D. send workers to repair the car 23.“An economy car”here may refer to a car that ____________. A. can be bought at a rather low price B. is easy to operate C. uses only a small amount of gas per mile D. is special1y designed for a small fami1y 24.Which of the following statements is true? A. Americans are usually willing to wait for another car to enter busy streets. B. Americans car do anything without leaving their cars. C. American drivers can ignore a red light when they want to turn right. D. Americans can drive at 55 miles per hour everywhere in their country. Questions 25 to 28 are based on the following passage : There are robots all around us, Some do very complicated jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains。 And some do a simple job. When an automatic washing machine is switched on,water pours in. Themachine waits until the water is hot before washing the clothes. It does this by“feedback.”Information about What is happening is“feedback”into the robot to te11 it what to do next. Our eyes, ears and other senses are our feedback. They tell us whatis going on around us. So robots are like people in two ways,They work and they have feedback. There are robots all around, making our lives easier. Some of them,like the pocket calculator, can work much more quick1y than human beingscan. And they rarely make mistakes. In some ways robots are better than people. They work quick1y, but do not make mistakes, They do not get bored doing the same job over andover again。 And they never get tired. Robots are very useful in factories. They can be taught to do many different jobs. First their electronic brains must be shown how the job is done. A person moves the robot’s“arm” and“hand”through each part of the job. The robot’s brain remembers each move。 When the robot is put to work on its own, its brain controls the rods, wheels and motors which move its arm. When the robot is needed for a new job, its electronic memory is“wiped clean.”Then it is taught how to do its new task.| If the robot’s hand stops working, or if something gets in the way, it cannot do the next part of the job.So it stops and signals for help,Then a human engineer repairs it. The most“intelligent”robots can move and see. Their eyes are cameras. Their metal fingers can feel shapes and even find out how hot and cold objects are. These robots have computer brains,linked to their eyes and fingers, which control their actions. 25.In this story the author tells us that______________. A. there are vervfewrO6ots B. we see robots only at certain tines C. robot5are something new in our life D. ro6ots are all around us 26.In this story we are told that____________. A. we get feedback through our eyes and ears B. we get feedback through the robots C. only robots get feedback D. robots are not intelligent because of the feedback 27.What does the author of this story want you to feel about robots? A. They will probab1y take over in the future. B. They are very helpful and useful to humans. C. They are machines that are often out of order. D. They are not friends of human beings. 28.Since people like what robots do, what do you think this means for the future? and better robots will be built . B. People will stop making robots. C. There will be laws against using robots. D. Robots will benefit nobody. Questions 29 to 32 are based on the following passage: Tests conducted at the University of Pennsylvania's Psycho1ical Laboratory showed that anger is one of the most difficult Emotions to find out from facial expressions. Professor Dallas E. Buzby confronted 716 students with pictures of extreme1y angry persons, and asked them to identify the emotion from the facial expression。 Only two percent made correct judgments. Anger was most frequently judged as“pleased”. And a typical reaction of a student confronted with the picture of aman who was mad was to classify his expression as either ‘bewildered’,‘quizzical’,or simply‘amazed’.Other studies showed that it is extremely difficult to tell whether a man is angry or not just by looking at his face. The investigators found further that women are better at finding out anger from facia1 expressions than men are. Paradoxically,they found that psychological training does not improve one’s ability tojudge a man’s emotions by his expressions but actually hinders it. For in the university tests, the more courses the student had taken in psychology, the poorer judgment score he turned in. 29.The information in this passage centers around___________. A. the re1ation between anger and other emotions B. the differences between men and women with respect to emotion C. the influence of psychology on human emotions D. the discovery of anger from facial expressions 30.when tested, students with psychological training_________. A. marked less than two percent of their possible choices correctly B. did better than the average student in the group C. seemed less able to judge correctly than the average student D. performed in a manner not specified in the passage