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Distance learning is for those comfort are achieved at the cost established friendship, we ought many large changing happening who cannot study full time for of their health, how can they be to cherish and treasure it. Only in people ‘s lives . Private cars some reasons. Many of them happy Without health money thus, can we develop real begin to be very popular in our have a job, and some have to becomes meaningless. friendship and keep the sacred country Certainly, there must be take care of a family. But they In my opinion, no one agrees lamp of friendship burning all many things following with it. can study and meanwhile work that a wealthy person without our life. Maybe it is good for our society, or do other things. They can good health can be happy. So, 42.2008北京奥运会简介 or maybe it is harmful. study with the help of a tutor just do our best and keep fit. A brief introduction about the In our lives, especially in this and contact the tutor or other 38Ways to keep fit保持健康-体Beijing Olympic Games century, time becomes more learners when having difficulties. 重(或如何保持健康How to keep Beijing was elected host city to and more important We can go They can study at any time and healthy) host the 2008 Summer Olympics anywhere which we like anywhere. For example, I work More and more people are on July 13, 2001, in Moscow, immediately in our own car. But, in a company during the day, but getting fatter, They prefer fast beating out Toronto, Paris, if you come to wait for a bus, it I am taking a course in law in food to healthy food. Eating too Istanbul, and Osaka. will take your much time, and the evening. I find distance much junk food is bad for our The Games will be held from it’s more likely to be no seats. In learning is suitable for me. health and study . So do you August 8, 2008 through August this hand, you must choice the 34.没有钱就没有爱情 love and want to know how to keep fit? 24, 2008, with the opening convenient way to buy a private money There are four kinds of ways ceremony to take place at 08:08 car for yourself. Some people believe that which can help you to keep fit. pm and 08 seconds on August But do you ever think the there is no love without money. I First, drink milk and eat eggs 8th. The number 8 is associated harms for the society. I will don’t agree. Money is important , every day. Eat more vegetables with prosperity in Chinese bring you some examples. When but it cannot buy everything. and more fruit. culture. the time develops that everyone For example, it cannot buy love. Second, take more exercise. The Chinese government intends has their own car, all the roads If there were no love without Third, sleep well. to invest large sum of money in will be filled up by the cars. And money, all the poor would have Forth,it is essential to keep in the renovation and construction there isn’t place for you to no love and all the rich would a good mood. Relaxation and of gymnasiums and remove. What will be performed have love. But this is not true. entertainment are ways to stadiums,restaurant,tourist in the earth is obvious. This is Many poor people live happily renew our spirits and release spots and so on in preparation not in the least. When the car is because they have love, and our stress. for the 2008 Olympics. flooding, the waste gas will be many rich people live unhappily Good habits and a healthy The 2008 Summer Olympics exhausted everywhere, so that because they do not. lifestyle is good for our health emblem is \the air we are living in will be So I think there should be love 39.Water Pollution (水污染) mascots of the games is The polluted seriously. Are you agree without money. Everybody knows that there Fuwa ; the slogan for the 2008 with my opinions. 35.On Money(对金钱的看法) is serious problem of water Olympics is \46. 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方Money is considered by many pollution on the earth. Yes, Dream.\ 式;2.阐述你的理由;3.作出结论。 people as the most important water pollution is increasing. I think that the Summer My favorite means of thing in life. With money, they Look! The water in the river is Olympics in China will be good transportation can go wherever they please getting dirtier and dirtier. Most because China is the oldest In a modern city, there are many and do whatever they want. of fish in the water have died, civilization in the World and means of transportation, such as With money, they can buy a fine and we can’t swim in the water. visitors from all over the world subway, tax, bus and so on. But house, fashionable clothes and My grandfather says, when he who attend the games will be my favorite means of so on. In a word, money can was very little, the water in the able to experience Chinese transportation is by bike. make people comfortable and river was very clean. He often Culture since China is the oldest First, riding a bike is good for bring them happiness. swam in the river with his country in the world. keeping healthy. I spend one However, money is also friends. 43举办奥运会的益处The hour riding to my office on the source of all crimes and That was before, but now we advantages of hosting the working days. I think it is a good brings them misery. Since money can’t see such clean rivers. Let’s Olympic Games form of physical exercise. is so tempting, quite a few protect the water from There are lots of advantages of Secondly, it is money saving. people are attracted by it and pollution, because we can’t live hosting the Olympic Games. Recently, the private car drivers begin to go astray. To get more without water. The water is First it hassurely brought always complain the price of gas money, they gamble, steal, rob really important to us all. about much gain to a city. Boom is higher and higher, but if you or do many other evil things, for 40.Newspaper(报纸) of the local economy, more jobs, ride a bike, it will cost you \As we all know, now most and the possibility of generating nothing. Thirdly, it is beneficial a result, money leads them to people enjoy reading income all sound extremely for protecting the environment, jail. newspapers in their spare time. attractive to the municipal so it is a “green” form of Of course money is useful and Reading newspapers is a part of government. transportation. desirable, yet we should make our daily life at present. At the same time, better Therefore, although it has some money in proper way and spend There are many different infrastructure, cleaner disadvantages, I like riding a our money on proper things. kinds of newspapers. They are environment, enjoying the bike best. 36.你对网络的看法Internet daily papers, evening papers, spectacular game with hundreds 47.Living in a Big City(居住在I think the Internet is very weekly papers, and so on. of sports elites and 大城市的利弊) important. And it plays an Among these newspapers, the entertainment stars, and the Thousands of people stream important role in our lives. People's Daily, Guangming Daily opportunity of contacting into cities, especially big Nowadays, we can deal with and other national papers have people from all over the world cities .Big cities have special so many things by Internet. For more readers than the others. also seem exciting to the attractions for many people. example, we can send message The People's Daily is the most citizens. First , in big cities, people can to different people in different important paper in our country. Besides, it has definitely easily get a job to make a living . country at the same time, we It is also the most popular one. promoted the patriotic emotion Then, there are many facilities can go shopping on line, it’ very Newspapers can tell us the and pride, as well as the moral which make people feel very easy; we can chat on line, so latest news concerning polities, behavior in local people. convenient in life. Third , that we save a lot of time. economics and military affairs in 44.Bad manner in public(公共people have more into big cities In a word, the Internet is so our country and abroad. In the 场合的陋习) by all means . I like living in a important that we can’t lose it. meantime, by reading Although we consider big city because it can provide It can help us do so many things. newspapers, we can obtain ourselves as highly advanced me with move convenient living 37.Health and Wealth(健康与more knowledge and broaden beings living in a civilized conditions and a good job. 财富) our outlook. we must read society, bad manners can still be Besides, living in a big city, I can Which is more important, newspapers in order to learn found here and there. For get the latest information wealth or health? Different what is happening in our country example, some cyclists run the coming from every field which people have different opinions. and around the world, so that red traffic lights, many will make you wiser . However, Some people prefer wealth, we can make greater progress passengers litter waste papers Big cities are facing problems holding that money can not toward the future. and plastic bags in the public and the biggest one is traffic. bring everything, but without it, 41.About Friendship (关于友places, and some tourists There are too many people and one can do nothing. In order to 谊) scrabble in tourist attractions, car . The traffic is heavy, get more money they can do Friendship is a kind of human let alone spit on the street. In especially during the rush hours . anything. However, other relations. It is a human instinct the cinema, some audience talk Every street is crowded. Cars people regard health as more to make friends. When in loudly on cell phones in front of are running fast, they may cause important. Once health is lost, trouble, we need friends to others. traffic accidents easily . What is it is no use having a lot of offer us help, support and I’m strongly against talking move , as a daily commuter , money. encouragement. With success loudly in the cinema, for this Everyone wastes a lot of time on As far as I am concerned, I achieved, we also need friends behavior shows no respect at all commuting . Time is valuable. love wealth, but I value health to share our joys. Friendship is to others; what’s more, it upsets So traffic is a big problem which more. Everybody wants to live a one of the greatest pleasures the audience who are in the has irritated everyone much. happy life. So they try their best that we can enjoy. It implies mood of having fun. 48.About Television(对电视的to earn money which they can loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, 45. Private Cars in China(中国看法) ensure they lead a comfortable affection, and readiness to help. 的私人轿车) Television has its good as well life, but if happiness and In short, when we have As time develops, there are as bad sides. It makes us .


informed of daily news, lets us from you! told that you are in Beijing now. take a vocation to Shanghai know the outside world, 52.你的一位外国朋友给你来信,What have you been doing these and I have a lot to tell you. How provides lessons for learners, 打算到中国旅游,你给他回信,years? Do you keep in touch with great we will be together! and it has brought joy and 提出旅游建议。你应包括下列内other classmates? Looking forward to hearing interest into people’s lives. 容:①接到朋友的来信②你对旅I have been working in SHTVU from you. Unfortunately, some 游的安排计划及理由③表达你希since my graduation and now Good luck! television programs have been 望见到朋友的心愿 I’m engaged in the distance 60 (1)告诉对方你将参加英语extremely harmful to the young. Dear Sam, education, which is quite new to 四级考试。(2)询问对方如何做准Violent movies are shown on TV I have just received your me, but I enjoy it very much 备。(3)请对方建议一些参考书。 programs. Children regard the letter and know that you are because it involves a lot of Dear Robert, murders as heroes or models, so going to come to China to see multimedia in my teaching. I’m I’d like to tell you that your they imitate. Therefore there me. I am really excited by it. greatly moved by my students tips for study are really very happened many murders or You know I miss you so much. In who are adults and study very helpful to me and now I have shooting cases in American your letter, you mentioned your hard in their spare time. confidence in myself and take campuses. What a big harm. travel plan. I advise you to go to I miss you very much. I would every chance to communicate So young people should learn Beijing and Xi’an. There are be very pleased if you pay a visit with others in English. With my to get ride of the bad influences many royal buildings in Beijing to Shanghai and I believe that great efforts I have now made of TV and learn to make use of like Palace Museum, Summer we’ll certainly have a good time rapid progress in my English the advantages that TV brings Palace. Xi’an is typical of old then. study. So I’m going to take CET-4 us. China. There are lots of Looking forward to hearing next term. 49.Mobile Phone(手机的好处与historical buildings there, from you. I know that you passed it last 坏处) especially those of Qin Dynasty. 57(1)了解对方近来的情况。(2)year. Would you tell me how I Like everything else, mobile I hope you enjoy your stay in 通知对方同学将在元旦举行聚can get prepared for it and what phones have both favorable and China. I am looking forward to 会。(3)请对方参加。 should I pay attention to? I don’t unfavorable aspects. your coming. Dear Robert, want to fail it. First, it's useful. As a wireless 53.如果你是李明,遗失了一本I haven’t received your e-mail It’s said that if you want to mobile telephone, it's easy and 书,应包括下列内容①书在哪里for a long time. Are you still succeed in passing it, you should handy to call wherever one goes 遗失的②这本书对你很重要③捡working for that IT company? do a lot of tests. I think you and call the one however far 到者如何与你联系 How about your work? must have much experience in it, away he is. Second, it's Dear All, I’m writing to you to tell you could you recommend me some convenient. Whenever one I lost a book at 5 pm on that the English Department of books for practice? meets trouble or something December 29th in room 210 of Shanghai University takes Looking forward to hearing urgent, one can make a call Wenxin Building. The title of the pleasure in inviting the from you. immediately. book is 《Advanced English graduates to its New Year’s Best wishes However, the mobile phone Grammar》. This book is very Evening, which will be held at ①了解对方最近的工作情况。also has many disadvantages. important and helpful to me, for the Assembly Hall on Saturday ②你的工作情况。③请对方说说First, it's expensive to buy and I am bad at grammar. The final evening, December 31st, 2005. 若何搞好同事间的关系。 costly to pay the bills. Second, examination is getting nearer The party begins at 7 p.m. Dear it's also easy to lose and costly and nearer and I am worried I think it’s a good chance for Tom: to get it repaired. Third, it's about my English exam very us to get together, would you alleged the microwaves in it much. Anyone who finds the please email me whether you Does everything go well with might do harm to people's book please contact Li Ming on will go to the party? you? How is your job? Do you health. 13774336899. I will be very Looking forward to hearing work as busy as a bee every day? I believe its advantages will grateful to you and your from you. I feel blue these days, because I far outweigh disadvantages kindness. I am looking forward Best wishes cannot finish my work efficiently. soon. to your calls. 58(1)了解对方最近的学习情My work is so busy that I often 50.选择一个你想旅游的地点,并54.你昨天去朋友家吃了晚饭,请况。(2)你的学习情况。(3)请对方work overtime. So I have no 安排旅行计划,你应包括下列内写一封感谢信,包括以下内容:说说提高英语水平的经验。 time to communicate with my 容①说明你想旅游的地点②说明对朋友表示谢意,表示要回请你Dear Robert, colleagues. They seem 你为什么选择这个地点③描述你的朋友,并欢迎他随时光临。 Very pleased to get your indifferent to me. They never 的旅行计划 Dear Amy, email and know that you are invite me when they go out for a Dear Amy, Thanks for your invitation to now studying in Qinghua party. This let me down and I I plan to make a journey to your home last night. I enjoy the University, which is well known cannot concentrate on my work. Jiuzhaigou in Si Chuan province. food very much. I will hold a in the world. How about your Can you give me some It’s a beautiful place with fresh small party to celebrate my study and life there? suggestion? How can I get on air, beautiful natural scenery birthday on November 12th, and Since I am now working in an well with my colleagues? Please like waterfall, lake and high I will invite a lot of friends to American company and my write to me as soon as possible. mountains. Because many films have dinner at my home, would English is poor, you know, I have Thank you!: I look forward to and TV series have been made you like to join us? Oh, there to use English every day, I began hearing from you. here, it is very famous. What’s will also be a band to perform studying English in SHTVU this Yours, more, I am very busy and live music. I think it will be summer. But it’s really very hard 62了解对方上次出国旅游情况。exhausted this year, so I want to exciting to dance with the live for adults to work in the day and ②你打算出国去玩玩。③请对方go for a relaxation. I plan to stay music. Please be sure to come. I study in the evening and on 给你提点建议。 there for a week and travel with am looking forward to your weekends. And the most I am very much delighted to a tour group. I believe I will coming. difficult for me is how to receive your letter. I am sorry enjoy myself there. 55.你的朋友邀请你参加他/她的memorize all these English not to have written back earlier Regards 生日聚会,告诉对方你不能接受words. but time seems to pass so Yours ever 他/她的邀请。你应包括下列内容: I know that you are good at quickly. John 1.告诉对方你不能接受他/她的邀English. Would you tell me your I learn from your letter that you 51(1) 告诉对方你最近将出去请; 2.对对方的邀请表示感谢; own experience in English study were on holiday in Paris last 旅游。(2) 了解对方所在地的旅游3.说明无法接受邀请的原因。 and give me some good tips? month. Paris is a beautiful city , 点。(3) 请对方给予帮忙安排。 Dear Lisa, Well, take care of yourself! it is one of my favorite cities , Dear Robert, Congratulations on your Looking forward to hearing too. You enjoyed yourself, How is everything going with coming birthday. Thanks for from you. didn’t you? I will share the you these days? I’d like to let your invitation, but I am sorry Best wishes happiness with you. I must tell you know that I’m going to that I am afraid I am not able to 59 (1)你的近况。(2)请对方帮you that how pleased I am now, Hainan to have a holiday next attend your birthday party. You 你购买英语语法书。(3)邀请对方because I will also go for a Saturday and stay there for know, our company will hold an 方便时来访。 vocation to Paris this summer. about ten days. important meeting in our Paris Dear Robert, Meanwhile, I’m a little worried Hainan is the place that I branch to talk about the recent Haven’t got your email for about it, because this is my first want to visit most. Since it is trouble appearing in business. I some time and how about you? I time to another country. There your hometown, could you give am the one who needs to make a am worried about my English are many things I don’t know in me a very brief introduction presentation. I am terribly sorry study very much since the final aboard. Fashionable dress in about where to stay, where to for that. Anyway, I hope examination is getting nearer Paris is pretty good. Can you tell eat and what to see? I’m told everything goes well in your and nearer. me where I should go to buy? For that Sanya is really very birthday party. Remember to I’ve got some problems in my beautiful scenery, where should beautiful and there are many show me the pictures taken in study, especially in grammar. I go? What about other places? different interesting activities the party when I come back Sometimes, I’m quite confused Tell me your ideas. that people can enjoy very from business trip. with different tenses. So my 63①了解对方最近的工作情况。much. Best regards! teacher recommended me a ②你想调动工作。③请对方给你Would you please book a 56.(1)了解对方毕业后的情况。(2)grammar book, 《Advanced 点建议。 hotel for me in the center of 你的近况。(3)邀请对方方便时来English Grammar》, which can be What’s going on with you Sanya if it is convenient? Well, I 访。 bought in Beijing. Could I recently? I hope you are very feel very excited that we’ll see Dear Robert, trouble you to buy one for me? well. Do you enjoy working in each other very soon. Haven’t seen you for a long We haven’t seen each other your company? Looking forward to hearing time since we graduated. I’m since we parted. I hope you will I am not satisfied with my job .


now. I want to make a change. with an excellent memory. He in your newspaper---- The 21st you see signs of a break-in, you shouldn’t go in, My work are rather routine, I do likes taking responsibility for Century. the same thing day by day, year doing things. And I think I have abilities to do the burglar may be inside. You should go to a neighbour and by year. It is really boring. So I He is the best person you want the job well. call the police. want to quit the job and find a to hire. I think you will give him Yours Sincerely, new one. I wish I could do an opportunity for an interview. Wuhua ON THE STREET something more challenging. I look forward to hearing from 71 作文1:假设你是汕尾广播电At night: 64①了解对方考试准备情况怎you. 视大学学生干部,贵校要· Always walk facing the 样。②你在准备中遇到的问题。Yours sincerely, 举办一次英语讲座。请根traffic, so that a car cannot ③请对方给你一些建议。 68.介绍自己 据下面提示,用英文写一pull up behind you. You mustn’t go through It’s my pleasure to inform you My name is Wing Ling. I was born 份书面通知。全篇字数:· parks or woods. that I am qualified for this text. in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. 100词左右。 · If you think someone is I am also preparing for it. My father worked as an engineer 时间:2004年5月5日,星期六following you, cross the road However, it isn’t easy to realize in a large factory which makes 晚7:30~9:30。 one or two times. If he or she the dream for me. First, I must colour TV. I studied in a primary 地点:多媒体报告厅 主讲人:continues to follow you, go to a pub or other public place. read lots of books and do the school and a secondary school in 美籍教授Iycidro. Always carry your bag exercise in it, but time is Nanjing. Later I studied at a 内容:美国印第安人与美国历史。 ·close to you, but carry your limited. I couldn’t really local vocational college 注意事项:可邀请朋友或校外同house keys in your pocket so

understand the meaning of the majoring in business. I am an 学参加,不要迟到。听完报告后,that you can open the door knowledge. Second, I need to office worker at a big company. I 要求用英文写一篇感想。 quickly. If someone attacks you - work in the daytime. I am live in a flat not very far from 通 知 remember your safety is more

important than your property. discouraged in face of those my office building. I am NOTICE problems. Can you take me currently working on open There will be an English lecture some advice? courses which are offered by on American Indians and 65..给商场经理写一封70-90词central Radio and TV University. America History 1.有关自己爱好My hobby 的投诉信 I am working very hard at them. by Miss Iycidro, an American Dear Mr. Gao, In my spare time I like watching professor from Shenzhen TV 2介绍一下你的爱好your hobby(或I am writing to complain about TV, listening to radio and University . It will be given in the work you have done to my sometimes I go swimming with the hall of the Culture Centre in How I Spend My Spare Time如何度你colour TV, my friends. At the weekends I our university on which I bought from your shop. often go out shopping in Saturday evening from 7:30 to 的业余时间等) I bought the colour TV from your different stores and 9:30, May 5, 2004. Those who 3.你的愿望是什么? shop last week. But when I came supermarkets, and sometimes are interested home and stay at home reading. in it are welcome . And you may turned it on, I found there was happy life there. also invite your friends from 4. 你理想的工作是什么;2. 你的理由;no picture at all. I tried and 69自己学习情况介绍 other schools to attend it . tried for a I am now studying in STRTVU for Be sure not to be late . After the 3. 如何实现你的理想。 long time, however, there’s still my further certificate and lecture , please write a report 5.日常活动 no picture. So I visited knowledge. about it in English . your I come here to study half a Student Union 6.描述你的朋友(或My Close Friend我shop again, telling them about month. Every time I have to May 4, 2004 the problem. But they said it study several 72.利用提示就一起谋杀案写一的好朋友等) must be my subjects or get the CIA, listening, 篇新闻报道

fault. I am very dissatisfied with and computer coaching. In Criminals: A woman

7My Classmates (我的同学) your service. fact , the Verdict: Guilty

I hope you will replace the TV knowledge in every subject is Date of trial: Yesterday

with a new one or refund me as hard for me, because I don’t Crime: Murdered 8My Teacher/ A teacher to remembersoon as have too much her husband possible. time in teaching myself in the Arrest: At home, cutting (我记忆中的老师) Yours sincerely, spare time . I have to work on up body, claimed it was meat for 9. My First Year at college(我大学生(your name) the her dinner 66.写一篇100词左右的短文,描weekdays. I work in school, so Evidence: Tests 活的第一年) 述你就读的学校的情况 sometimes I have to do extra showed it was human flesh I am studying at Nanjing Radio work for the Sentence: 25 years, 10.童年的梦想, 现在的情况 and TV University. This graduating grades. Thanks to prison university offers the teaching methods of the A woman was accused of murder 11.Happy Things in My Childhood(童variety of open and distance RTVU, I think yesterday. She was guilty of courses for adult learners. The it’s a little easy to understand murdering her 年趣事) students can the contents of the subjects. husband. She was arrested at study here and receive a The hom when she was cutting up 12.My Family (我的家庭) diploma when they get enough coaching teachers are always her husband body, credits. caring for us in studying here. So she claimed it was a meat for 13Living in a Big Family(我的大家庭) This university has three I think it her dinner. The meat was tested campuses and many classroom looks like a real university or a and the 14描述你敬佩的或特别喜欢的家庭成员 buildings. In these warm home for me. tests showed it was human buildings there are many 70. 作文2:Notice flesh. 15.My Plan for the Summer Vacationcomputers. They are all linked 假设你是王华,想去北京21st The woman was sentenced to 15 to the Internet. Century 报社应聘,请根years in prison. (我的暑假计划) The students can use computers 据下面表格写一封80-9073.如何保护人身安全

Crime Prevention Initiatives The 16My Plan for the Spring Festival(春to learn the courses at home or 词左右的应聘信。

in the 姓名吴华 职业记chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. 节计划) offices. However, they also can 者工龄 11年 But can avoid risk in the go to the classroom buildings to 出生日期1965年7月6日 you following ways. 17My Study Plan(我的学习计划) have 出生地 中国吉林长春 AT HOME face-to-face lessons. 求职信 · You should make sure your 18.The Chinese New Year (中国春节) This university is really good for Dear Sirs, house or flat is secure. Always lock the door from the busy adults. It will be a very My name is Wuhua, born on July 19.介绍你的家乡 interesting and exciting learning 6th, 1965 in Changchun, Jilin inside at night, but you must keep the key nearby, so that you experience to study at this Province, use it to get out quicklyif 20谈一谈你所在城镇发生的变化

university. China. I am a journalist and can there is a fire. 67.写一封介绍信 have already had eleven years · You must never give keys to 21My Home描述你家的位置,各个房间Dear Mr. Smith, of working workmen as they can I am writing to introduce Mr. experience. I can speak easily make copies. Wang, my former student to you. Japanese and Germany besides · If you wake up and hear a 的功能,表达你对你们家居条件的态度

burglar, stay quietly in He would English and of course

Pretend you are asleep. If 22. 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么 like to make an appointment to I’m good at operating computer. bed. you feel more confident, see you as soon as possible. I graduated from Journalism switch on the light and make a 23My Favorite Food(我最喜爱的食物)

He wants to apply for the Department of Beijing lot of noise; even if you are marketing manager post. As far University in 1990 and on your own you should call out 24The Sports Activities I Like Best/ as I know, he is then worked as a journalist in loudly to an imaginary the kind of the person working Shenzhen Daily till December, companion, so that the burglar My Favorite Sport(我最喜爱的运动) to deadlines and working alone. 1996. I studied in BBC from 1997 thinks you are not alone and away. You should have a He is to 1998 and since I came back in runs phone or a mobile in your 25The Job I Like(我喜欢的工作) patient as well as dynamic. January, 1999, I have been head bedroom Besides that, he has a good eye of the news section . to alert the police immediately. 26The Book I Like Best/My favorite for detail I will be very lucky if I can work · If you come home and think .




27A Day to Remember(值得纪念的一括下列内容①书在哪里遗失的②这本书71 作文1:假设你是汕尾广播电视大学天)



28An Unforgettable Experience(一次54.你昨天去朋友家吃了晚饭,请写一封请根据下面提示,用英文写一份书面通难忘的经历)

29.About Self-study(自学) 30.My English Study (英语学习)




31.Why I Like Learning English(我喜55.你的朋友邀请你参加他/她的生日聚地点:多媒体报告厅 主讲人:美籍教欢英语的原因)


32How to Overcome Difficulties in My 你应包括下列内容: 1.告诉对方你不能内容:美国印第安人与美国历史。 English Studies(怎样克服英语学习中接受他/她的邀请; 2.对对方的邀请表示注意事项:可邀请朋友或校外同学参加,的困难)

感谢; 3.说明无法接受邀请的原因。


33. 1、远程学习的对象/ 2、远程学习的56.(1)了解对方毕业后的情况。(2)你的一篇感想。 好处/ 3、你自己的学习情况



34.没有钱就没有爱情 love and 57(1)了解对方近来的情况。(2)通知对方报道 money

35.On Money(对金钱的看法) 36.你对网络的看法Internet

同学将在元旦举行聚会。(3)请对方参加。 73.如何保护人身安全 58(1)了解对方最近的学习情况。(2)你的学习情况。(3)请对方说说提高英语水平

37.Health and Wealth(健康与财富) 的经验。

38Ways to keep fit保持健康-体重(或59 (1)你的近况。(2)请对方帮你购买英如何保持健康How to keep healthy) 39.Water Pollution (水污染) 40.Newspaper(报纸)

41.About Friendship (关于友谊) 42.2008北京奥运会简介

语语法书。(3)邀请对方方便时来访。 60 (1)告诉对方你将参加英语四级考试。(2)询问对方如何做准备。(3)请对方建议一些参考书。


43举办奥运会的益处The advantages 工作情况。③请对方说说若何搞好同事of hosting the Olympic Games


44.Bad manner in public(公共场合的62了解对方上次出国旅游情况。②你打陋习)


45. Private Cars in China(中国的私人63①了解对方最近的工作情况。②你想轿车)


46. 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式;2.64①了解对方考试准备情况怎样。②你阐述你的理由;3.作出结论。


47.Living in a Big City(居住在大城市些建议。 的利弊)


48.About Television(对电视的看法) 信

49.Mobile Phone(手机的好处与坏处) 66.写一篇100词左右的短文,描述你就50.选择一个你想旅游的地点,并安排旅读的学校的情况 行计划,你应包括下列内容①说明你想67.写一封介绍信 旅游的地点②说明你为什么选择这个地68.介绍自己 点③描述你的旅行计划


51(1) 告诉对方你最近将出去旅游。(2) 70. 作文2:Notice

了解对方所在地的旅游点。(3) 请对方给假设你是王华,想去北京21st Century 予帮忙安排。



中国旅游,你给他回信,提出旅游建议。姓名吴华 职业记者工龄 你应包括下列内容:①接到朋友的来信11年

②你对旅游的安排计划及理由③表达你出生日期1965年7月6日 出生希望见到朋友的心愿

地 中国吉林长春


电大开放英语3复习资料(英语) - 图文 


