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Unit1 Where did you go on vacation.


1. 相当多:quite a few + cn.复数 2. 当然:of course =sure 3. 似乎做某事:seem (seemed) to do sth.

4. 似乎是:seem (seemed) to be + adj. / seem + adj.

5. 决定做某事:decide (decided) to do sth. 6. 努力做某事:try (tried) to do sth. 7. 尝试做某事:try (tried) doing sth. 8.去做滑翔伞运动:go(went) paragliding

9. 给…的感觉;感受到:feel (felt) like 10. 等待某人:wait (waited) for sb. 11. 因为:because of + 名词短语 ; because + 句子 12. 与…一样:the same as + 宾格; as… as + 宾格: 其中间用adj./adv.原级13. 不喜欢/厌恶做某事:dislike to / doing sth. 14. 去纽约:go (went ) to New York City 15. 待在家里:stay (stayed) at home

16. 为了考试而学习/备考:study (studied) for tests 17. 拜访某人/某地:visit (visited) sb./ sp.

18. 去夏令营:go (went) to summer camp

19. 去爬山:go (went) to the mountains 20. 去海滩:go (went) to the beach 21. 度假:on vacation 22. 好久不见。Long time no see (saw). 23. …怎么样? What/ How about + doing sth.? 24. 大部分时候:most of the time

25. 你认为…怎么样?What do you think of …?=How do you like …?

=How do you feel about …?

26. 给某人买某物:buy (bought) sth. For sb.=buy (bought) sb. Sth. 27. 为某人自己:for oneself ; 靠某人自己:by oneself 28. 写日记:keep (kept)a diary=write (wrote) a diary

29. 玩得高兴:have a good/ nice/great/big time=have fun=enjoy oneself + doing 30. 到达:arrive at/ in=get to =reach

31. 在过去:in the past (句末) 32. 喜欢做某事:enjoy doing sth. 33. 想要做某事:want to do sth. 34. 想要某人做某事:want sb. To do sth. 35. 下大雨/小雨:rain hard/ a little 36. 一个多小时:more than/ over an hour 37. 太多人:too many people(复数) ;太多茶:too much tea; 太忙:much too busy 38. 足够:足够的钱:enough money (前置) ; 足够大:big enough (后置) 39. 如此…以至于:so …that 40. 开始做某事:start (started) to do /doing sth. 41. 忘记去做某事:forget (forgot) to do sth. ; 忘记做过某事:forget doing sth. 42. 两天以后:two days later(后置)

43. 停下来去做某事:stop (stopped) to do sth.; 停止做某事:stop doing sth. 44. 另外两个小时:another two hours 45. 带回来:bring back

46. 在我们的学校郊游上:on our school trip 47. 找出;查明:find (found) out 48. 兴奋地:in excitement (句末) 49. 继续做某事:keep (kept) doing sth. 50. 升起来:come (came) up ; 出来:come up 重点句型:

1. Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City.

2. What did you do last night? I stayed at home and studied for English tests.


3. Did you go out with anyone? No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. 4. Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father.

No, I bought nothing.=I didn’t buy anything. 5. How was the food? Everything tasted really good!

6. Did every have a good time? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. 涉及考点:

1. I ____(be) at home yesterday morning.

2. We went to my uncle’s farm and ________________(feed) the chicken. 3. Everyone in the room seemed ______________(boring) yesterday. 4. Did you go to summer camp with ___________(someone)? 5. Tom kept some ____________(diary) last year.

6. I’m older this year. I can look after ___________(I ).

7. Everyone _______(be) outside now and no one ______(be) in the classroom. 8. Our school gives us many ___________(activity) to relax ourselves. 9. He decides ___________(study) hard for his dream. 10.Mary enjoys _________(keep) a diary.

11. Do you often wash clothes by _________(you).

12. She tried __________ (finish) her homework by ________(she) last night. 13. Can you tell me the ____________(difference) between Lucy and Lily. 14. Mark dislikes _________(play) the piano.

15. They didn’t buy __________ (特殊的东西) there yesterday.

16. Tell us _____________ (有趣的事情) about your vacation, Jenny.

17. Would you like _____________(go) paragliding with me this afternoon? 18. He has ______________(足够的钱)to buy a car.

19.John is so _____________(足够大) that he can go to school.

20. They can’t go to the mountains ____________(因为) the bad weather. 21. Jim is swimming in the river. He ____________(感觉像) a fish. 22. Her uncle is a _______(trade).

23. His father works in that tall _________(build). 24. Alice visited her grandmother last weekend.

______ Alice _______ her grandmother last weekend? (改为一般疑问句) _______ _______ Alice _______ last weekend? (对划线部分提问) Alice ________ _________ her grandmother. (改为否定句) 25. Jenny went to Hainan on vacation last summer. (对划线部分提问) ________ _______ Jenny ______ on vacation? 26. Claire wants to go to Hong Kong.

_______ Claire _______ to go to Hong Kong? (改为一般疑问句) Claire _______ _______ to go to Hong Kong. (改为否定句)

27. She went to the farm and fed some chickens with her parents. (对划线部分提问) ______ _____ she _____ to the farm and _____ ______ chickens with? 28 My vacation was great. (对划线部分提问) _______ ______ your vacation?


Unit2 How often do you exercise?


1. 做家务:do (did) the housework ; 帮忙做家务:help (helped) with housework 2. 多久一次:how often=how many times 3. 几乎从不:hardly ever(主后谓前)

4. 一周一次:once a week (句末) ; 一周两次:twice a week(句末) 5. 一周一到三次:one to three times a week (句末) 一周四次或五次:four or five times a week(句末)

6. 使用互联网:use (used/ using) the Internet ; 在互联网上:on the Internet 7. 充满…的:be full of ; 对某人来说忙碌的:be full/busy for sb. 8. 摇摆舞:swing dance 9. 至少:at least 10. 吃垃圾食品:eat (ate) junk food 11. 喝咖啡/牛奶:drink (drank) coffee/milk 12. 保持健康:keep healthy ; 身体健康:be in good health

13. 上网:go (went/ goes) online 14. 看电视:watch (watches) television/ TV 15. 虽然,尽管:although=though, 不与but连用。 16. 通过;凭借:through=by 介词 + doing

17. 例如:such as + doing 18. 旧习难改。Old habits die hard. 19. 去看牙医:go to the dentist ; 去看电影:go to the movies 20. 然而,不过:however, 后面有逗号“,“,表转折。 21. 多于:more than=over 22. 少于:less than

23. 得到好的分数:get good points 24. 看杂志:read (read) a magazine 25. 读书:read books=do some reading 26. 购物:go shopping=do some shopping 27. 怎么会呢?:How came? 28. 上钢琴课:have piano lessons 29. 不得不做某事:have to do sth. 30. 熬夜:stay up late

31. 吃健康的早餐:eat a healthy breakfast 32. 做运动:do sports=play sports 33. 早睡:go to bed early 早起:get up early

34. 每天: every day 35. 询问…关于…:ask…about… 36. 一点也不;根本不:not…at all 37. 对…吃惊的:be surprised that 38. 区别: the other: 两者中的另一者; others: 其他的人或物=other + 复数 39. 为了乐趣: for fun(句末) 40. 问题的答案:the answer to the question 41. 做某事对于某人来说是…的。It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 42. 做某事的最好方法:the best way to do sth.

43. 花时间与某人在一起:spend (spent) time with sb. ; 花时间做某事:spend time doing sth. ; spend time on sth.

45. 对…有好处:be good for ; 对…有坏处:be bad for 46. 画画:draw (drew) pictures

46. 饮食习惯:eating habits ; 生活习惯:living habits 47. 在某人的闲暇时间:in one’s free time 重点句型:

1. What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise.

2. What do they do on weekends? They often help with housework. 3. What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping.

4. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month.


5. How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever watches TV. 6. Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping. 涉及考点:

1. I go to the movies _______(one) or ________(two) a month. 2. Amy ____________(not do) her homework well every day. 3. No one __________(want) to drink coffee every day. 4. Here _______(be) the answers to the questions. 5. 15% of students _______(like) playing games. 15% of money_______(be) theirs.

6. It’s easy for them ___________(play) the guitar. 7. He always __________(watch) TV late every night. 8. She wants _________(learn) swing dance.

9. Exercising ______(be) the best way _______(relax). 10. Sue ‘s dream is to be a _________(write).

11. You are too heavy. You should eat _______(little) and exercise _______(many). 12. His mother wants him __________(stay) at home.

13. People like doing all kinds of __________(activity) to relax themselves in their free time.

14. I always eat a __________(health) food, so I am in good _________health. 15. Many people like _______(use) the Internet.

16. I have a lot of hobbies, such as _________(read) and __________(swim).

17. You can study English well through/ by ________(watch) English programs and __________(sing) English songs.

18. Eating vegetables and fruit ______(be) good for our _________(health). 19. Although/ Though I’m very busy, ________(but/不填) I exercise every day. 20. Sam drinks coffee twice a day. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ Sam ________ coffee?

21. My father plays basketball five times a week. (对划线部分提问)

_______ _________ times _______ your father _______ basketball a week? 22. Her sister sleeps ten hours every night. (对划线部分提问)

______ ________ hours ______ her sister ________ every night? 23. He drinks milk every day.

He _______ ________ milk every day. (改为否定句)

_______ he __________ milk every day? (改为一般疑问句) Yes, he ______. / No, he _________. 24. She took some photos there.

She ________ _________ _________ photos there. ________ she _________ _________ photos there? Yes, she ______. / No. she ______ 25. how的归纳:

(1)how:问感受或程度 (2)how old: 问年龄 (3)how many:问数量 + cn.复数

(4)how much:问数量 + un单数 或问价格

(5) how long:问段时间 (6) how far:问距离


(7) how often:问频率=how many times (8) how all:问身高

Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.


1. …和…两者都:both … and … ; …中的两者:both of ?+ 宾格或复数 2. 擅长于:be good at=do well in ; 更擅长于:be better at=do better in 3. 大声唱歌:sing loudly (more loudly) loud-louder

4. 快速跑:run fast (faster) 5. 跳高:jump high (higher) 6. 努力工作/学习:work/ study hard (harder) 7. 早起:get up early (earlier) 8. 与…一样:as … as 中间用adj./adv原级 9. 唱歌比赛:singing competition 10. 跳舞好:dance well (better) 11. 唱歌清晰:sing clearly (more clearly) clear-clearer 12. 在…有天赋:be talented in = have a talent in

13. 关心;在意:care about 14:照顾;照看:take care of =look after 15. 嘲笑某人:laugh at sb. 16. 只要:as long as + 句子 17. 做某事对于某人来说是…的。It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth.

18. 与…不同:be different from + 宾格 19. 和…相同:(be) the same as + 宾格 20. 使显现:bring out ; 把某人最好的一面表现出来:bring out the best in sb. 21. 取得好成绩:get good grades ; 拥有好成绩:have good grades 22. 到达:reach=arrive at/in=get to 23. 帮助某人:give sb. a hand=help sb.

24. 感动某人的内心:touch (touches) one’s heart ; 灰心:lose heart 25. 事实上;实际上:in fact 26. 违反规则:break (broke) the rules 27. 与某人分享某物:share sth. with sb. 28. 与…相似的:be similar to 29. 小学:primary school 30. 一条信息:a piece of information (不可数名词) 31. 让某人做某事:make sb. Do sth.=let sb. Do sth. 32. 像…:be like 介词 33. 修饰比较级用:a little/ much/ a lot 34. 我真地介意:I really/ truly care ; 我真地不介意:I don’t really/truly care 35. 我最喜欢的格言:my favorite saying 36. 伸手去拿: reach for sth. 37. 情态动词:should: 应该 shouldn’t: 不应该 + V.原 38. 善于应付…的:be good with

39. 比较级:表示两者之间的比较, 其标志词是:than。 40. 反意疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯。找be/助/情帮忙。 重点句型:

1. Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isn’t. Sam is smarter than Tom. 2. I Tara more outgoing than Tina?

No, she isn’t. Tina is more outgoing than Tara.

3. Are you as friendly as your sister? No, I’m not. I’m friendlier. 4. Does Tara work as hard as Tina? Yes, she does. ? No, she doesn’t.

5. Who’s more hard-working at school? Tina thinks she works harder than me.



1. Tina is ________(tall) than Tara.

2. I sing _____________(loudly) than her.

3. She is a good student, _____________(反意疑问句). 4. Lucy studies as _______(hard) as Lily.

5. Nelly sings English songs so _______(good).

6. Who is _______________(hard-working), Larry or Nelly? 7. He is talented in ___________(draw pictures). 8. My parents ________(true) care about me.

9. Jack likes _______(tell) funny stories and he always makes us_______(laugh). 10. Billy is ______________(outgoing) than the other boys in his class. 11. He says as ___________(clear) as her.

12. Jim ________(win0 the first prize in the last singing competition.

13. Both Sam and Tom can play the drums, but Sam plays ________(well). 14. He went into the bedroom _________(quiet).

15. Li Ming and Lin Tao ____________(都有) black eyes. 16. John is ____________(funny) than Peter. 17. She likes to do the same things as _______(I).

18. This picture ____________________(不同于) that one.

19. Jack _____________________(与…相似) his father in many ways. 20. I _________(break) my left arm last week.

21. My father is _______________(serious) than my grandfather. So I like my grandfather __________(well).

22. Class Six ________(win) the basketball yesterday.

23. -_________(Which/ What) one is Lisa? -The one with shorter hair.

24. –Is your cousin as _________(serious) as you? –No, she isn’t. She’s _________________(serious).

25. Gina is as smart as Jane. (改为否定句) Gina _______ ______ smart ______ Jane. 16. Coco isn’t as ________(old) as ______(I). 26. 掌握形容词和副词的比较级规则:P114

(1)outgoing : more outgoing (2)good/ well: better (3) loudly: more loudly (4)quietly: more quietly (5) hard-working: more hard-working

(6) fantastic: more fantastic (7)clearly: more clearly (8)talented: more talented (9)serious: more serious (10) friendly: friendlier (11) big: bigger (12) fat: fatter (13)thin: thinner (14)heavy: heavier (15)funny: funnier (16)smart: smarter (17) lazy: lazier (18)fast: faster (19) high: higher (20) hard: harder (21)early: earlier (22)short: shorter (23)important: more important (24)many/ much: more (25)little:less (26)far: farther/ further (27)fine: finer (28)late: later




