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外研版英语高中必修四Module 2《Traffic jam》课件教学设计

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【学习情况分析】我所执教的班级是一个理科班 ,男生较多,英语偏科现象比较严重,女同学也不喜欢表达自己,针对这种情况,结合每个学生的情况就给学生制定了不同的目标和学习计划,让成绩好的学生能够突出出来,程度不好的学生先培养学习兴趣,自己能够主动找老师每天问问题,背诵问题,现在班级的英语学习气氛有所增加。



Module 2 Traffic Jam

Reading and Vocabulary教学设计

Teaching Goals: 1.Knowledge aims:

To master new words & phrases :

destination, permit, convenient, provide, in no time , make sure 2. Ability aims:

To improve abilities of reading, speaking and writing. 3. Emotion aims:

Raise environment awareness(环保意识) Teaching Important Points:

1. Help the students understand the passage better.

2. Help the students learn and master some important words and phrases Teaching Difficult Points:

1. Help students improve their reading ability 2. How to raise environment awareness Teaching procedures:

Step1. Leading-in

Purpose: To arise the students interest .

Look at some pictures and lead into the topic. Step2. Fast reading

Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text.

Let the students skim the passage quickly and silently and find the main idea. A. When getting around in Beijing, we may use many means of transports. B. When getting around in Beijing, we may take taxis.

C. When getting around in Beijing, we may get stuck in traffic jam. Step3. Careful-reading

Purpose: To develop the students’ reading ability and understand the difficult sentences better

Let the students read the paragraphs one by one and then finish the following questions. Task1 .Answer the questions

1. Is it easy to find a taxi in Beijing? How easy? 2. What color are most taxis?

3. When you take a taxi, what should you ask for?

Task2. Read Part 2 quickly and silently ,and then match the numbers with the facts. Task3 .Decide if the statement is True or False.If it’s False ,correct it please.

Minibuses have different routes with large public buses.( ) Task4. What are the advantages of the underground?

Language point:it is convenient for sb to do sth.对某人来说做某事是方便的

sth . be convenient to /for sb.----对某人来说是便利的

Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.If it is convenient for you, we’ll go to the zoo tomorrow. 如果你方便的话,我们就明天去动物园吧。 2.Is seven o’clock convenient for you? 7点对你来说方便吗?

Task5.Fill in the blank and translate it into Chinese.

Tricycles are ____________ if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing. 如果想去老北京窄小的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车是绝对值得一坐的。 这部电影很值得一看。

This film is well worth seeing Step4.Summary

Purpose: To develop the students’ ability.

Taxis are (1)___the streets 24 hours a day. (2______ (simple) raise your hand,and a taxi appears (3)_________. Public transport (4)_________ (provide) a cheap way to get around in Beijing. Tourists shouldn't miss the 103 bus which _______(offer) one of the most impressive routes .There are four underground lines in Beijing and several lines are (6)______ construction. Trains are fast and(7)__________, but rush hours can be terrible. Tricycles are worth (8)______ (use) if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing.

Step 5. Group-work

Purpose: To develop the students’ speaking and writing abilities and raise their environment awareness.

Let Ss work in groups and make a dialoge about their trip plan Discuss with your partner and decide which means of transport you will choose when you get around in …in the holiday and tell why.

Step 6. Homework

Purpose: Try to improve the students’ writing ability.

Make a survey(调查)among the people around you and find what means of transport they like to go to school or work. Ask them why.

Module2 Traffic Jam评测练习效果分析

【评测内容】本堂课的评测练习主要分为两部分内容:语言基础知识运用和能力提升。 基础知识部分主要测评本节课中的重点词汇(explore,convenient等)用法、短语(under construction, be well worth doing等)的运用;能力提升部分主要是根据课文内容达到学生对知识的输出,能本着环保的目的写出自己的出行计划,为学生的写作打好基础。




【评测结果】全班30人,80% 的学生基础知识得分在24分以上;能力提升部50%的学生能达到优秀(16分以上),有5人结果低于12分。


外研版英语高中必修四Module 2《Traffic jam》课件教学设计


