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Unit 8答案 Active reading (1)

? 课前预习 语段

l. a spasm of the emotion 2」et it go

3.insinuate something else into

4. attended by the illumination of another field of interest 5. the old undue grip

6. the process of recuperation and repair 7. the cultivation of a hobby 8. new forms of interest

9. a policy of first importance

lO.improvised by a mere command of the will 11 .the growth of alternative men tai interests 12. be sedulously tended

13. the vivifying fruits are to be at hand when needed 14. aggravates the strain of mental effort

15. acquire great knowledge of topics unconnected with his daily work 16. get any benefit or relief

17. Broadly speaking 18.those who are toiled to death 19. those who are worried to death 20. those who are bored to death

21. the manual labourer, tired out with a hard week's sweat and effort 22. trifling things

23. command everything 24. gratify every caprice

25」ay their hands on almost every object of desire 26. discipline in one form or another

27. rational, industrious useful human beings 28. the means of sustenance 29. a keen appetite for pleasure 30. Fortune5s favoured children 31 .a natural harmony 32.it may well be that

33. those whose work is their pleasure


1? Pastime 2. hobbies 3. recuperation 4. cultivation 5. policy 6. different

? 课文辅导(即时操练)The sooner you start, the more quickly youUl finish?

2- 3 The more time you spend in front of a computer screen, the less interest you have in the outside world.

你越少运动就越会变得像沙发土豆。Don't wony, help is at hand !

Recent economic performance suggests that a major crisis is at hand.Its no use complaining - you just need to take the test again later.做体力工作的人対生活的期望值要低一点。


8-5 如有问题,查电脑维修手册。Looking after the children really tires me out.

I would read any book I could lay my hands on.All our work was in vain.United Nations Compensation Commission 联合国赔偿委员会

employee compensation 职员扌艮酬

unemployment compensation 失业补偿金 (AmE)

variable compensation 可变报酬

workmen's compensation 工人伤残赔偿 claim for compensation 索赔 economic compensation 经济赔偿

compensation insurance 职工赔偿保险 She banished all thought of a restful holiday (from her mind).

Thousands were banished to Siberia?

He comes back to see us at regular intervals.


1. 2. 3? It’s no use running away from responsibilities when an accident happened 4. His objective was to tire out the climbers.

5. Police searched in vain for the missing gunman. 6. Banish gloom from your thoughts.

7. If you feel tired easily, it may well be that you need to consult a doctor. 8. The more hobbies you have, the less likely you are to worry.9? The phone rang at regular intervals all afternoon.

10- She still has an optimistic outlook for the future.

Active reading (2)

? 课前预习 语段

1.leisure inactivities 2. time off

3. the Victorians 4. avoid temptation

5. bird-watching, gardening and trainspotting 6. peculiar game with weird rules 7. call it a draw 8.leisure creature 9. the couch potato

10. Laziness is an art form. II .reclining chair

12.the channel hopper 13.be worthy of the name 14. physical exercise

15. risks one’s status as sth? 16. the attention span 17>damage one's image

18.inherently healthy 19.the British Potato Council

20.inherent risks 21. telly belly

22. a mark of their dedication to their leisure inactivity 23. muffin top

24. a version of the couch potato

25. the online activities on the computer 26. the mouse potato

27. risk a threat by someone

28. perform extensive Internet searches

29.1eave ill-informed and badly spelt opinions around the virtual world 30.insulting one's intelligence3 l.log the distance your mouse travels 32. mouse miles

33. with a minimum of effort 34. earn that telly belly 35. Get started today? 概要

1) Victorian 2) sin 3) inactivity 4) creature 5) worthy 6) version 8) virtual 9) insulting


1?1 There was a peculiar smell in the kitchen.

1- 2 It seems very peculiar that no one noticed Jane had gone. 1- 3该地北部独特的口咅 1- 4亚洲独有的鸟种 1- 5 8世纪特有的风俗习惯 2- 1履行诺言、实现誓言 2- 2实现目标、实现梦想 2- 3履行职责

2-4服从要求、履行义务 2-5执行合同 2-6符合你的预想 2-7发挥自己的才能

2- 8她继续过一种心满意足的生活

3- 1 This wine is best served chilled?

3- 2早晨的寒凉、一月的寒意/害怕的感觉/着凉 3- 3寒风

3- 4吓人的鬼故事/寒冷的天、房间/冷淡的迎接、接待 4- 1 worthy 4- 2 worth 4- 3 worth 4- 4 worthy 4-5 worthy 4-6 worthwhile

7) extensive



