 作业 或思 考题 教学后记 Communicative Methods 外语 卢贞媛 讲师 书名 新编简明英语语言学教程 年级(班级) 05级A班 课程 名称 基础语言学 时间 2007年3月15日(第1周星期1,2,3)第 节 编(著)者 戴炜栋、何兆熊 课时 安排 版别及出版年月 02年7月第1版 5节 Chapter 1 let the students have the general idea about language and linguistics. I. design features of language ; II. some important distinctions in linguistics: Speech and writing Descriptive and prescriptive Synchronic and diachronic Langue and parole Competence and performance Traditional grammar and modern linguistics Homework: exercises 3. 5. 6. 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


Chapter 1 Introduction

Date: March 12, 2007

Teaching aims: let the students have the general idea about language and linguistics.

Teaching difficulties: design features of language ; some important

distinctions in linguistics

Teaching procedures

1. What is linguistics?

1.1 Definition

Linguistics is a scientific study of language. It is a major branch of social science.

Linguistics studies not just one language of any society, but the language of all human society, language in general.

A scientific study is one which is based on the systematic investigation of data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.

observation------generalization-----hypothesis------tested by

further observation------theory

1.2 Main branches (scope) of linguistics

General linguistics—the study of language as a whole. 1) main branches

phonetics 语音学 – the study of sounds used in linguistic communication

phonology 音系学(音位学)-- the study of how sounds are put together

and used to convey meaning in communication.

morphology词法学—the study of the way in which these symbols are

arranged and combined to form words

syntax 句法学 – the study of the rules which govern the combination

of words to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages.

semantics 语义学—the study of meaning.

pragmatics 语用学—the study of meaning in the context of language use

2) interdisciplinary (跨学科的)branches of linguistic study

sociolinguistics – the study of all social aspects of language and

its relation with society. E.g. language used and social background(the difference between the educated and uneducated people); language used and certain occasion( formal and informal settings); language change and social change (new words)

psycholinguistics – it aims to answer such questions as how the



human mind works when we use language, how we as infants acquire our mother tongue, how wee memorize, and how we process the information we receive in the course of communication.

Applied linguistics – findings in linguistic studies can often be

applied to the solution of such practical problems as the recovery of speech ability. The study of such applications is generally known as applied linguistics. In a narrow sense it refers to the application of linguistic theories and principles to language teaching, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.

1.3 Important distinctions in linguistics

a. Descriptive vs. prescriptive “描写式”和 “规定式” They represent two different types of linguistic study.

If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; if the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language, i. e. to tell people what they should say and what they should not say, it is said to be prescriptive.

Grammar – prescriptive Modern linguistics – descriptive b. Synchronic vs. diachronic “共时”和 “历时”

The description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study; the description of language as it changes through time is a diachronic study. A diachronic study is a historical study; it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.

diachronic (historical study) c. speech and writing

Synchronic linguistics)


first learned and taught

d. langue & parole “语言” 和 “言语” The distinction was made by the Swiss linguist Saussure in the early 20th century.

Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community. (conventions and rules – abstract




