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Unit 6 Earning and Spending Money WiselyPartⅠ B. 1.In the basement 2.Five fifty pounds 3.Soup plates 4.Four pounds 5.To the third floor 6.150 pounds 7.A supermarket 8.In the roof gardenPartⅡ 可对照原文找答案PartⅢ A. 1.On the 10th May. 2.At ten o’clock. 3.At five o’clock. 4.18.50 pounds. 5.19.50 pounds. 6.On the 9th May. 7.36 pounds. 8.12 pounds. 9.88.5 pounds. 10.2.5 pounds.

B. 1.(F) 2.(T) 3.(T) 4.(F) 5.(F)

6.(T) 7.(F) 8.(F) 9.(T) 10.(F)PartⅣ A. 8 — 12 years old 780

unskilled workers household chores 31/2 per week 11/2 per week B. 可对照原文找答案

PartⅤ 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.c 6.a

Unit 7 Choice Versus Chance

PartⅠ B. B → F → D → A → G → C → EPartⅡ A. 1.In a hotel. On the beach. In Italy. 2.Over 500 pouds. 3.In the morning.

4.Helping in the kitchen:wash and peel vegetables,prebreakfast trays,wash up,etc. 5.F T F T FT

6.Hiring out deck chairs and selling newspapers. 7.He wanted a cheap holiday.

8.He has been working as a courier,and taking Americans round Italy on coach tours. 9.He’s been invited to go and work in America next summer. B. enjoying,boring,too bad,quite interesting,the work itself,the friends,spare time,seaside town,going on,dancing,bowing,cinemas,afternoons off,sunbathing and swimmingPartⅢ A. an abattoir,a factory,station,a chicken battery

B. First speaker: television reporter,archaeologist,anthropologist Second speaker: third baseman for the New York Mets Third speaker: photographer

C. 1st speaker: mad,money,travel,different coutries 2nd speaker: boring,responsibility,best baseball team

3rd speaker: incapable,torture,work with people,independent,own

PartⅣ vocation,chance,choice,selecting,vocational planning,the world of work,requirements,present,time,effort,study,rewards factors,interests,training,salaries,essential grow,decline,economy,demand,changes

Accountants,programmers,officers,engineers,Lawyers,Medical, Public-relations,financial,Tool,agents manual,rely on,respond,opportunities,workers


PartⅤ A. 1.She thinks that to be conscientious means to be extremely careful and pay attention to details. 2.She left her last job because she wanted something more challenging.

B. 1.Because Mr.Toms knew that Michael was the Director’s nephew and he did not want Mrs. Grey to embarrass Michael by her questions. 2.He plays football twice a week and plays golf nearly every morning.C. 1.Michael James. Because he is the Director’s nephew. 2.(Open-ended)

Unit 8 Eating the Right Things PartⅠ B. 可对照原文找答案

C. coffee,caffeine,morning,393,sugar,decaf,article,heart,five, death,Americans,people,body,five,Coke,twice,drinks,health, myself,walk

PartⅡ B. Terms: Natural food

Usage of the term: all kinds,Narrower,the same food,precise Examples: dried beans,Fresh fruit/raw honey,organic fertilizer refined,Meats,hormones

C. 1.It’s not. It’s an example of processed food. In bread-making,a number of chemical substances are added. 2.Vitamin content is greatly reduced.

3.People usually base their choice on smell,color and texture. Actually we should consider vitamin content instead.PartⅢ A. 1.eat fast food 2.kind of 3.How often,week 4.day 5.a main meal

6.think of,convenient,tastes,expensive B. 1.Yes

2.burgers,sandwiches,pizza,kebabs 3.Monday to Friday:every day; weekends:no

4.lunchtime;in the evenings



