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T: You said it. Scene 3 is a film made of drawings, and it’s a film based on history. Then how about scene four? Sa: I think the woman will attack the man with the sword and then they will fight. They will jump over each other, and fly through the sky. Sb: How exciting! First they are using the swords but later they will also fight very quickly using their hands and arms. When one of them loses, that will 教 学 过 程 be the moment when the two armies attack each other. T: You have done a good job, let me make a conclusion. Scene 4 is an animation film. And it’s also a historical film. It was directed by the famous director Zhang Yimou. Step III Speaking (group work) Divide the whole class into two groups, (row 1, 3, 5, 7 are group A, row 2, 4, 6, 8 are group B) T: Finish talking about the pictures, let’s do some oral practice. Now, turn to page 30, please look at the pictures of the two famous film stars. Does any body know who they are? Ss: They are Meryl Streep and Keanu Reeves. T: Yes, you are right, it’s time for group work. Now, listen to me, row 1, 3, 5, 7 are group A, please read the biography of Meryl Streep; Row 2, 4, 6, 8 are group B, please read the biography of Keanu Reeves. You should get as much information as you can, and try to use the following sentence .


structures. (Show the sentence structures on the screen.) You studied /worked/ acted at different... What did you do next? What made you decide to...? What roles did you act? (five minutes later) T: Have you finished? Now group A please sit this side, while group B please sit that side, and you can interview each other now. First, group A please play your dialogue. (The dialogue about interviewing Meryl Streep.) R: Reporter M: Meryl Streep R: Welcome to join our wonderful programme. Today in our programme, our guest is the famous actress Meryl Streep. How are you, Mrs Streep? M: Fine, thank you. R: Mrs. Streep, would you mind me asking some questions about your life? M: Of course not. R: Okey, so could you tell us something about the place where you grew up? M: Actually, I was born in a really small village in America in 1949. M: I think I’ve always wanted to become an actress since I was a little girl. That’s why first I went to drama school after graduating from high school. And then, as a student I enjoyed acting in theatre plays. .


R: What did you do after that? Were there any special reasons why you started working in film? M: I enjoy being an actress. Film is very interesting, because you can reach so many people around the world. I also still enjoy acting in the theatre, though most of my work is for the film. Anyway, I like this job. R: I see. Can you tell us a little bit more about your career as a film star? What roles did you act? M: My first film was called Julia, back in 1997.Some of my favorite films were Sophie’s Choice, later on Out of Africa, and more recently, the film called The Music of the Heart. R: Mrs Streep, thank you for this interesting talk. We hope that you can act more films. M: I hope so, and I’ll try my best. Thank you. T: Excellent. You have done a good job. Group B, it’s your turn to act the dialogue. (The dialogue about interviewing Keanu Reeves.) R: the reporter K: Keanu Reeves R: We will be talking to Mr. Keanu Reeves in today’s show. Welcome to our talk show, Mr. Reeves. K: It’s my pleasure. R: What made you decide to become an actor? And how did you get success? .



