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人教新课标 高二英语 选修7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad grammar 非限制性定语从句语法专项训练(含答案)

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Unit 5 Travelling abroad

Period 7 语法专项训练



1.They have again invited me to visit their country,_________ is very kind of them. A. that B. which C. when D. where

2. _______is known to all,water is an important kind of natural resource. A. As B. Which C. Who D. When

3. The leader of the team is a 44-year-old Frenchman,___ wife is also a team member. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 4.I'm to fly to Kunming, ________ it is warm in this season. A. which B. as C. where D. when 5.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.

A. Which B. That C. whom D. who 6.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women. A. them B. which C. whom D. who 7. I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.

A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that 8.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam. A.that B.which C.for which D.who 9.His daughter, _______ is in Beijing now, is coming home next week. A. which B. that C. whom D. who 10.My cousin, _______ body is slim, still wants to lose some weight. A. whom B. that C. Whose D. which 11.He passed the exam, ________ surprised all of us. A. which B. who C. whom D. that 12.Jim changed his mind, ______ made me very angry. A. who B. whom C. which D. that


13.Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, _______ was very reasonable. A. which price B. the price of which C. its price D. the price of whose 14.China has lots of islands, one _______ is Taiwan.

A. of which B. of that C. from which D. from that 15.My pills are in the bathroom, ______ I always keep them. A. which B. where C. that D. who

16.She was educated at Beijing University, _______ she went on to have her advanced study abroad.

A. after which B. from which C. from that D. after that 17.The man, _______ you borrowed the cinema, has left for Shanghai. A. from which B. from whom C. from that D. to who 18.I, ______ your best friend, will try my best to help you out. A. who is B. who am C. that is D. that are 19._____ ,the Great Wall came into being in Qin Dynasty.

A. We all know B. As we all know C. Which we all know D. It is known 20._____is known to everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. Which B. What C. It D. As Ⅱ.单句语法填空

1.The famous host died of cancer at the age of fifty, surprised the public. 2.The old couple has a son, has served in the army for two years. 3.In Canada, skating and ice hockey are popular with teenagers, many of play them from an early age.

4.David decided to read a book about Chaplin, one of films I had seen several times.

5.They took a journey into the wilds of China few people had ever been. 6.There was a time Marty felt like that he lost everything.

7.The fire destroyed more than three quarters of the old city, most of the


houses were made of wood.

8.Have you heard of the bomb explosion about they are talking now? 9.The main reason she keeps a dog is that she feels very lonely.

10. you can see, I have a degree in finance, and I also have three years of work experience.

11.The old man has a son, is in the army now.

12.The director was always speaking highly of Mary’s role in the play, ,of course, made other actors unhappy.

13.I will go sightseeing in Beijing with my parents in September, the weather is neither too hot nor too cold.

14.I was greatly impressed with the girl, voice was so sweet.

15. is often the case, some students play computer games so late that they can’t finish their homework on time. Ⅲ.单句改错

1.The books on the desk, their covers are shiny, are prizes for the winners in the contest.

2.Until now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, it is quite unexpected.

3.My favorite writer is Mo Yan, some of his novels have very surprising endings. 4.I would like to choose the student, whom I think is the best, to be our monitor. 5.I wish to thank my English teacher, without whom help, I couldn’t have made such great progress.

6.You, who is a middle school teacher, should help your students adjust to the school life as soon as possible.

7.Their only son, whom the couple had been devoted, lost his life while saving a boy from drowning.


人教新课标 高二英语 选修7 Unit 5 Travelling abroad grammar 非限制性定语从句语法专项训练(含答案)


