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九年级下册Module 2 Education Unit 2 What do I like best about school?

1教学目标 Objectives: 学习目标

? 能够尝试运用多种阅读策略完成阅读任务 ? 能够借鉴文中的关键信息介绍作者的学校生活 ? 能够灵活运用所学知识描述自己的学校生活 Teaching methods 教学方法 Speaking and reading.

Teaching important/difficult points教学重难点 Learn to talk and write about school life. Teaching aids教具准备 A computer and a projector. II课标分析

本模块的中心话题是“教育”,内容主要涉及学校生活。语言技能和语言知识主要也是围绕“教育”这一中心话题设计的。语法重点是复习代词的用法, 并能读懂有关“学校”的对话和文章。该话题为学生所熟知,非常有利于开展听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动。通过操练,使学生在掌握语言结构的同时,既学习语言知识,感悟语言功能,又能拓展知识面。在阅读过程中,学会应用寻找重复词的阅读技巧。教学中教师应随时随地以课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。 III、教材分析

Uint2通过读、写训练,学习描述学校的生活。该单元共设计了7个活动。其中活动1要求学生描述所给图片。活动2—4要求学生阅读介绍学校生活的短文,完成相应的练习。活动5-7要求根据范文写出关于你的学校生活的文章。 课型设计与课时分配

Unit 1 Listening and speaking Unit 2 Reading and writing Unit 3 Revision and application

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该模块的内容主要涉及学校生活,与学生的生活密切相关,同时该话题也为学生所熟知。学生在七年级上册第五模块就已经接触过以My School Day为话题的文章。科目名词及作息时间都在这一模块中进行过大量的练习。所以学生在接受本模块的内容上相对比较轻松。 V、教学设计 Step 1: Greeting Step 2: Preview detection Check the phrases

1.通过考试 2.中学 3.小学 4.每个星期一至星期五 5.主厅 6.校长 7. 持续一个小时 8. 课间休息9. 代替,而不是 10.一个大的运动场 11.课外活动 12.家长会 13.一学期一次 14.谈论我们的进步 15.最主要的是 Step 3: Warming up and leading-in

Q1:What subjects(科目) do you have in our school?

Q2:What do you do in our school except (除 了)learning in class? Step 4: Reading

In this procedure, let the students read the passage to do some exercises. Task 1. Match the paragraphs with the main ideas. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 what do I like best about school after-school activities subjects

Paragraph 5 Paragraph 6 River School introduce myself my weekday

Task 2: Read Paragraphs 1, and answer the question. How long has Susie been at River school? Task 3:Read Paragraph2, and tell T or F.

① River school is a secondary school, about 20 minutes by bike away home. ( ② I stayed in my secondary school for six years. ( )

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) Task4:Read Paragraphs 3 , and complete the timetable School starts Lessons start Break Another lesson starts Lunch Lessons start School ends The school day lasts for ________ hours. Task5:Read Paragraphs 4, and fill in the blanks.

①This year I have _______ subjects: _______ ( 英 语 ), _______ ( 物 理 ), ______( 数 学 ), _______ (历 史)_______ (化学), _______ (法语), _______ ( 音 乐 ), _________ ( 地 理 ), _______ (信息技术), _______(体育).

② Do all the students at River School have the same subjects? ③ Luckily, we don’t have exams in every subject. (T or F) Task6:Read Paragraphs 5, 6 and fill in the blanks.

1. After-school activities:______________ and _________________ 2. During school years there are visits to________ and ___________

3. There are __________and ___________ , and __________ are really popular. 4. There is a parents’ meeting __________

5. What does the writer like best about school?__________________________ (Give Ss 8 minutes to finish the exercises and then let them check in groups.) Step 5: Listening and Reading

First let the Ss listen to the tape and read silently. Then let them read the passage aloud.

Step 6: Groupwork:Retelling Susie’ school life

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Ss talk about Susie’ school life and then try to retelling it in groups. Then try to retell it. (According to the notes.) ? ? ? ?

When: from 8:45am to 3:15pm How: by bike

How long she has been at River School: 4 years

What her timetable is: lessons start(9:05am); each lesson lasts(1 hour); lunch

break(11:05-11:15am); in the afternoon(2 more lessons) ? ?

Subjects: (and so on)

other activities: play football and tennis

after-school activities: sports clubs and language societies like best: English, chemistry, sports club and so on. Step 7: Writing

First ask students to make a timetable for their school day in groups. Then write a composition about their school life. Use the information about Susie’s school life to help them.

where you go to school how you get there how far it is from home

how long you’ve been and will be at school what your daily timetable is what subjects you have this year

how many exams you take during your school life

what other events and activities there are in your school year what you like most and least

Give Ss five minutes to finish their compositions. Then check in class. Step 8: Summary Step 9:Homework:

Retell your school life in your own words.

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