Adaptive Hammerstein Predistorter Using the Recursive Prediction Error Method
Adaptive Hammerstein Predistorter Using the
Recursive Prediction Error Method
LI Hui;WANG Desheng ;CHEN Zhaowu
【期刊名称】《清华大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2008(013)001
【摘要】The digital baseband predistorter is an effective technique to compensate for the nonlinearity of power amplifiers (Pas) with memory effects. However, most available adaptive predistorters based on direct learning architectures suffer from slow convergence speeds. In this paper, the recursive prediction error method is used to construct an adaptive Hammerstein predistorter based on the direct learning architecture,which is used to linearize the Wiener PA model. The effectiveness of the scheme is demonstrated on a digi-tal video broadcasting-terrestrial system. Simulation results show that the predistorter outperforms previous predistorters based on direct learning architectures in terms of convergence speed and linearization. A simi-lar algorithm can be applied to estimate the Wiener PA model, which will achieve high model accuracy. 【总页数】6页(17-22)
【关键词】power amplifier; predistorter; Wiener system; Hammerstein system; recursive prediction error method 【作者】LI Hui;WANG Desheng ;CHEN Zhaowu
Adaptive Hammerstein Predistorter Using the Recursive Prediction Error Method