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高中英语单词天天记stage素材 - 图文

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· stage

· v. [ste?d?] ( stages; staged; staging ) · · 双解释义

· vt. & vi. 上演 perform or arrange for public show · vt. 举行 cause to happen, especially for public effect

· 基本要点


1.stage用作名词的意思是“舞台”,转化为动词则为“将…搬上舞台”“上演”。还可表示“举行”“进行”。 2.stage可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。


· 词汇搭配

? ? ? ?

~+名词 stage an art show 举办艺术展

stage a charity football game 举办足球义赛 stage a comeback 复出


? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

stage a new play 上演新剧

stage a protest rally 举行抗议集会 ~+副词 stage well 很适于上演 stage badly 不适于上演

stage dramatically 激动人心的演出 stage excellently 演得很好 stage grandiosely 不切实际的演出 stage spectacularly 引人入胜的演出 stage stupendously 了不起的演出

· 句型例句


用作不及物动词 ▲S+~(+A)

That scene will not stage well.那场戏不会演好。 用作及物动词 ▲S+~+n./pron.

My aunt decided to stage a series of performances of a one-act play.我姨妈打算上演一系列的独幕剧。

The pop star staged a row with his manager in a restaurant


to get maximum publicity.那流行歌星安排在餐馆里与他的经纪人争吵,以便得到最大的宣传效果。

He staged a tit-for-tat struggle against his opponent.他同对手展开了针锋相对的斗争。

The union staged a one-day strike.工会筹划举行一天的罢工。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

That play was staged in Shenyang.那出戏在沈阳上演了。 The opera will be staged with new scenery during the forthcoming music festival.那台歌剧在即将来临的音乐节上将配以新的布景上演。


· 补充资料


[同义词] n. floor, leg, level, step v. arrange, do, engineer, give

[词源] <古法语estage(位置)


· · stage


· n. [ste?d?] ( stages ) · · 双解释义

· C 阶段,时期 a particular point or period in the course of a process or set of events; state reached at a particular time

· C 舞台 the raised floor on which plays are performed in a theatre · 基本要点




· 词汇搭配

? ? ? ? ?

动词+~ abandon the stage 离开舞台 come off stage 下台 go on stage 做演员

hold the stage 继续上演,引人注目


? leave the stage 离开舞台,退出舞台 ? retire from the stage 退出舞台 ? set the stage 布置舞台 ? take to the stage 登台,当演员 ? advance a stage (向前)推进一个阶级 ? come to this stage 到达这一阶段 ? enter a stage 进入一个阶段 ? mark a stage 标志一个阶段 ? pass a stage 通过一个阶段 ? reach a stage 达到一个阶段 ? represent a stage 代表一个阶段 ? 形容词+~ ? historical stage 历史舞台 ? movable stage 可转动的舞台 ? political stage 政治舞台 ? sinking stage 凹形舞台 ? advanced stage 高级阶段 ? beginning stage 萌芽阶段

? crucial stage 重要阶段,决定性阶段 ? early stage 初级阶段 ? experimental stage 实验阶段 ?

final stage 最后阶段


? middlestage 中级阶段 ? opening stage 最初阶段 ? senior stage 高级阶段 ? talking stage 学话阶段 ? working stage 工作阶段 ? 名词+~ ? school stage 学校舞台 ? flood stage 汛期,涨潮时期 ? laboratory stage 实验阶段 ? ~+名词 ? stage arrangement 舞台布景 ? stage direction 舞台说明 ? stage manager 舞台监督 ? 介词+~ ? off the stage 舞台下 ? on the stage 舞台上 ? at a stage 在某一阶段

? at all stages 在各个阶段(时期) ? at flood stage 正值汛期 ? by easy stages 从容不迫地 ? in a stage 在某个时期 ?

in easy stages 从容不迫地


? ? ? ? ?

~+介词 stage of battle 战场 stage of politics 政治舞台 stage in history 历史阶段 stage of development 发展时期

· 句型例句


He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage.他的癌症已经到晚期了。

He cautioned that the Russia-American discussions were still in an exploratory stage.他警告说俄美会谈尚处于探索阶段。

Eby's going through a tiresome stage, always picking fights with his brother for no reason at all.伊比正在经历着一个淘气的时期,总是和他的兄弟无故打架。

The government raced the new law through all its stages so as to complete it before the election.为了使新法律在选举前产生,政府匆忙地使其通过了各个程序。

On the elementary stage of studying a foreign language the students should place a great deal of importance on correct grammar.在学习外语的初级阶段,学生应非常重视语



Although not completely satisfied, they let the report through the first stage.他们对报告虽不十分满意,但还是让它通过了一审。

The first stage of the operation was to join up the bones.手术的第一步是把骨头接上。

Soon the third stage of the war ended and the fourth stage began.不久战争的第三阶段结束,第四阶段开始。

I should not like to commit myself to an opinion at this stage.在这种阶段,我不想发表某种看法。

The committee member successfully fought his suggested changes through the necessary stages.委员会成功地推行了他的改革方案。

The stage is lit by spotlights.舞台由聚光灯照明。 The stage was set up to represent a carpenter's shop.舞台被装饰成一个木工车间。

As we can't have the hall till the night of the performance, we can mock up a model of the actual stage for the company to practise on.鉴于那晚演出前我们用不上大厅,我们可以照大厅的舞台的样子搭一个舞台,让剧团排练。

Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage, as nervousness may make him forgetful.



The moment the clown appeared on stage, the audience folded up.小丑一出现在舞台上,观众们个个笑得前仰后合。 The audience cheered him as he walked on stage.当他走上台时,观众向他欢呼。

A lot of electric lamps illuminated the stage.许多盏电灯照着舞台。

The actors had to fit up a stage because there was no theatre in the town.镇上没有剧场,演员们只好临时搭个舞台。

Her job is to stand at the side of the stage and feed the actors with their lines when they forget them.她的工作是站在舞台边上给演员提词。

Everyone's eyes fastened on the little girl in the middle of the stage.大家的目光集中在舞台中央的那位小姑娘身上。 The actors clapped together a stage so that they could have room to perform. 演员们为了有个演戏的地方,匆匆搭了个舞台。

She picked up the actor's sword and carried it off the stage.她拾起演员的剑,带下了舞台。

Several teenage fans hung around the stage door to get a


glimpse of the actor.几个十几岁的戏迷围着舞台的门口一睹那位演员的风采。

As the curtains were pulled apart, we saw the actors on the stage.帷幕启开时,我们看到了台上的演员。

We've programmed you to appear on the stage next week.我们安排你在下星期出场演出。

This was the first time she appeared on the stage.这是她第一次登台。

We acted on the stage last night.昨晚我们上台表演了。 Instead of acting on the stage she started acting up.她不是在台上演戏,简直是在卖弄了。

The air was charged with emotion when the aging actress made her final appearance on stage.当这位老年女演员做告别演出时,剧场内充满了热情洋溢的气氛。

The play was so bad that it was laughed off the stage.这出剧很糟糕,最后在观众的哄笑中收场了。

Having always been musical from an early age, the singer seems to have been intended for the concert stage.这位歌手自幼爱好音乐,看来他一直曾被期望着成为一名歌唱家。 Shakespeare compared the world to the stage of politics.莎士比亚把世界比作政治的舞台。

They are arranging a novel for the stage.他们正在把一本



We travelled by (easy) stages, often stopping along the way.我们沿途走走停停,从容不迫地旅行。

The unjust peace treaty merely set the stage for another war.不公平的和约只会酿成另一场战争。


高中英语单词天天记stage素材 - 图文


