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高考英语每周一卷第九周 避免头重脚轻的it句式+Word版含答案

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第九周 避免头重脚轻的it句式




1.It takes (sb.) some time/energy/effort ... to do sth.

It took them about half an hour to work out the difficult maths problem. 他们花了大约半个小时的时间才解出这道数学难题。 2.It is/was+形容词+(of/for sb.) to do sth.

I badly need to improve my oral English, so it is great for me to find a native speaker to learn from.(2015·四川高考满分作文)


3.It is/was+形容词+that ...

It is true that a smart phone plays an important role in our daily life.(2014·重庆高考满分作文)

确实,智能手机在我们日常生活中扮演重要的角色。 4.It is/was+名词+(of/for sb.) to do sth.

It is everyone’s responsibility to obey the rules to keep the society in order and people’s lives safe.(2015·江苏高考满分作文)

遵守规则让社会发展平稳、人民生活安定是每个人的责任。 5.It is/was+名词+that ...

It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century don’t attract visitors.

很遗憾,这些建于十九世纪的工业城市对游客并没有吸引力。 6.It is/was+过去分词+that ...

It’s known to all that “Where there is a will, there is a way”.(2014·四川高考满分作文)

众所周知,“有志者事竟成”。 7.It seems/appears/happens+that ...

It happened that he was a doctor, so the sick man was saved.

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碰巧他是个医生,因此病人得救了。 8.It hits/strikes/occurs to sb. that ...

Did it ever occur to you that you would end up in prison if you continued behaving like that?

你就没想到如果继续这样做最终会被关进监狱吗? 9.It is/was (about/high) time that ...

It’s high time that we students should work/worked harder at our lessons as the College Entrance Examination is approaching.

随着高考的临近,该是我们学生更加努力学习的时候了。 10.It matters+that/wh-/if/whether从句 It doesn’t matter whether it is expensive or not. 它是否昂贵并不重要。

11.It is/was one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事 It is your turn to pick up the kids from school this afternoon. 今天下午轮到你去学校接孩子了。

12.It is/was time for sb. to do sth.某人该做某事了

I know it is time for me to set out to do my homework, but I just can’t resist playing computer games.

我知道是开始做作业的时候了,但我就是忍不住要玩电脑游戏。 13.It is/was no good/use/useless doing sth.做某事没有好处/用处 It is no use trying to solve the problem by force. Peace talks are the only solution.

试图用武力解决问题是没用的,和谈才是唯一的办法。 14.It is/was no surprise/wonder that ...……不足为怪/难怪…… The Internet keeps us informed of the latest news and also provides entertainment in the house. It is no wonder that it’s so popular worldwide.


15.It goes without saying that ... 不用说……

Therefore, it goes without saying that it is this motto that brings me motivation and encouragement.(2014·山东高考满分作文)

因此,不用说是这句箴言给我带来了动力和鼓励。 [即时演练] 补全句子

好好努力 梦想终会实现




It’s_my_honour_to_stand here and say something about friendship. 2.显而易见,iPad对我们的学习有很大帮助,尤其是对我们的英语听力。 It_is_obvious_that iPad is of great help to our study, especially to our English listening.


It_goes_without_saying_that modern technology brings us convenience and comfort in life.


It_was_reported_that the accident resulted from the driver’s careless driving. 5.众所周知,学好英语对我们大家都大有益处。

It_is_universally_acknowledged/It_is_well_known_that learning English well will be of great benefit to us all.



1.动词+it+形容词/名词+to do/doing/that从句(常见的动词有:find, feel, think, consider, make, believe, guess, suppose, assume)

①She found it easy to retell the story when she looked at the pictures. 她发现看着图画复述这个故事很容易。

②In a word, wild release makes it much more convenient for us to choose what books we like.(2015·重庆高考满分作文)

总之,自由分享使得我们选择所喜欢的书籍方便得多。 2.I’d appreciate it if ...如果……我将感激不尽 I’d appreciate it if you don’t tell anybody about this. 这件事你不说出去的话,我会感激不尽。

3.Sb. would prefer it if ... 如果……某人将会非常喜欢

Mary would prefer it if you attend the party on the summer vacation. 如果暑假你来参加那个聚会,玛丽将会非常喜欢。

4.Sb. likes/loves/hates/dislikes it when ... 某人喜欢/不喜欢…… I dislike it when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don’t like. 我不喜欢中国主人不停地给我夹我不喜欢的菜。 5.When it comes to ... 当谈到……

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He’s a bit of an expert when it comes to computers. 他在计算机方面很在行。

6.It is the first/second ... time that ... 这是第一/二……次…… It is the first time that he has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. 这是他第一次获得诺贝尔文学奖。

7.It is/has been+一段时间+since ...自从……多长时间了

It is already three years since he worked in this company, and now he can’t still find a job.

自从他离开这家公司以来已有三年了,现在还没有找到一份工作。 8.It+be+一段时间+before ...多久之后就/才…… Don’t be upset. It will be half a year before we meet again. 不要伤心了,半年之后我们还会再见面。 [即时演练] 补全句子


I think_it_necessary_that we take plenty of boiled water every day. 2.作为中学生,我们应该把对食物浪费说“不”当成一项规定。 As middle school students, we should make_it_a_rule_to_say “No” to food waste.


When_it_comes_to a choice, I prefer to go traveling. 4.我们从一中毕业已经十年了。

It_is/has_been_ten_years_since we graduated from the No. 1 High School. [综合演练提能]



It_doesn’t_matter_what you wear, so long as you look neat and tidy. 2.孩子们有足够的睡眠是很有必要的。

It_is_necessary_that children (should) have enough sleep. 3.如果你能教我如何用电脑,我将不胜感激。

I’d_appreciate_it_if you could teach me how to use the computer. 4.当谈及我所在的班级时,我必须说我不能忍受一些同学的自私。

When_it_comes_to my class, I have to say that I can’t stand some classmates’ selfishness.(2015·广东高考满分作文)

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5.不久之后,通往停车场有两个入口,使得现在我们进去更加容易。 Soon after, there are two entrances to the parking places, making_it_easier_for_us _to_enter it now.(2014·北京高考满分作文)

Ⅱ.请按以下内容要点写一篇有关Lucy的英语短文,尽可能多地使用it句式。 1.露西没有通过英语口语考试,这是很令人惊奇的,而且她不相信是真的。但是真的很遗憾,她竟然没有通过考试。





It was very surprising that Lucy didn’t pass her oral English test, and she couldn’t believe it. However, it was really a pity that she failed in the test. Why? It was because of her laziness. Then she realized that it was important for her to work hard and practice more, so she has been working harder since then. Now she finds it interesting to practice speaking English and she enjoys it when she can speak fluent English.

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高考英语每周一卷第九周 避免头重脚轻的it句式+Word版含答案


