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The Simple Past Tense 一般过去时


1.To learn the simple past tense to describe the things you did before2. To learn the irregular form of the past tense verbs

3.To learn to ask and answer questions with the past tense4.Ss can do the exercises of the simple past tense

Sentence structures:1. He was young then, now he is old.2. They weren’t young then, they were old.3. I cooked fish yesterday .4. 5. 6. 7.

-Did you… ? -Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.He went to the zoo.

He bought a watermelon.I had a fever yesterday.

8. –When did you come back? -I came back last Sunday.9. –Where did you go? -I went to the park.

10. –What did you do at the weekend? -I went to the zoo.11. –Who did he meet? -He met Daming.12. –How did he go? -He went by bus.


Be 动词过去式的导入一:


T:Look! I am tall now, but many years ago, I was short.

向学生解释now 和many years ago的意思,并让他们辨别am 和 was 的区别,从而过渡到are和were的区别。

Be 动词过去式的导入二:

教师拿起一个气球并吹大后向学生展示: It is big now, it was small just now.

教师拿起一根已经拉得很长的橡皮筋向学生展示: It is long now, it was short just now.



Tom and Jerry 汤姆猫和本利鼠:


Tom: My name is Tom. Every day I meet my friend, but yesterday I met Jerry.(一副痛恨状) Tom: I run in the park every day, but yesterday I ran to Jerry’s house.(指着老鼠的头像并跑过去)

Tom: I cook fish every day, but yesterday I cooked Jerry(一副很高兴很得意的样子) Tom: I eat fish every day, but yesterday I ate Jerry(一副报了仇很开心的样子)

教师边表演边板书,让学生对动词的过去式体现在时间上这一语法点一目了然: Today yesterday meet met run ran cook cooked eat ate

Be 动词的活动:我爱丢沙包: Where were you yesterday?

教师自制一张中国地图,图上只写中国的不同地名(字写大些让学生看到)教师让两个学生站到相同的位置面向黑板,教师拿着不同地名的卡纸面向全班其他学生让学生用学过的句子描述:T:(show the card of Beijing) Where were you yesterday? Ss:We were in Beijing yesterday.

站在台上的同学听到句子后马上把沙包丢向北京,丢得快的同学得一分,并累积分数评出冠军。(教师可从问全班到问个人从而操练句型:Where was he/she yesterday?)

行为动词活动一:Simon says----Who ran just now?

活动规则:做这个活动可用到TPR,因为让学生做动作,因此可提高课堂气氛的活跃程度。教师可把班里的学生分为几个小组上台来轮流上台来比赛。学生听到老师说\says\才做相应的动作,反之就不能做动作。老师说话的速度越快,游戏的难度越高。如果有学生说错了,老师就用过去时的句子提问:\(刚才)?\\just now?\等。



cooked/walked/listened/helped/played/rained/watched/phone/laughed/danced/jumped/hopped/stopped/felloff/bought/met/had/ate/drank/gave/rode/wore/told/made 等等.

例如:T: Who cooked just now? Ss :Daming cooked just now. T: Who drank just now? Ss: Amy drank just now.

活动二:我猜我猜我猜猜猜: What did Tom buy yesterday?



教学用语:T: Tom bought a lot of fruits in the supermarket yesterday. They are in the box now. Please close your eyes ,touch the things and guess :what did he buy yesterday? S1: He bought an apple. S2: He bought a pear.

活动提示:通过这个活动可以拓展其他动词的过去式如have—had, eat—ate, give—gave, take—took 等等。可以把这些词放入句型What did he …? 中去操练。

活动三:Little fortune teller小小占卜师(此活动可操练一般过去时的一般疑问句) 活动说明:教师先向学生说明一下占卜师:这个人能预测将来发生的事情,也知道过去发生的事情。在这个活动中,通过一些形容词的提示,请学生模仿占卜师,考考他们是否知道其他学生过去发生的事情。 Example:

S1:I am so tired today.

S2:Did you help your mother do the housework yesterday? S1:No, I didn’t,

S2:Did you do all your homework yesterday?

S1:No,I didn’t do all my homework yesterday. S1:Did you g to the farm yesterday?

S2:Yes,I did. I went to the farm yesterday. You are the fortune teller.

活动提示:教师可提供一些形容词给学生做提示,如:happy, sad, excited 等等。

活动四:唇枪舌剑:(此活动可操练一般过去时的特殊疑问句) 教师说一个简单的答句,学生根据教师说的单词用特殊疑问句造出合理的句子,看谁造得多:

如:T: Some cakes.

S1: What did you buy? S2:What did you eat? S3:What did you take? S4:What did you made?

T: Bejing.

Ss: Where did you go? Ss: Where did you visit?

T: Daming.

Ss: Who did you meet?Ss: Who did you talk to?Ss: Who did you help?Ss: Who did you phone?

Ss: Who did you talk to?

T: By bus.

Ss: How did you go?

Ss: How did you come here?

T: Last year.

Ss: When did you go?Ss: When did you meet?Ss: When did you buy?Ss: When did you listen?Ss: When did you phone?Ss: When did you see?Ss: When did you talk?Ss: When did you eat?Ss: When did you drink?Ss: When did you ride?

Ss: When did you learn? Etc.拓展性活动一:

Hi!我是红太狼!一眨眼,春节就这么过去了,我想各位朋友都过了一个肥年,过个年我认识了很多朋友,年夜饭他们都吃了什么呢?我们一起来看看吧! Name

Tom(汤姆猫) 灰太狼 呆头 蜡笔小新 阿衰 FoodJerry ,fish

喜羊羊 Chicken, Fish

Sausage hamburger Ice cream,meat


S1: What did Tom eat at Spring Festival? S2: He ate Tom and fish.

红太狼:What did you have at Spring Festival,灰太狼?灰太狼: I had喜羊羊.



Went with whowhenhow

What he/she did TinaSanya

Her fatherLast weekBy plane Took photo Amy





