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Traffic lights teaching plan

1.题目:Traffic lights 2.内容:

Red light,red light stop stop stop; Yellow light,yellow light wait wait wait; Green light,green light go go go 3. 基本要求:

(1)注意文中的爆破音 (2)彩色粉笔板书 (3)全英授课 教案如下:


1.Teaching Aims(教学目标):

Knowledge aim(知识目标): Students will know the way of pronouncing d, p, t and know the safe way to cross the road.

Ability aim(能力目标): Through different activities, students will read the chant fluently and vividly, their speaking ability can be improved.

Emotional aim(情感态度与价值观): After this lesson, students will form good habit to cross road and have safety consciousness.

2.Teaching Key Points and Teaching Difficult Points(教学重难点):

Teaching Key Points(教学重点):

Students will learn how to cross the road safely and read the chant correctly.

Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):

To help students feel the plosive and they can read the chant vividly.

3.Teaching Procedures(教学步骤): Step 1 Warming-up 1. Do a chant together. Red is color for the tomato Yellow is color for the banana …

2. Ask students to find different colors in their life.

(Flower, table, skirt, shopping mall, traffic light …)

Step 2 Presentation

1. Invite three students to read this chant and make a comparison to find the difference between their readings.

2. Make a summary about how to read “d, p, t” in a sentence. And the teacher should read at least two times for students to make sure that students can understand it.

Step 3 Practice

Listen to the tape again and students read the chant in teams in 3 minutes, and then they will make a competition, the winner will get small gifts (post card, book marks and so on) from the teacher.

Step 4 Production

1. Give students 2 minutes; they need to collect some words which contain d, p or t with their desk mates (dog, food, feet…).

2. Brainstorm (2 minutes).

Which kinds of habits can help us avoid being injured in our life?



