the story may sound simple, but the truth behind the words is remarkable. when i heard the name of the film first time, i considered the shawshank to be a man’ name, but in face it is a jail——a hell in the world. not only for the inhumanity of the jailors——they behaved rudely but also for the jail gnawed at people’ heart by keeping them waiting and waiting as life passed. it seemed that only those utterly worthless people who gave up everything could survive. that’s where the story happened. that’s why i like this film: it encourages people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. everyone is the same. the only difference is whether busy living or
busy dying.篇二:肖申克的救赎英语演讲稿 演讲稿 today,i will introduce a movie to you know this movie? who have watched this movie before? ok, one question for you. just imagine you are caught by police one day for some reason. all the evidence show that you have killed someone, but actually you are innocent,somebody else is responsible. finally, you are sent into prison for a sentence of several years. what will you do ? no evidence can prove your innocence. all of you can think about this question,because it does happen in our real life. what do you think? now this happens to the hero in this movie.lets see
what the hero will do. this is our hero,andy, a banker , whowas wrongly accused of murdering his wife, and is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at shawshank.this is norton,thewarden,a cruel man . here is red ,if youre sensitive enough,you can find red is the first three letters of redemption,right? red is rejected for parole after having served twenty years of his and andy gradually became friends. red is able to get some small goods for the prisoners, so andy asked red for a rock hammer because of his interest in carving rocks .but with this hammer, andy escaped
from the prison.this is amazing ? andy dug a big hole on the wall for 19 years and hid it with a poster, just beyond our imagination. he crawled through 500 yards and then a pipe full of shitsmelling dirty water .finally he got freedom. you know, the freedom is waiting for you out of theshawshank. consequently, if i were andy ,i can break through the
dirty water. but what about 19 years to dig a big hole.will you do it ? ? another thing is , do you think andy is just keeping digging every day during the 19 years? of course not. i think this is the most amazing part of the movie. he played music,every man felt free;he expanded the library by writing one letter per weeks to the government to ask for money to rebuild the liberary; he helped tommy
to read from abcs. ? whats more,he helped the guards do tax returns, even ? red was faced with the same situation with brooks, after he was out of the prison. that is he cannot adapt himself to the life out of the prion, and even worse, he have no hope about his new life out theshawshank. but, finally, because of andy, red found a different way of life,full of hope.andy once said,hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies. so he decided to go to buxton and start
a new life.they met again in the coast of pacafic ocean. ? because time is limited, i cant mention all the details of the movie.youd better watch it yourself,everyone could find something precious inside.thanks foryou
attention!篇三:肖申克的救赎-英文影评 hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies! i can’t agree with it any more. in the film, the walls of the prison can bind people’s freedom. but they can not deprive people’s hope. the hero, andy, never abandons the desire for freedom, and he keeps up working for his hope. every night andy uses the little hammer to dig the wall that in others’ opinion, it will takes hundreds of years to dig through. he makes all preparations for leaving the prison. so he succeeds, and regains the precious freedom. it is hope that helps andy get through painful prison life and regain the the same time, hope saves his friend’s life too. therefore, in real life, no matter how difficult the situation is, we shouldn’t give up our hope. we should stick to work hard for the hope. in
this way our life will not lose its significance. so please remember, hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies! 希望是美好的事物,也许是世上最美好的事物。美好的事物从不消逝。影片中安迪有这样一句话:“dont forget that there are ? places ? in the world that are not made up of stone, there is something ? inside ? that they can not get to ? that is hope (不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望)”。的确,正像andy所说的,监狱的高墙可以束缚住我们的身体上的自由,甚至于体制化的东西可以束缚住我们的精神上的自由,但唯有希望不可以放弃。失去希望的生活是灰暗的,没有生气的,甚至是没有意义的。在andy的心中一直就没有放弃对自由的渴望,而且他也一直在为自己的希望努力着——每天晚上都要用那个小锤去挖red认为几百年也挖不穿的墙壁。而对red和brooks来说,他们早就放弃了希望,因为在他们看来希望只能让自己更痛苦,甚至认为希望便是痛苦的根源。一个人能够在19年痛苦的监狱生活里,不放弃对自由的向往,这是一种怎样的精神信念,所以他成功了,夺回了自己的自由,主的审判迅速降临。
有了希望,生命就不会失去意义 remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever
dies!记住,希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。 andy in the film there is such a word: dont forget that there are ... places ... in the world that are not made up of stone, there is something ... inside ... that they can not get to ... that is hope ( dont forget the world through walls, all things, theres something inside, that they cannot get to, that they cannot touch, that is hope ) . indeed, as andy said, the wall can bind our body freedom, even in the system that can bind our spiritual freedom, but only hope can not give up. lose hope of life is dull, lifeless, and even there is no significance. andy in my heart has not abandoned the desire for freedom, but he has also been hope for their own efforts -- every night to use the hammer to dig red that hundreds of years to dig through the wall. and for red and brooks, they had to give up hope, because in their view of hope can only make yourself more pain, even think hope is the source of the pain. a man in the 19 years of painful prison life, do not give up longing for freedom,
this is a kind of spiritual beliefs, so he succeeded, recapturing their freedom, the judgment of the lord fell quickly.篇四:《肖申克的救赎》电影英语论文 浅析《肖申克的救赎》主题思想 学院:嘉兴学院 姓名:汪焕荣
学号:201245679114 摘要:影片《肖申克的救赎》是非常好看的作品,其中包含的深刻的人生 哲理是观赏了这部影片观众最大的收获,影片讲述了一个大银行副总裁安迪被 指控为杀死其妻子及其妻子的情妇的凶手而被判两个无期徒刑郎当入狱,后运 用自己的才能替狱长及其他狱警洗黑钱、逃税而渐渐得到较好的对待,期间用 自己的才能帮助狱中许多牢犯,带给他们希望,之后得
知有证据证明自己清白 却不能申冤时,利用十几年挖出的地道成功越狱的故事。 关键词:肖申克的救赎 监狱 希望 《肖申克的救赎》以主角安迪在法庭上接受审判为开端,从而故事得以在2小时22分钟的时间内娓娓道来。《肖申克的救赎》讲的是身为银行家的主人公安迪因杀害妻子和妻子的情人而被判终身监禁,肖申克正是男主人公所在的监狱的名字。与此同时,影片中的另一位男主人公red则再次被驳回了假释权力,red在肖申克监狱里面可以通过自己的个人势力,弄到任何你想得到的东西。就在这时安迪和另外一群新的犯人被带入肖申克,red和他的一群狱友以“哪个新犯人是最先忍受不住监狱的生活而先失声哭喊”为赌注,而red赌的是安迪,并因此而输掉了一包香烟。刚进入监狱的安迪非常的沉默,但是一个月之后安迪为了买一把
锤子第一次与red有了接触。 影片以安迪在肖申克监狱里的经历为主要内容,像我们讲述一个不为人知的世界。监狱的高墙、狱警的滥用私刑、姐妹花的出现、老books的死和监狱长的以权谋私等等,影片中像我们展示的每一个场景,我觉得都足以让我们深思。red说在肖申克中每个人都有自己的手段去打发时间,不然人真的会发疯,因为他们最不缺的就是时间,有人收集邮票、有人研究牌,而安迪则是打磨石头。肖申克是一块被人遗忘的地方,待在里面的人也是被时间遗忘的,当我们在为时间不够用而发愁的时候,根本就不会想到世界的角落里还有那样一群人,在他们的生活里时间是静止的,甚至是为了打发时间而不得不找事情去做,这样的对比真的
不知道是一种讽刺还是可悲。 影片中还有很多引人思考的地方,《肖申克的救赎》给我印象最深的地方是老books的死。当狱友在为books得到假释机会可以出狱而高兴的时候,books却痛哭流涕,甚至为了能留在肖申克中而想要杀害自己的狱友,最后被安迪制止,books出狱,但是却选择了自杀,最后死在小旅馆内。出狱后的books看到满大街的汽车和城市的高楼大厦,带着满脸的疑惑和不安,他不知道该何去何从,他对这个世界是陌生的,甚至不知道该怎样过马路。books说他只在小的时候看到过一两次汽车,没想到现在满大街都是,他感觉到自己的衰老和力不从心,多次从睡梦中醒来,却不知道自己身在何处,最后books死在了小旅馆内,在死前留下了他的痕迹。 books的死不能不说是他的悲哀,甚至是整个社会的悲哀,books只是被时间和咱们的社会遗忘了,他被抛到社会的圈子之外,留在了像肖申克那样的角落里,当他再次回到平凡世界的时候,他已经跟不上我们的节奏,在不安中他选择了死去。red说books应该死在肖申克中而不是孤零零的死在外面,因为肖申克至少是books生活过的所熟知的世界,在肖申克
中他是一位绅士,在外面的世界中他什么都不是。 red说:这些高墙还真是有意思,一开始你恨它,讨厌它,然后慢慢的你就对它习惯了,渐渐的,甚至你还会依赖它,直到和它融为一体。这正是他们想要的结果。不知道你们在看到这段话的时候是什么感觉,反正我当时是被震撼了,被摩根?弗里曼的演技和这段话给深深
到最后的不想离开,这正是达到了规训的效果,通过生活的隔离而达到规训的结果。 监狱的高墙就像我们社会的体制,有些人是在体制内的,而有些人则是在体制外的,甚至被抛到了社会的边缘,肖申克中的那群人就是体制外的,在体制内人的眼中他们是社会的危害分子,所以要被远远的、牢牢的看守住隔离开来,直到他们自己离不开那堵高墙,体制内化到他们的内心里,成功的被贴上“危险分子、社会的败类”等标签。而我们可以看到的是,虽然他们已经被抛弃了,但仍然向往着自由,仍然以自己的方式去对抗“高墙”的同化,
他们是能动的、具有思想的活生生的个体,而不是木偶一样毫无反抗的被抹除。 在影片中,男主人公和他的狱友们一起做户外劳动的时候,安迪冒着被推下楼的危险,只为给同伴们争取到每人两瓶啤酒喝,因为那样他们才像一个户外劳动者,才像一个自由人,而不是肖申克监狱中的一名罪犯,当同伴坐在屋顶沐浴在阳光下喝着冰镇啤酒的时候,安迪只是静静的坐在一边露出了微笑。red说或许安迪那样做只是为了追求心灵上片刻的自由吧。还有,安迪冒着被关禁闭的危险播放音乐,那一刻影片中所有的肖申克的罪犯都同时驻足聆听,他们脸上的向往让我震撼。这就是他们的反抗,用自己微薄的力量,只为换来片刻的正常人的生活,“到今天我还不知道那两个意大利娘们在唱些什么,其实,我也不想知道。有些东西还是留着不说为妙。我想她们该是在唱一些非常美妙动人的故事,美妙得难以用言语来表达,美妙的让你心痛。告诉你吧,这些声音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦还要遥远。就像一些美丽的鸟儿扑打着翅膀来到我们的牢笼,让那些墙壁消失得无影无踪。就在那一刹那,鲨堡监狱的每一个人都感到了自由。” 影片的最后,以男主人公安迪的越狱成功达到了反抗的高潮,让人忍不住想到希望总会存在 ,希望不是一件危险的事情,高墙和制度永远关不住漂亮的鸟,因为它们的羽毛太鲜亮了,把它们关起来是一种罪恶。不管“高墙”多么的坚实与牢固,总是挡不住希望,挡不住那一颗颗反抗的心。 生活亦是这样,《肖申克的救赎》给我们留下了希望,肖申克的高墙都挡不住生的希望,生活在平凡中的我们为何要被我们自己心灵上的“高墙”所挡住呢!也许那堵高墙不是你我
所筑,但是我们总要相信希望就在那里,就在我们无意识的反抗之中。 参考资料: 百度百科 《肖申克的救赎》原文对话 [1][2]篇五:肖申克的救赎中英文影评全 《肖申克的救赎》观后感 这是我第二次看这部电影。其实在很早之前我都一直想看它,但是碍于各种原因一直没机会,后来终于有机会了,但却没留下任何印象。而这一次,又完全是偶然,但是却给了我
不少感触,收获颇多,觉得这是一部值得再看的电影。 我看过不少写狱中生活的电影,包括《越狱》,它们所反映的狱中生活都是恐怖的代名词。这部电影也不然。但是,它除了描述邪恶之外,更多的是人的希望,激发人积极向上的思想。 无辜的银行家安迪入狱,开始时努力适应新环境,但并不和别人打交道,但是两个月后还是开始和别人打起了交道,并和瑞德等人成为好朋友,狱中生活虽然很艰苦,但是其中不乏温馨的场面,譬如,瑞德他们一群人在夕阳的余晖下享受安迪的啤酒,享受心灵上的自由......
虽然安迪在狱中也受了不少苦,但是他从未自暴自弃。 让我很有感触的还有老布,他是监狱中看管图书馆的,也是一名罪犯,在狱中呆了大半辈子,最终获假释时却不想出去。瑞德分析他是制度化了,在狱中他是有地位的,但是出去
死于他才是真正的一种自由。 其实,电影着重向人们传递一种生活的态度,一种永远心存希望的人生态度。可以说,被判无期徒刑的安迪甚至于鲨堡狱中所有的有罪的无罪的罪犯,他们的生活几乎是没有希望
了,但是电影通过安迪这一任务,他的所作所为,像我们展示了希望的力量。 安迪在狱中写了六年的信,终于得到了200元的资助和一些别人捐的旧书,这是安迪的狱中图书馆的开始,后来他又坚持写信,又获得了另一笔500元的图书馆资助,后来他的图
书馆越办越好,他还组织别人考学历,帮助汤米从abc开始学习。 但是,他却从一开始就在为逃狱做准备,所以到最后,我们不得不佩服他的智慧,开始觉得他为典狱长洗钱是一种交易,自己可以好过些的交易,但是后来才知道,他在为以后做准备。
他重拾自己的爱好,甚至为了放几首音乐而被关禁闭两个星期。 影片结局安迪成功逃狱,这只管不住的小鸟终于自由了,瑞德也终于获得假释。最后的 场景很温馨,很感人。两人终于会面,我想,这应该是他们这辈子最美好的回忆吧。重获自由的那份喜悦。 影片像我们阐述了希望的力量,它告诉我们:希望是件好事,也许是人间至善,而美好的东西永不消逝。 总而言之,这是一部值得细细品味的电影。