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2020 中考英语专题复习 - 名词, 冠词,数词, 代词专题练习题+讲解(无答案)

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第一部分 名词


2.可数名词数的变化,单数和复数两种形式,单数用定冠词the和不定冠词a/an修饰。复数有以下化规则: * 一般的在词尾加s

* 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词词尾加es * 以f或fe结尾的名词将f或fe变为ves knife---knives,




shelf---shelves, thief---thieves, half---halves, self---selves 但roof---roofs

* 以o结尾的名词有两种变化形式

(1) 加es:英雄 (hero---heroes) 吃 土豆 (potato---potatoes) 西红柿 (tomato---tomatoes)

(2) 加s:有个人去了zoo---zoos,上面挂着一幅photo---photos,画中有一架piano---pianos,上面放着一台radio---radios,重一kilo---kilos。

* 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,将y去掉加ies

特别要注意元音字母加y结尾的名词:boys, holidays, monkeys, chimneye, keys… * 不规则变化 man---men,



Frenchman---Frenchmen, businessman---businessmen, policewoman---policewomen,

postman---postmen, policeman---policemen, snowman---snowmen,

child---children, foot---feet, tooth---teeth, mouse---mice * 单复数同形

fish, sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese * 总是使用复数形式的

clothes, trousers, people, shoes, boots, socks, stockings, pants, shorts, earrings, glasses

3. 不可数名词(不可数名词没有复数形式)


1) 用形容词或短语修:little, a little, a bit of, some, much, a lot of, lots of, plenty of等

2) 用容器表示:a cup of, a glass of, a bottle of, a bowl of, a piece of, a loaf of, a slice of等。表示两杯,四张等概念时,在容器后加复数,同时,谓语动词要与容器的数保持一致。 3) 注意下面的用法:

The horse is useful. (可数、类别) A horse is useful. (可数、类别) Horses are useful. (复数、类别)

I like music. (不可数、非特指)

I like the music in this CD. (不可数、特指)

4. 名词和形容词注意用法。

wool --- woolen, sun --- sunny, wind --- windy, rain --- rainy, snow --- snowy, shower --- showery, mist --- misty, cloud --- cloudy, luck --- lucky, noise --- noisy, friend --- friendly, pleasure --- pleasant, danger --- dangerous, difference --- different, health --- healthy, difficulty --- difficult

1. The __________ is in the sky. It’s a __________ day today. (sun, sunny)

2. _________ is very important. If you want to keep _________, you must do exercise every day. (health, healthy)

3. Oh, my God, bad __________. I lost the game again. I am not __________ today. (luck, lucky)

4. The boy is in __________. Let’s hurry and help him out of the __________ place. (danger, dangerous)

5. The __________ boys are making __________ in the classroom now. (noise, noisy) 5. 各国情况一览表

国家 ~国的 ~国人 人的复数

China Chinese Chinese Chinese Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese

England English Englishman (woman) Englishmen (women) Britain British British man (woman) British men (women) France French Frenchman (woman) Frenchmen (women) Germany German German Germans America American American Americans Australia Australian Australian Australians Russia Russian Russian Russians Canada Canadian Canadian Canadians

6. 名词的所有格(作形容词用,修饰名词) * 有生命的事物可在其后加’s,表示所属。 单数名词’s:a dog’s tail, Helen’s doctor 复数名词s’:a girls’ school, ladies’ hats

特殊变化的复数,变化后再加’s:Women’s Day, children’s palace

复合名词在最后一个词后加’s:somebody else’s umbrella, each other’s names

表示几个人共同拥有一样东西,在最后一个人的名字后加’s:Lucy and Lily’s mother


Lucy’s and Lily’s schoolbags

* 无生命的事物,可用“the/a + 所有物 + of + 所有者”表示所属: a map of China, the door of this classroom, the leaves of the tree

* 表示价格、距离、时间、重量等的名词可加’s或s’表示所属: today’s newspaper, twenty miles’ journey, three pounds’ weight, ten dollars’ coffee

* 当限定词与名词或代词的所有格修饰同一个名词时,两者不能同时放在该名词的前面,必须用“双重所有格”的形式,即“a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, no等 + 名词 + of + 所有格形式”表示所属。

a classmate of mine, a friend of his brother’s

第二部分 冠词

1.不能单独使用的虚词,只能附着在一个名词上,帮助说明这个名词的含义。 2.定冠词the

(1)用于重新提到的人或事物的前面。 (2)用于说话双方丢知道的人或事物的前面。

(3)用于单数可数名词前面,表示某一类人或事物。(The horse is useful)

(4)用于世界上独一无二的事物前面。the world, the sun, the

2020 中考英语专题复习 - 名词, 冠词,数词, 代词专题练习题+讲解(无答案)


